Chapter 27

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Retribution pulled his rental into the small motel that bore the address that Justice had given him. It had taken awhile to even locate it, having landed at the nearest Agency run airfield, which had still been an hour away. He just hoped that he had beat Malice here. Who knew what time she'd left the suburbs of Chicago to come after Ophelia. He looked around the lot, taking note of several cars parked. He was sure that none of them belonged to Ophelia. One needed a credit card in order to rent a car, and nothing had flagged when a check on her financials had been run.  He made his way over to the office, hoping the manager could point him toward Ophelia.

He didn't find a manager, only a bored desk clerk who appeared barely out of his teens. He perked up immensely after Retribution flashed an official looking badge at him, which also got him any information he could want. Then again, he could have gotten it without the badge. This kid was not discreet in the least. Flashing a copy of the stock picture in the Agency file brought forth a wealth of information. Whe n she had checked in, what name she'd checked in under (her own), where she'd typically spend her days, and most importantly, that she'd had one other person call about her, just the day before.

Retribution was headed to the door to make his way to her rented room when the kid spoke up again. "She's not here anymore. Turned her key in about an hour ago and left in a cab. She seemed rattled."

Retribution frowned. "You're sure she left alone?" He renewed his prayer to his Gods that he had beat Malice.

""Yeah. She called for the cab from here instead of her room. Then she waited in here for it to show up. She in some kind of trouble?"

"Hope not," Retribution replied. "She say where she was going?"

"She just said she was going home, didn't say where that was or why."

"Thanks." Retribution tore through the door, pulling out his cell phone as he did,   punching the speed dial for his brother. Irritation grew as he didn't answer. The last time this had happened, he had been busy getting busy. If this was happening again, all hell was going to break loose. There was too much to lose at this point for this bullshit. Besides, he needed a new check on Ophelia's financials. If she was going home, she was clearly breaking cover. It was quite possible that she had a credit card somewhere and would be purchasing a ticket home; bus, plane, whatever; something to point him in the right direction.

He dialed again, this time getting nothing but the voicemail. It seemed that someone had shut the phone off. Well, shit. Now, he was going to have to call the boss for the information, and Justice would likely be receiving an official reprimand. He half-growled, half-sighed.  There was nothing to be done about it, though; Justice was unavailable, and he needed this information as soon as possible. Finding Ophelia and her unborn drakling trumped, keeping his brother off his bosses bad side.

"Retribution." Janeck's voice was terse, clipped even. "I hope you have found our missing friend."

"I found her motel. She's already gone, but the employee I talked to said she left on her own in a cab; so I don't think Malice found her; at least; I don't think she reached her before I got here. She definitely found where she'd been staying. I doubt it would have been difficult as the clerk didn't seem to have an ounce of discretion in him. This leaves with half an idea and no real leads as to where she is . I guess she told the clerk she was going home."

"And now you need to see if she has contacted anyone or if she has left some sort of trail?"


"I'll get someone on it right away. Hopefully, we will have something positive to report fairly soon." Retribution  frowned. He'd noticed that Janeck hadn't said he would have Justice gather the info for him, and a thread of concern worked its way to his  core. After all, you  typically assign your best to do what they are best at.

"Is my brother okay?"

"He's," Janeck paused. "indisposed at the moment. Worry about your mission. He will be fine. I will get you anything that we find on Ophelia."

"Janeck-" He was interrupted before he could finish his sentence.

"He is unharmed, Retribution. There has been an incident, and we will determine the best course of action in those regards shortly. Right now, they are none of your concern, Justice being your kin notwithstanding. You need to focus on Ophelia; there is nothing for you to assist with here."

"Anything changes, you tell me."  It wasn't a question.

"If Justice is in danger, yes. But he is not. He is in the agency building as we speak. Find Ophelia." Janeck cut the connection, leaving Retribution staring at his cell. He frowned, lip twisted into a snarl, anger flooding through him, even as he realized that his superior was correct and there wasn't anything he could do being hours away.

But damn; dropping any hint that something was wrong with the only family he had left and then specifically directing him to ignore it? That was harsh. And he knew that it had something to do with Callen, somehow, and that gave him something else to stew on.

Fuck; his brother had fallen for her; and he could practically guarantee that whatever situation had led to the 'incident' Janeck had alluded to but wouldn't talk about had started with that. Though, to be honest, Retribution wasn't surprised. Justice had always been a hopeless romantic; not even  Shenendoah had cured him of that. He'd always wanted to find the kind of love that their parents had shared; but Retribution had decided long ago that love was for the birds; and dragons weren't birds. All it ever did was cause trouble  and misery. Look at how their father had gone into a deep depression after their mother had been killed. He'd never bounced back; not really. He'd functioned; played a decent normal Draconis; but he had never been the same. And Justice; Retribution shook his head. He'd been so desperate to find the bond that his parents had lost that he'd fallen for a psychotic actress who'd very nearly been his death.

Retribution slid into the car, though he didn't start it. Something was sticking in his mind, something important; but he couldn't quite place it. Something about his brother and not about Ophelia, since he was stuck as far as that went; until someone called him back with a lead; and suddenly he knew. He remembered a conversation that he'd had with his father a few months after his mother's death. One where he had shared his views on the ideals of love, even expressed his ideas on the uselessness behind it.

"Sometimes, Son, you don't find love; it finds you," he'd said. He had shown Retribution a small dragon on his left shoulderblade. "You think I went looking for your mom? Do you think I went looking for a mate because I was ready to settle down and start a family? No, Retribution. I went looking for a Draconis causeing some uprisings in the 13th century and ran across her.  Next thing I know, I've got her dragonmark on me, and we'd  bonded. Neither of us was looking for the other, but we recognized that we were made for each other. That's True-Bonding Boy, and when it happens; that's it. You don't get a choice. Your dragons mark the other in a visual symbol of ownership, and let me tell you; I've never regretted a moment."

Retribution groaned. He'd bet anything that Justice had True-Bonded with Callen; and that was why her tattoo had shifted in coloration.It made sense anyway since there was no other reason . Tats didn't magickally shift colors in seconds unless magick was involved. At least, if nothing else, he would have an explanation of that for Justice. He settled down to wait for his call, pulling the car to the diner up the road.

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