Chapter 1 Sn II

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Fourth and Gemini are still married after a year of happiness, things didn't turn out as Gemini imagined.

The princess treatment ends after Namtan paid them a visit one time and Fourth started acting cold towards him even though Gemini loves him so much.

The very night Gemini discovered that he was pregnant with Fourth's child, things turned sour.

"Fourth if I were to be pregnant would you want to keep the baby?" Gemini asked while doing the dishes and Fourth was working on his laptop.

"Ask me important things...can't you see I'm busy? Pregnant? How can you be pregnant after all this time that's not possible " Fourth continued his work

"I'm just asking if you'd be interested in having your baby incase i was pregnant" Gemini asked again hoping Fourth would agree this time.

Instead Fourth handed him some papers as he read through them he was shocked.

"Divorce papers??" He stepped backwards with his hands trembling, he dropped the papers on the floor while shaking his head

"Here's the thing, we're divorcing just for a while. I'll marry the daughter of the most influential man next week and we'll act as brothers till i get the power and inheritance then we'll go back to our normal lives" Fourth explained.

"Why do you want power? You're already powerful and rich too right?" Gemini asked his voice low

"My company is running losses this year and going bankrupt. Remember i used most of my money in you and your please just do me this favor huh?" Fourth asked in a soothing voice

"Fourth i can do anything but this....I don't want a divorce please?" Gemini isn't able to control his tears.

Fourth gets close to him and hugs him
"You're my princess right? You'll follow whatever I tell you right? Now trust me on this one" he pats Gemini's back.

With his hands trembling, he signs the divorce papers tears dropping on it.

"Princesses don't cry, now wipe your tears and let's go to bed okay?"
Gemini nods as they both leave, Fourth tells Gemini to sleep in a different room as they have to start practicing on how they'll act as brothers.

Gemini hesitates at first but nods and goes to a different room. He gently brushes his tummy with his hand, "I'm sorry baby, I don't know what to do at this point. Your dad might not be around all the time but get used to having me around "

He gets to bed struggling with positions as he has never slept alone for a year now.
He gets to sleep while recalling all the good times they had.

Fourth had always let him do whatever he wants, his friends Phuwin, Jeff and Prim visiting him whenever and are amazed at how he got a perfect husband.

He remembers on his birthday, Fourth bought him a Mercedes and a house that could be his hang out with friends. He always calls him 'princess' countless times just to annoy him but he low key likes it.

The only time Fourth changed was after Namtan's visit and Gemini suspects that it might be related to this sudden divorce...he looks at his wept pillow soaked in tears, he changes to the other one and sleep.

He wakes up the next morning and Fourth was already gone  to the office.
He calls his friends over but they all agree to meet him at his hangout  condo together.

Moments later Gemini was with his friends and feels like telling them about the divorce but they might cause chaos in between and so they sat silently with their popcorns and video games waiting for their friend to talk.

"Gem what is it?" Phuwin asked

"Nothing important..I just miss you guys so much "he starts crying as everyone gets concerned, they sooth him.

"It's not been two weeks since we met here, this isn't about us. Tell us if Fourth is causing you any trouble " Jeff responded

"Fourth is perfect I've never heard Gem complain not even once, right Gem?" Phuwin asked as Gemini nods wiping his tears.

"Let's have lunch then we'll go shopping later? I'm okay guys" Gemini forced a smile curling his lips.

Even though his friends weren't convinced, they tried to cheer him up.
While they were cooking, Gemini didn't like the smell at all he hurried to the bathroom and puked. He couldn't stop throwing up as Jeff and Prim helps in the kitchen, Phuwin went to check on him.

"Why are you throwing up like a pregnant woman, are you sick?" Phuwin asked through the door startling him.

"I'm okay Phu...just alittlle nauseous " Gemini answered while sitting on the floor facing the toilet bowl.

"Gem are you done? Can I come in?"


Phuwin helps him stand as he takes him to the bedroom to have some rest.

"I'll call your family doctor to check on you " Phuwin scrolled through his phone..

"No Phu I...i went to the hospital already don't worry about it " Gemini replied

"Should I call your husband then?"

"Huhh?" Gemini startled

"I'm calling Fourth "  Phuwin insisted

" can't call him besides you guys are here with me so I'm okay " Gemini convinced him and he nodded.

Gemini's thought:

Fourth can't know that I'm pregnant especially after we divorced...
I should try and act normal.
He's done so much for me and my dad, acting like his brother won't be a big deal.


Gemini didn't feel like eating that food instead he wanted something crunchy and a cold drink.
So they all went out and Gemini bought what he wanted.
As they were in the mall, someone bumped onto Gemini and with his delicate shoulder, he went falling but the man grabbed him just on time as their gazes meet, he looked so intently at Gemini while firmly holding his waist.

Phuwin asks the man to apologize as they snap back, the man greets them all then folds both of his hands

"I'm sorry...kho thot.." the man gave Gemini an apologetic look

"It's okay, next time watch where you are going " Gemini replied

"Thank name is Bright Vachirawit" he extended his hand to greet Gemini who greeted him back as their friends look at each other suspiciously.

"I'm Gemini Jiro-....I'm Gemini Norawit and this is Phuwin, Jeff and Prim " They both bow for greetings.

"Narak" Bright mumbled "doing shopping? Mind grabbing a drink some time, here's my card" he gives it to Gemini as they part ways, Phuwin grabs the card from Gemini's hand

"You're certainly not thinking of having a drink with him are you? " Phuwin looked him in the eyes while Gemini blinks

"Ofcourse not.." Gemini slightly scratched his neck

"Good, I'll call him instead " Phuwin put the card in his pocket, they both laugh as Jeff tease him that Bright didn't see him he only saw Gem.

Here is to a season II cheers 🥂.
Stay tuned!
Note that this is fiction and just my story. If you don't like it i respect that.
To those who like it, I'll be updating more often and anytime!!

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