Oops My Bad...

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Liam P.O.V

What was that? wait what time is it? I open my eyes to find my phones alarm going of. Shit i forgot about school... That means we all skipped school yesterday... Oh well its friday and i think we are all better from our hangovers, Man the irn bru really does work. Well im going to go put on breakfast and get ready. "Hey Kelsie hunny its time to get up for school." I wisperd into her ear. Kelsies eyes flung open and she greeted me with a magical kiss. We both got up together and started to make pancakes. I put them onto a plate for each of us and i poored us all a cup of tea. "I smell food... were is the food?" Niall came into the kitchen with out anything but his boxers on,Kelsie stared to laugh at the fact of Niall waking up because of the smell of food. I mean comeon he didnt even have any clothes on! "Hey Liam i need to talk to you." Niall glanced at Kelsie and added "Alone." Kelsie got the message she grabed some pans and moved her way to the living room...

"Whats up mate?" i ask niall who was eating his first pancake. He finished his last mouthfull of food and sat down at the dining tabe.i followed him and sat down next to him. "Well me and Louis were talking last night when every one was a sleep.. We have a plan to suprise the girls, You know like a suprise date kindof thing." This would be perfect!! "Oh my god we should go up to the forest!! Theres a clearing there and we can put lights all around and it would just be perfect.": I have an inner girl in me, This is amazing.

Kelsie P.O.V

Well i guess i better leave the boys to have there guy talk. I go to grab some pans to wake up the lazy asses i call my friends and head to the living room. I have to admit  Carra and Louis look so good together,The way shes liying on his lap, the way his hand is wraped around her...Kelsie snap out of it you have to wake them up before we are late for school. I raise the pans up in the air and start smashing them together. Fist Louis wakes up then carra pops up,Next was Harry and Zayn but Kenzie would not budge at all! Carra saw her still laying on the ground with her eyes closed.... I already feel sorry for Kenzie, She had some crule ways to wake people up. Carra Gave me that look that could only mean trouble. She got up and grabed one of the pans i was holding and gave out an evil giggle "Hunny what are you doing?" Louis asked with a puzzled face. "Louis in the time i have known Carra,Its best not to ask." I say to Louis. He still looked puzzled but thats when Carra came through with a pan full of water. "Carra put the pan down." Louis said to Carra once he relised what she was going to do with the pan. "Louis you have to undersatand our freind ship is made up of mean things, So trust me hun it will be okay." Louis just smiled and nodded his head. Carra had done this to us many times and it is not the best feeling in the world so im not going to help when Kenzie flips out at her. Carra was making her way towards Kenzie and stoped at the side of her. She tiped the pan and splash the water coverd Kenzie.

Kenzie P.O.V

who is banging those pans together? Oh well im still not getting up. Finally they stoped well im going back to sleep now.

SPLASH what the fuck.... Carra that bitch! I snapped open my eyes and jummped on her. We fell to the ground and started play fighting the way we always did when we were younger. "I cant belive you just did that! bitch move carra bitch move, Id watch your back from now on hunnybun." She couldnt stop laughing and it was pissing me of! Thats it im going in for the slap. I raised my hand into the air and SMACK!! i hit her face. "Bitchhhhhhhhh" Carra let out a loud scream causeing Niall and Liam to come running to the living room. " What happend in here?" Liam asked looking worried. "Oh just the useul" Kelsie said letting out a chuckle. "Thats one slap for me bitch!" Carra said as she pushed me of her. "Oh no not this again..." Kelsie let out i sigh. Ahhh back in the good old days when us three relised we were sisters forever we had this thing called the slap count... Basicly when one of us slaped or punched another, the person who got hit would get a slap or punch but if you were the one who hit the person you lost a slap.....  We would build up our count and wait untill he right moment to hit eachother.Lets just say i was never really good at keeping mine high. "Oh yes! one for me 0 for you guys." Carra truly was evil. But then again thats one of the reasons we love her.

Zayn P.O.V 

Man these girls are crazy...They remind me of the boys kindof,but there girls im confusing my self so im just going to shut up now. "We are going to go get ready,You boys better be ready by 8 sharp!" Kelsie shouted down the stairs "Yes mum" Harry shouted up to her.... I wonder if he will ever learn not to mess with these girls,I dont know what to call them,I think they are clasified as bad asses. Me and the rest of the boys sat down to eat our food. Damn that is some good cooking.


"Zayn,Harry you come with me and louis.. Liam,Niall you go with Kelsie and Kenzie." We all nodded and climed into our cars. "So have you love birds done the sexy time yet?" i had to ask im dieing to know. "Zayn have you heard us do anything?" How does that make a diffrance? "Just think you have been here the whole time,If we done anything you would of heard it." Louis has a good way of explaining things to me. I wonder if they will do it? Most likely i mean comeon there complatly in love with eachother.Just look at the way they smile as soon as they make i contact,Ahh young love. we Pulled up to the school and parked on the usual spot. "I wonder if there will be anymore bitch fights today." Harry said as he got out the car. Carra gave him the death glare and he shut up.Louis walked over to Carra and gave her a sweet kiss,He pulled he into a hug and whispered in her ear "Its going to be okay,We all have your back and remember i am your hero forever and always. Never forget that." To top it of he placed a kiss on her forhead. I could tell carra hates this place more than anyone in this world,I dont know the full story of what happend but It must have been bad for her to act like this. Kenzie Niall Kelsie and Liam Joind us and the three couples Walked in front with there hands in hand or arm over shoulder While me and Harry stayed behind. " Lonley i am so lonley i have nobody im on my own." Harry sang while skipping along the path way. "Its okay hazza you have me." I said while skipping with him. We got many strange looks that day.

Carra P.O.V

The whole day we got looks from the "Barbie crew" It was like they were planning something but we didnt let that get to our heads.By lunch we were all tired out from working to be honest i fell asleep on Louis shoulder on our spare. It seemed like we were the only thing people talked about that day. Apparently We were only using the boys for fame.....I dont even think the press know about us haha. "Carra come with me and Kenzie to sub way, I think the boys deserve some alone time together..... Dont you dare think of that sexual" Kelsie knows me to well. "To Late" I smirk at her. Louis gave me a good by kiss and we were of.

We got to sub way and orderd our usual. " What time is it kenzie?" I dont feel like being late. "We better head back if we dont want to be late guys." Kenize was right . We got back to the school to find the barbies talking to Harry and Zayn, "So you guys are single."  "Yeah but we would never go out with bitches like you" Thats my boys! "im sure we could arange somthing." The head barbie was feeling up Harrys chest,I cant take this any more! "Carra we need to stop them!" Louis came running over with the other two. "Zayn and Harry are weak we need to do somthing before they get over excited." Niall said with a worried tone. Kenzie and Kelise came closer to me and whisperd in my ear. "You know all that irn bru we still have... i have a plan,Just come to the car and i will tell you it." Kenize allways had the best plans. "We will be right back boys" Kelsie said, We ran to my car and grabed as much irn bru as we could. "Okay we are going to go over to them and wait for the barbies to bitch at Carra....Then and only then my friends we shake the cans and spray them in their faces." Kenzie told us including the boys. We each grabed a can and walked over to the barbies. "Hey sluts" Kelsie said as soon as we got to them. "Oh look its the town hoes, How did you manage to get thoses  two? Oh wait i know you sucked there dicks!" Is that her only come back? sucking dicks? wow... "Ahh no thats you job being the tone whore and all." ouch louis had some good burns. "Well atleast we dont have the town prstitute on our side." Thats it i cant handle this any more. I began to shake up my can and the others joind in. "Three...two ..one.." We all opend our cans and aimed at the barbies. "Looking a little orange and sticky there, Now give us back Zayn and Harry." Kenzie Grabed the boys by the ear and gave them the death glare,If only looks could kill. "Im sorry they just pounced on us with out warning.." zayn explaind.."Lucky you came then i dont think i could handle it anymore." Harry said he was right if we didnt come then we would of lost our boys. "Its fine guys... just dont ever do that again or else!!" I had a tone of anger in my voice that seemed to get the message across. The bells rang for home finally,We ran to the cars and raced home.

Thats when i saw the note on the door...

Dear Carra,Kenzie and Kelsie <3

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