Chapter 3 - Team meeting

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The sky over Elaris was blanketed with heavy clouds, a veil of uncertainty and unease that seemed to reflect the state of mind of its citizens. The usually radiant floating city languished under a layer of gray that amplified the pervasive despair. Luna Valen, grappling with her own turmoil, wandered through the shadowed streets of the peripheral district. The voices of the inhabitants, a mix of whispered despair and discussions about the growing malfunctions, formed a constant background noise, underscoring the gravity of the situation.

Luna was determined, but the daunting task ahead plunged her into intense reflection. Every decision she made could influence not only the fate of her expedition but also the fragile stability of Skyara. With the hope of finding answers to the mysterious disturbances, she knew she had to assemble a team of diverse talents to succeed.

Her first objective was Dorian Ashford, a name once synonymous with a brilliant engineering career, now tarnished by a scandal that had shaken its foundations. Luna knew that to find him, she would have to venture into a place where few dared to go: the "Reservoir of the Lost."

The "Reservoir of the Lost" was a forgotten area of the city, a place where sunlight struggled to penetrate through the thick clouds and dilapidated buildings piled on top of each other. The neighborhood was a labyrinth of narrow, dark, and twisted alleys, where every corner offered a striking glimpse into life on the margins of society.

As Luna entered the Reservoir, she was immediately struck by the heavy and oppressive atmosphere. The streets were narrow, lined with buildings whose once grand facades were now covered in grime, soot, and faded graffiti. The walls seemed to close in on her, and the air was saturated with the acrid smell of smoke and mold. Rusty gutters dripped down the walls, leaking black, viscous water that mixed with the stagnant puddles on the ground.

The few rays of sunlight that managed to break through the cloud cover were distorted and weakened, leaving only pale and diffuse glows that barely illuminated the uneven cobblestones beneath her feet. Occasionally, she could hear the metallic clatter of a trash can lid being knocked over or the distant murmur of muffled conversations, but for the most part, the Reservoir was plunged into an almost supernatural silence, interrupted only by the wind whistling through the alleys.

The inhabitants of the Reservoir, known as the "Lost," kept their distance, watching Luna with silent suspicion from the shadows. Their faces were etched with the hardness of life, their eyes gleaming with either suspicion or indifference. Some sold dubious goods under makeshift awnings, while others sat on crates, their gaze lost in the void, as if the hope of a better life had long since left them.

The Reservoir of the Lost was not just a place; it was a state of mind, a place where those who had been rejected by society or had fallen from their own pedestal came to lose themselves. And it was here, in this tangle of dark alleys, that Luna found Dorian Ashford's abode.

Dorian's apartment was located on the top floor of a decaying building, a place that seemed to have been forgotten by time. Luna climbed the stairs, her footsteps echoing eerily through the silence. The door at the top floor was marked by a rusty, barely legible plaque. Luna knocked softly, the sound resonating like thunder in the oppressive stillness.

After a long wait, the door opened to reveal Dorian Ashford. The man, whose face bore the marks of a life marred by loss and regret, eyed her with palpable suspicion. His sparse hair and tired gaze testified to a long period of torment.

"Luna Valen," he said in a hoarse voice, a mix of surprise and suspicion. "What can I do for you?"

Luna entered, observing the apartment that resembled more a chaotic technological sanctuary than a living space. Tools, spare parts, and plans scattered across cluttered surfaces gave a glimpse of the genius hidden behind the apparent chaos.

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