Valentino's Little Bi★ch

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It's been 2 weeks now since Frollo's deal with Valentino, who now owns his soul, and things have been shit. Ever since that day, Frollo has been humiliated beyond his belief, Valentino had instantly put his ass to work as one of his whores, filming porn, and spending nights with horny strangers, Frollo has also dealt with Val's short temper, and experienced the same abuse all who'd been there before him had suffered.
This day is no different, Frollo was sitting on the floor of the studio right after filming had ended. His body was shaky and sore, sweat glistening on his exposed body. He looked up as Valentino approached him. "You've done such a good job, my little Twink, keep this up and you might be known all across Hell" Valentino's voice was mocking him, how could he have fallen for this, if only he'd denied meeting Val, he probably wouldn't be in this situation, but it's too late now. Frollo slowly stood from the ground, his body still trembling, he felt all eyes on him, but not in a good way, he was humiliated, once a man of high status and virtue reduced to nothing more than a common sinner, a disgrace to the lord. His legs went weak, and he collapsed into Vals' arms, not having the strength to pull away at the moment. Frollo looked up into the eyes of the demon who owned his soul. A shiver ran down his spine as he saw no mercy behind those cruel eyes. He knew he'd fucket up, and there was no way to turn back now, and he felt vulnerable and helpless in Valentino's arm.
Frollo closed his eyes as Valentino forced a kiss on him. He felt Vals' long, slimy tongue slip into his mouth, he shuttered, the taste was horrible and he could both smell and taste his breath. Frollo gaged at the flavor, it was like drinking piss, he felt like he was about to puke, being overwhelmed by everything, his mind raced with memories from his past, everything that had lead to this moment. Frollo wished he could go back and change what happened, wished he hadn't fucket up so much, and maybe just maybe he'd be in Heaven right now, where he believes he belongs.

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