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Hi am here again with the third chapter actually am more eager to know what will happen next hehe so let's enjoy our third chapter and also tell me how you'll like Eithan Domain.

Let's continue

Enjoy Happy Reading 🥰🥰🥰


As dawn broke, the storm's fury had subsided, leaving only a light drizzle tapping softly against the mansion's windows. The darkness had given way to a muted gray morning light, which filtered into the room, casting soft shadows over everything.

Eithan sat there, his large frame still cradling her, his body warmth a steady comfort. The tension in his shoulders had eased, and the hard line of concern etched on his face had softened. The fever that had raged in her was gone now, leaving her skin cool and her breathing steady.

The blanket, once wrapped tightly around them both, had been carelessly discarded in the night, lying in a heap on the floor. His strong arms still held her close, but now it was more out of instinct than necessity. Her body, once burning with heat, now lay peacefully against his, her temperature finally normal.

Eithan's gaze moved to her face, where the flush of fever had faded, replaced by a calm serenity. The room was quiet, save for the occasional drip of rain against the windowpane, and in that silence, he finally allowed himself to breathe.

Before she could stir or open her eyes, Eithan gently eased himself from the bed, his movements fluid and silent despite his size. He glanced at her one last time to make sure she remained peaceful, then slipped out of the room, closing the door behind him with a quiet precision.

Once in the hallway, his expression hardened. The calm he had shown inside quickly evaporated, replaced by a storm of cold fury. He called for his men with a sharp, low command, his voice brooking no hesitation. "Send for the doctor," he ordered, the words clipped and final. "She needs a thorough check-up. No delays."

Without waiting for a response, Eithan descended the grand staircase with long, purposeful strides, his mind already on the servants who had failed to inform him of her condition. Their negligence was unforgivable.

The fire that burned within him was as fierce as the one that had crackled in the hearth the night before. By the time he reached the lower floor, the first unlucky few were already waiting, summoned by his men. Eithan's eyes flickered over them, his expression unreadable, but the coldness in his gaze was enough to send a chill through the room.

There would be consequences. And this time, there would be no second chances.The servants stood in a nervous line, their eyes downcast, none daring to meet Eithan's gaze. The air in the room was thick with tension, every second feeling like an eternity as they awaited their fate. Eithan’s presence filled the space, his towering frame and steely expression making it clear that this was not a moment for explanations or excuses.

He stepped closer, his dark brown eyes scanning their faces, searching for any sign of guilt or fear. He stopped in front of the first servant, a middle-aged man who had been in his employ for years. Eithan's voice was low, but it carried the weight of absolute authority.

"Who knew?" he asked, his tone flat but dangerous.

The man swallowed hard, his hands trembling slightly. "I-I didn’t know, sir," he stammered, his eyes flicking nervously to the others.

Eithan’s gaze didn’t waver. He had heard that excuse too many times before. Without another word, he dismissed the man with a wave of his hand, sending him away with a silent promise that his future here was hanging by a thread.

𝐁𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐁𝐲 𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now