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A group of Zimbabwe poachers grow bored of the Earth animals they've trapped for years and go for bigger, stronger targets like Transformers, but they aren't the only hunters in the area.


Dakarai, Tariro, and Ammara scouted the dense jungles of the Zimbabwe region, isolated from constant monitoring of wildlife conservationists and police. Picking their shots wisely, they got a black rhinoceros, two lions, and a plains zebra within the hour. With dwindling animals spreading out and leaving the area in fear, they high fived one another at their bounty, another successful poaching operation.

Ammara laughed, "I got the lions, boys, what do you have again?"

Tariro cursed playfully and waved her off at her bragging. She continued to laugh as she tossed the hide of the lion into the Jeep. Dakarai replied, "Yes, but I have the most money. Rhinoceros hide goes more than lions."

"Don't forget my zebra," Tariro said, patting his bare chest in fake upset.

The three snickered before jumping into their Jeep and taking the backroads out of sight back to their private hideout. With a truck in waiting and some more of their crew getting the week's hunts loaded, including a Junkion trader and a Velocitronian gun runner in the same business as them, the truck driver was given clear instructions to take the cargo to the northern airport and use as many discreet paths as possible. As Dakarai unloaded their prey, the truck left with no issue. He told the crew still outside to prepare his load for skinning and valuable part removal. He aimed to make a lion into a taxidermy specimen.

Ammara went to their tent and parked it on her chair as Tariro followed to hang out with her. Dakarai followed suit with a laugh, "You're exhausted already? What is this?"

"This is my time, that's what this is."

Tariro poked fun at her. "She's just moody."

He was swatted quickly with chakla she had by her bedside. The man was more confused than anything.

Dakarai took a lion's tooth and was making it into a necklace when he asked, "What are we going to hunt tomorrow? Some clients want another zebra, alive this time, and others want the same old ivory from the elephants. By try finding an elephant with no painted tusks now. No good in value."

Ammara shrugged, "We've been able to bypass the issue before..."

"Yes, but for how long? Doesn't this seem like the same old routine?"

Tariro grunted, "Same old routine makes us money. Where would the issue be in that? Don't tell me you want to try and go after something else. Too risky."

"Then maybe it's worth it. Imagine how much people would pay for something rare like maybe a Cybertronian," Dakarai said with a smile. He rubbed his fingers on a hand, "And how much would they pay for the Minicons, the Predacons, and Dinobots, yeah?"

The other two looked at him strangely before Ammara asked, "That would be risky."

Tariro countered, "But worth it indeed. Animals are one thing; hunting robots is a whole different specialty. We could be richer than ever."

The three slowly began to agree with one another. It was a long shot of how they were going to get started, but every job had its risks. What difference would it be between animals and cybernetic beings? Metal against bone? Metal was arguably more valuable for military use as natural armor could withstand most human weaponry. And who wouldn't want a Dinobot or Predacon head mounted on their wall?

Dakarai bit his lip in thought, "And we would be the best hunters in the world perfecting it. Who else could say they could do it?"

Ammara and Tariro each nodded and laughed as they began planning.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2024 ⏰

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