Chapter 13: The Flames of Jealousy

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The atmosphere at U.A. High was buzzing with activity as Class 1-A wrapped up another intense training session. The students were gradually cooling down, discussing the day's events with animated energy. Asura, now fully integrated into the class, found himself surrounded by his new peers, who were all eager to learn more about the boy with the phoenix quirk.

As the group chatted and laughed, Momo Yaoyorozu, the class’s vice president, approached Asura with her usual calm demeanor.

"Asura," Momo began, her voice gentle but assertive. "I noticed that your quirk can be quite taxing on your body. If you’d like, I can help you with some quirk optimization strategies. I’ve read about similar quirks and how to manage their energy output efficiently."

Asura looked at Momo, surprised by her offer. He wasn’t used to others taking an interest in his well-being, especially after all that had happened. Her genuine concern touched him, and he found himself smiling.

"That sounds like a good idea, Momo," Asura replied. "I could definitely use some pointers."

Momo’s face lit up, pleased to be of help. "Great! We can start tomorrow after class. I’ll bring some materials and—"

But as the conversation continued, something stirred deep within Asura’s mind. Tanya, the powerful entity that shared his body, was watching the interaction with growing unease. She had always been close to Asura, protective even, and now, seeing him getting close to someone else—especially someone as kind and intelligent as Momo—sparked a feeling she wasn’t accustomed to: jealousy.

In the mindscape, Tanya’s flames flickered erratically. "Who does she think she is?" she muttered, her voice laced with irritation. "Asura doesn’t need anyone else’s help. I’m the only one who truly understands him."

Later that evening, as Asura lay in bed, his thoughts drifted back to the conversation with Momo. Just as he began to relax, he felt a familiar warmth envelop his consciousness.

"Asura," Tanya’s voice echoed in his mind, sounding softer than usual, but there was an edge to it. "Why are you spending so much time with that girl?"

Asura sighed internally, sensing the shift in Tanya’s mood. He had felt her presence growing more agitated during the day, but he hadn’t expected this.

"Tanya, it’s nothing like that," Asura responded, trying to keep his tone calm. "Momo’s just helping me out with some strategies. She’s smart and knows a lot about quirks. It’s purely professional."

"Professional?" Tanya repeated, her flames flaring slightly. "I’ve been with you through everything. I’ve protected you, guided you, and now you’re turning to someone else? Why do you need her help when you have me?"

Asura could feel Tanya’s emotions, a mix of hurt and anger. He knew she wasn’t just being possessive—she was afraid of being replaced.

"Tanya," Asura said softly, trying to soothe her. "You’re a part of me. No one can replace you. But I also need to learn how to control my quirk in different ways. Momo has knowledge that could help us both."

Tanya’s flames flickered again, this time with a hint of vulnerability. "I don’t want to lose you, Asura. We’ve been through so much together. I just… I just don’t trust her."

Asura felt a pang of guilt. He hadn’t realized how deeply Tanya felt about this. He had always seen her as a powerful force, but in this moment, she seemed more human—more fragile.

"You won’t lose me," Asura assured her. "We’re in this together. I promise I won’t forget that."

Tanya was silent for a moment, her flames dimming slightly as she processed his words. Finally, she spoke, her tone softer. "Alright, Asura. I trust you… but please, be careful. I don’t want anything to happen to you."

Asura smiled, relieved that he had managed to calm Tanya down. "I will. And don’t worry, you’re still the most important person in my life."

In the days that followed, Asura and Momo continued to work together, studying and practicing various techniques to optimize his quirk. Asura noticed that Tanya remained quiet during their sessions, her presence more subdued than usual. But every now and then, he could feel her watching, a silent reminder of her protective nature.

Momo, unaware of the internal struggle Asura was facing, continued to help him with a dedication that impressed him. The two grew closer as friends, sharing ideas and learning from each other.

However, the more time Asura spent with Momo, the more he could feel Tanya’s jealousy simmering beneath the surface. It was a delicate balance, trying to maintain his friendship with Momo while also keeping Tanya reassured.

One afternoon, as Asura and Momo were wrapping up their session, Momo smiled at him, a hint of pride in her eyes. "You’re making great progress, Asura. I’m glad I could help."

Asura returned her smile, genuinely grateful. "Thanks, Momo. I couldn’t have done it without you."

But as the words left his mouth, he felt a sudden surge of heat in his mindscape—a flare of emotion from Tanya. She didn’t say anything, but Asura could sense her frustration.

As Momo left the training room, Asura took a deep breath, preparing himself for the conversation he knew was coming.

Back in his mindscape, Tanya was waiting, her flames burning brightly. "So, you think you couldn’t have done it without her, huh?" she asked, her tone sharp.

Asura winced, realizing his mistake. "Tanya, that’s not what I meant. You know you’re the reason I’ve gotten this far. Momo just… she helps in a different way."

Tanya’s flames flickered angrily, but she didn’t respond immediately. When she finally spoke, her voice was laced with a mixture of anger and sadness. "I just don’t want to be pushed aside, Asura. You’re all I have."

Asura felt his heart ache at her words. He knew that Tanya’s feelings were complex, a mix of loyalty, protectiveness, and something deeper that he didn’t fully understand.

"You’re not being pushed aside," Asura said gently. "You’re my partner, Tanya. I need you, now more than ever. But I also need to grow, to learn from others. That doesn’t mean I’m forgetting you."

Tanya’s flames calmed slightly, though the tension didn’t fully dissipate. "I’ll hold you to that, Asura. Just remember, I’m always here. And I won’t let anyone take you away from me."

Asura nodded, understanding the unspoken promise in her words. He would need to be careful, not just with his quirk, but with the delicate balance between Tanya’s feelings and his growing connections with others.

As he lay down to rest that night, Asura couldn’t shake the feeling that this was only the beginning. Tanya’s jealousy was a new challenge, one that he hadn’t anticipated. But he was determined to face it head-on, just like every other challenge that had come his way. After all, he had made a promise to Tanya—a promise he intended to keep.

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