Chapter 2: Daddy issues

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Liam was sitting on a chair, he was drinking a cup of coffee and waching the morning news. It was still early in the morning, sun was barely out with only a few rays being visible

"I still dont know how you can drink that stuff" said Owen who was lying on the couch waching the ceiling

Liam was going to say someting but was stoped by a noise wich came from behind him, it was a nock. Owen turned his gaze towords Liam, he was waiting for him to awnser the door but he didn't move

"Shouldn't you awnser the door?"

"It's probably just a salesmon trying to sell me someting, who would even come here?"

"Aw come on! Maybe it's just a friendly neighbour who wants to say hi? Just open the door, it's not gona kill ya!"

Liam sighed before geting up from his chair and opening the door, behind the door was a absol with a little bit of fear in his eyes

"L-Liam! How are you! Long time no see!"

"What the fuck are you doing here?!"

"Can't a mon visit his brother?"

"We are not brothers, Arthur!"

"Brothers, half-brothers, same thing!" said Arthur trying to keep his cool

"Aren't you suppose to be in Willowcreek with your mother?"

"Yea...about that..." he put his paw behind his head while his smile was slowly fadeing "I got kicked out..."

"So you decided to buy a ticket to Silverbrook thinking I would let you in my house?"

"W-Well, to be honest, I didn't know you were home..."

"So you thought I was still in the army and you were going break into the house?"

"Y-Yea..." Arthur's voice was now lower and he was looking at the ground "but then I saw the lights were on...please I need a place to sleep at, just a few nights...I promise"

"Im surprised you accualy came to me...after what I did"

"It's not like I have any options, so...can I stay"

Liam turned his gaze to the right to see if Owen had anything to say, but he just simply noded


A big smile returned to Arthur's face


Arthur quickly entered the house and jumped on the couch before he even put his bag down

"Are you sure you have everything you need in that bag of yours?"

"Yea, I got a few snacks and a shirt"

"That's it?"

"I was in a hurry, had to leave quickly"

Arthur started unpacking the few things he had but he was soon stoped by Liam

"Wait just a momment, what exectly happend that made you get kicked out?"

"I...hmm... Some of my friends came up with an idea to break into a limo outside of a local nightclub, turns out the car is owned by some crazy rich guy and he wants his money back..."

"Sooooo in short, you stole and now need my help?"

"You are talking like you didn't stupider stuff when you were my age, remeber Mary?"

"And how was I suppose to know who she was? You took a foolish risk and I got tricked, those are not the same thing"

Arthur just rolled his eyes "Every one in the region knew you as the 'hot headed, risk taking rescuer', a day couldn’t pass without you geting in some kind of trouble with your superiors, the murrder was just the final nail in the coffin"

Liam was geting more and more angrier every second, Owen was just standing next to the front door enjoying this family reunion

Arthur continued "I still remember when we first met in the court room, 4 years ago, the look you gave me was nothing but pure hate towords me, at the time you just found out that I exist and you already hated me for someting I couldn’t control or change, it's not my fault that we share the same blood" He then got up and sat in a more serious posision "Im not even his favorite kid"

"Now you are just lying, if I hear you say anything else about him or me I wont think twice before kicking you out!"

Arthur just ignored his warning

"Do you know how it feels to hear what kind of a disappointment you are every single day!? It was always 'Liam did that! Liam did this! Why cant you be more like him!?'.... I always wanted to meet you, and look at this, after 16 years, this is the first time I am talking to you...I always wanted a two have more in common then you think"


"Got nothing to say huh?"

Liam just got up from his chair and went to his room without saying a word, he entered and slamed the door behind him

"Looks like you two got some history together"

"Barely any, this is my second time seing him, and the first time I heard his voice"

"He said that you hated him, If you never met him then why have these storng feelings towords him?"

"Honestly, I dont hate him, I hate my old man and what he did for him"

"huh?" Owen tilted his head in confusion, this awnser made him even more curious and lost

"I already told you that my dad abandoned me in front of my grandmother's house, the same house we are in right now, well 4 years ago I had a 'reunion' with him and found out why he abandoned me, Arthur was born"

"But why were you two even doing in the court?"

"It was my murder trial, him and his mother were waching it"

"And where was your dad?"

Liam didn't awnser the last question, he just laid in his bed and coverd his whole body, including his head with a blanket

"Just leave me alone, please"

"Fine, I wont ask you any more question then but I still think you should open up about this to someone"

Liam just took off his necklace wich made him not see or hear Owen, all he needed now was just some peace and quiet, alone....alone....

"....Im sorry Arthur...."

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