Fresh Faces and New Friendships

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The first light of dawn crept through the curtains of Sophie’s bedroom, casting a soft glow on the room. Sophie stirred under her blanket, slowly waking to the sounds of the city coming alive outside her window. It was the second day at Crescent Valley High, and although she was a bit more accustomed to the new routine, the excitement and nerves of starting a new school were still fresh.

She sat up and glanced at the clock, noting that she had just enough time to finish her homework before getting ready. She shuffled to her desk, where her textbooks and notes were still scattered from last night. With a focused effort, she completed her remaining assignments and then headed to the bathroom for a quick shower. The warm water helped clear her mind and prepare her for the day ahead.

Downstairs, the aroma of breakfast filled the kitchen. Sophie’s mom was already busy preparing eggs and toast. Sophie sat at the table, and her mom placed a plate in front of her with a smile. “Good morning, sweetie. Ready for day two?”

Sophie nodded, though her nerves were still present. “Yeah, I’m a bit nervous, but I’m getting used to it.”
Her mom patted her hand reassuringly. “You’re doing great. Just keep being yourself.”

After breakfast and a final check of her backpack, Sophie gave her mom a quick hug. “Thanks, Mom. See you later.”

Stepping into the crisp morning air, Sophie began her walk to Crescent Valley High. As she turned a corner, a loud bark shattered her peaceful thoughts. A large, barking dog came charging toward her, and Sophie’s fear of dogs kicked in. She screamed and bolted down the sidewalk, trying to escape the furry menace.

In her panic, Sophie ran straight into someone, stumbling backward. She looked up to see Adrian, who was now staring at her with a mix of concern and amusement.

“Whoa, Sophie! You’re a blur of panic this morning,” Adrian said, steadying her with a chuckle.

Sophie took a deep breath, trying to calm her racing heart. “Sorry, Adrian. I didn’t see you. I was just—trying to escape from that dog.”

Adrian glanced back at the dog, now calmly being walked away on a leash. “Ah, I see. So, you’re not just running from your homework, but actual dogs too?”

Sophie rolled her eyes, though she couldn’t help but smile. “Very funny. I’m just a little scared of them.”

Adrian grinned mischievously. “Well, I’ve always wanted to see someone sprint like a champion. You just gave me a new appreciation for the 100-meter dash.”

Sophie laughed despite herself. “Glad I could entertain you.”

As they walked together, Adrian continued his light teasing. “You know, if you ever need to avoid an embarrassing situation, just run like that. Works every time.”
Sophie nudged him playfully. “You’re terrible.”

“I’m just here to make sure your mornings are interesting,” Adrian said with a wink. “And to keep you safe from any more surprise dog encounters.”

As Sophie and Adrian approached the school entrance, Adrian’s teasing had managed to lift her spirits significantly. The morning, which had begun with so much anxiety, now felt lighter and more manageable.

Just as they reached the front steps, a familiar face from their class came into view. It was Emily, the girl who had introduced herself to Sophie the day before. She waved energetically and called out, “Hey, Sophie! Over here!”

Adrian glanced at Sophie and then back at Emily. “Looks like you’ve got company. I’m heading to class now, but you can join me later if you want.”

Sophie nodded, feeling a bit of relief at the familiar face. “Thanks, Adrian. I’ll catch up with you later.”

Adrian gave her a friendly wave. “See you around, Sophie. And don’t worry, no more surprise dog sprints today!”

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