Eternal Cleansing: The Unending Sacrifice

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They appear only when the world is about to be destroyed by people.

Humans are the ones that will perish from their own doings.

So the process of destruction must always be the same.

Jealousy. Hatred. Selfishness. Desire.

The man who loved people and tried to be of help to them was shown

the same ugliness even after he died.

He was called into such scenes and served his responsibility as a


―――He killed.

In the silent void between realms, where time stands still and space is an endless expanse of steel and memories, EMIYA waits. His domain is the Hill of Swords—a desolate landscape filled with rusting blades jutting out of the ground like the tombstones of a forgotten war.

Unlimited Blade Works

It begins as it always does: with the faint echo of a summoning ritual. EMIYA feels the familiar pull as the ritual draws him from the Hill of Swords and thrusts him into a new scenario of chaos. The transition is seamless, a shift from one bleak reality to another. This time, he finds himself in a city on the brink of collapse.

The cityscape before him is a grotesque parody of its former self. Buildings are reduced to skeletal frames, streets are strewn with debris, and fires burn out of control. The once-thriving metropolis of Los Angeles now resembles a warzone, its inhabitants driven to their worst behaviours by desperation and despair. The essence of EMIYA's every mission is clear: he must cleanse this place of the remnants of humanity's failings, ensuring that its destruction is complete.

If it was a genocide, he would arrive to find the remains of entire communities scattered, victims of ethnic cleansing, before eliminating the perpetrators and halting further escalation.

In the case of a pandemic, he wouldn't search for a cure—he would simply eradicate all the infected to contain the biological threat.

When summoned to a world where environmental collapse has driven survivors into a final, desperate conflict, his task is to eliminate those whose actions are worsening the crisis.

Never to prevent disasters or eliminate an underlying cause but to deal with the consequences once they have occurred. He only emerged when humanity's actions had escalated to the point where entire civilisations were at risk of collapse and the aftermath of human failure needed management

A fucking cleaner in all but name

His gaze shifted to the horizon, where the faint glow of a distant explosion illuminated the night. The epicentre of the chaos. That was where he would find his targets—the individuals whose actions had brought this city to ruin. With a practised flick of his wrists, cursed blades appeared in his hands. Dainsleif and Tyrfing, Weapons that like him had no choice but to kill once unsheathed and (foolishly) hopefully brought destruction to their wielder

With a leap, EMIYA launched himself off the rooftop, his white cloak billowing behind him as he descended into the hellscape below. The wind whipped past him, carrying with it the scent of burning flesh and the cries of the dying. He landed in the middle of a street, the impact cracking the pavement beneath his feet. Around him, the city was in pandemonium. People ran in all directions, their faces contorted with terror and desperation.

A mother clutched her child to her chest, her eyes wide with fear as she looked for a way out. A man wielding a bat was smashing the windows of a store, looting whatever he could find. Others fought amongst themselves, their survival instincts driving them to violence. EMIYA watched them for a moment, his expression impassive. He could sense the despair radiating from them, but he felt nothing.

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