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A/N: i have no clue what im doing so ignore that
TW abuse

It was just an average day for reputation, she gets up and gets ready for school and dodges the landlord when he bangs on her door at exactly 8:45 everyday wanting money for the rent that rep cant afford. she didnt want to be in this situtation but she had no choice after what happened when she was younger.

8 years earlier


reputations mum yells then proceeds to hit her.

"im realy sorry ill clean the plates better next time"
rep starts to feel tears forming in her eyes so she desperately tries to blink them away.


"yes im sorry ill stop"


"what? what do you mean?"


Reputation quickly made her way upstairs, fighting the urge to start crying, she grabbed clothes and a blanket since she didnt know where she was supposed to go she was only 9 years old after all.

On her way out she passed her younger sister karma who their mum adored so much and neither rep or karma knew why.

"where are you going sis?"
karma looks down at all of reputations stuff and frowns then looks back at her older sister.

"its time for me to go but dont worry you will be okay when we are older we will find each other again some way or another I promise you"

"okay I love you rep"

"I love you to kara"

back in present time


shit im going to be late for school I need to hurry because one more late coming there going to call my parents and if they find out ive been living on my own for the past 8 years my mum will get done for child neglect and she told me if I call cps then ill regret it and I dont want to find out what she means by that.


I got to school. I realy didnt want to be here, I hate it here, I might as well still stay with my mum school is hell and I cant wait to be done with it for good. I saw 1989 getting out of her car , her big fancy car that her parents bought her, then she started to walk towards me so I drowned out any unwanted thoughts and adjusted the sleeves of my sweatshirt to ensure it was covering my whole arm.

"hey nine wassup"

"nothing much do you know if mid is coming in?"

"nope I havent heard from her this morning"

"okay, she will probaly stroll in 3rd peirod anyway, so what have you been up to?"

"nine i saw you yesterday at school what could i have possibily done since then"

"I dont know do you have any other conversation ideas?"

"well I do know some drama about Abbey and her new hook up"

"omg spill ive been waiting forever for someone to find out anything"

Reputation and 1989 start walking into the school grounds while they gossip about the new hot topic in the school.

I love talking to midnights and 1989 embarrassingly enough there my only friends. I met them 5 years ago when we first started highschool back in the summer of 2019. nine was a vsco girl and mid was some wannabe 2000s girl, but she had done such a bad attempt at it, but neither of them dress like that anymore and I still dress stereotypically "emo" but I guess it goes with me.
There the only people who know about my living sitution. Both of them swore down promised me that they would take that secret to their grave but I havent told them about anything else because I don't want to seem attention seeking and ive been taught to keep my issues to myself and I don't want them to worry about me so they don't have to know.

The bell rings indicating for them to go to their first peirod.

"What do you have rep?"

"uhm I think I have chemistry"

"okay I have art meet me outside of the english doors after, and please don't get in any fights or arguments today"

"if no one pisses me off then i wont"

1989 gives her a look.

"fine fine I wont"

"okay good i will see you in an hour byeee"


Rep puts in her airpods and presses play on the last song "in my feelings" and slowly walks to class.


Rep walks into chemistry and goes to sit down at her seat. She sits alone because everyone is to scared to sit next to her incase she does something to them but rep likes it that way.

"good morning reputation nice of you to join us"
her teacher says while writing the date on the board.

"come on im not late its literally only been like 2 minutes"

Rep looks down at her phone to see its 7 minutes after the bell had rung.


"I will let you away with it just this one time but if it happens again i will be calling your parents"

Rep doesn't say anything but just goes and sits down at her seat.

"okay class today we have a new pupil joining us she moved here from london so moving to new york will be a big change for her so i hope use can make her feel settled"

Only a couple of seconds after the teacher finished her sentence a shy looking girl walked in wearing a pink floral low cut dress and a small white bow in her hair wrapping perfectly through her half up half down hairstyle.

The teacher signals her to go sit next to rep and reps eyes follow her as she walks to her new assigned seat.

"hi my names lover whats your name?"

Rep slowly turns her head to look at her and just says two things.

"Im rep"

A/N: do we likey or do we not this is my first time writing btw so any help would be greatly appreciated
also im gonna do this thing were at the end of every chapter ill ask use a question so i can get to know you guys better the question today is how old are you? im 13 but im 14 next month.

1105 words

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