Chapter 1: Welcome Home

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.......It's either a year in the war or 20 years in prison kid, I think we both know what the better choice will be back home in less then a year wont even leave camp!

They lied to me, I was a fool to believe them. I spent 4 years in hell and for what, just to lose the few friends I had and an least I found him...

Liam looked down at his paw, in it he was holding a bluish crystal necklace, it had a shimmering blue light around but it could be barely seen. Liam was playing with it for a little bit until he put it back on his neck.

He was on a bus and he was going back home after four long years. Rain has bean falling for almost the whole night. After almost 6 hours of driving the bus reached it's last stop, Silverbrook. Liam put his bag over his shoulder and exited the bus

"You should have brought an umbrella" A voice from behind him said. It was Owen, he was a Flareon but he looked different, he was a little transparent and had a dark blue glow around him

"Shut up Owen"

"One of few perks of being dead is that my fabulous fur can't get wet!" Owen said mockingly to the Jolteon

Liam was now walking in the rain while carrying his bag in wich he had all of his stuff

"Soooo....what are we going to do when we get home?"

"Im just going to unpack my stuff and go to sleep, I have to go look for a job tomorow"

"I don't whana sound rude one will hire you, you have a criminal record!"

"I served my sentence, I sould able to get a stable job"

"You commited a second degree murder, you would be lucky if anyone even looks at your resume"

"let's just get home..."

Liam countied to walk home while Owen was looking around. He wanted to explore this new town but he couldn't get 100m from Liam's necklace even if he wanted. How did he get bound to that necklace, how did he even die, why is he even a ghost? All of the details of his death and the last few days of his mortal life are all foggy. He thinks that he died 30 years ago but he is not sure. All he knows is that one day he was in the middle of nowhere and dead, only the person who is holding the necklace can see him.

"This is the town you grew up in?"

" father abandoned me here when I was nine....after that I was raised by my grandma, she died 2 years ago but she left me the house"

"You never told me that"

"You never asked"

After a few more minutes of walking they finally reached the house, Liam opened the front door and turned on the lights. The house was messy and dusty. That was to be expected because no one was there for 2 years

"Looks like we will have to do some cleaning here!"

"You mean me, you cant interact with objects"

"I'm the emotional support!"

Liam just sighed and sat on the couch, as he sat dust from the couch flew up and Liam started coughing because of it

"This will take a while, just give a second I'm tired"

Liam took a quick nap and then he went upstairs to his old room. As he opened the door a wave of nostalgia hit him. Everything was the same as the day he left, not a single thing was moved except one thing, there was a small sign with text on it that said "welcome home Liam!"

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