In the magical world, where light and darkness dance in eternal balance, lies the story of Sarah Dumbledore. Born under a rare and ancient astral conjunction, her destiny was marked from the very first breath. She was no ordinary child: the ancient prophecy spoke of her as the chosen one, destined to bring balance to forces that no one else had ever dared to challenge.
When she was only a year old, a terrible curse threatened her life, but Albus Dumbledore, with his infinite wisdom, managed to save her, shielding her from the shadows that sought to envelop her. With no family to care for her, Dumbledore decided to raise Sarah within the safe walls of Hogwarts, as if she were his own daughter.
From a young age, she showed extraordinary magical abilities: by the age of five, she could already cast spells with surprising ease. But when the time finally came for her to begin her adventure at Hogwarts, everything changed. As she grew older, the connection to her dark legacy grew stronger, forcing her to confront dark forces and secrets that tested her very humanity...
Forged in Darkness (English) ON PAUSE
Fanfiction"Sarah's soul was forged in total darkness, she is destined to save and preserve our world."