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Walking back to his quarters, Remus Lupin's mind was racing. How did you figure out he was a Lycanthrope? What else could you possibly know about him? More importantly, how could you not look down on him for his condition? His feelings were increasingly hard to understand, and your ability to figure him out so quickly was worrying to him. Remus had always been a private, introverted person. The fact that you could read him so well, was terrifying to him.

Though, another part of him couldn't help but feel warm inside. You had found out major aspects of who he was, and hardly blinked an eye.  It was bewildering, but it also made him feel more cared for than he had in ages. You had told him stories, anecdotes if you will, about yourself to him. It seemed nothing could possibly be wrong with you. Sure, your emotions could cloud your logic at times. Some people, such as Snape, would view that as a weakness, but Lupin viewed it as an uncommonly found strength.

The adversity you had faced in your life had only seemed to make you kinder, more considerate. Unfortunately consideration for others had been falling in short supply since the rise and fall of Voldemort. People lived in a state of lingering fear, making decisions that would protect themselves, sometimes at the cost of another. But you, you were the opposite.

The stories you told him about befriending magical creatures in your youth, instead of witches and wizards. How effortlessly you could connect with others, even if you felt uncomfortable, you did it. Witnessing how you would take time with each student, not only to teach them, but to comfort them when needed. Your ability to observe was quite honestly a bit frightening to him. But it was also incredibly remarkable to witness your empathy towards many people and creatures alike.

Remus tossed and turned trying to figure out if there was anything, anything at all, to rid the feeling in his chest that was building. He tried his damnest to think of any bad qualities that could come to his mind about you, but they all led back to his own self-doubt and worry. Besides, you were his friend, why would he want to think badly about you? Deciding these thoughts could be put on hold for another day, he drifted into a slumber.


The weeks passed by, the leaves started to change and the weather began to chill. The third years had begun their trips to Hogsmeade with Professor McGonagall. You were slightly envious of the trips they would take away from the castle, as you would often find yourself drifting into boredom.

During these trips, Remus and Harry would take walks together and chat. You would sometimes see them from your window in your dormitory, smiling at these interactions. Remus was an amazing mentor to the students. His ability to connect and teach was inspiring even to you, and you lesson planned with him. The students were right, he was the best DADA professor they'd ever had. You didn't have to know the previous professors before to know this was true, it was obvious.

Your friendship with Remus also continued to blossom. The lesson plans started to become a routine on Friday evenings, though it was often the two of you would find yourselves straying away from lesson planning. Remus had a certain charm to him, it made him incredibly personable. There was many qualities you admired of his, but his charm was definitely one that stood out to you.

It wasn't in an outlandish 'pretty boy' way, his charm. It was in the little mannerisms and gestures he would do. His head tilt when saying kind words or being encouraging, the beginning of his laughter being silent and then gaining noise. Not to mention he was very gentlemanly, constantly opening doors, pulling out chairs, etc. You sometimes let you mind wander to what he would be like as a partner. If he was this charming and chivalrous to you, you couldn't imagine how he would be in a relationship.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04 ⏰

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