Is it so hard?

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As I sat on the couch busy reading which I would call the most interesting story on wattpad that took almost every second of my time, I felt my phone buzzing in my jacket,since it was a rainy cold weather jackets and socks became the usual outfit which I found weird wearing but because it was term break I didn't even care what I wore at least I was comfortable in it.

Anyway the phone buzz made me so mad because the story was coming to the complex part when my demn phone just rang unexpectedly I mean could you just let me read this part I shouted but it seemed to me she was not going to give me a chance and the annoying phone rang again. This time I had no choice but to answer it, "hi, what up?" I said trying to sound OK with the call.

" Hi, Sammy I was wondering if you could accompany me and Fay to go down to the shops to pick up something for her mom"she said. "Oh shops, Fay, Her mum??" I said sounding confused as if I did not hear her massage over the phone clearly, but believe me I did that on purpose because I did not want to leave my laptop not now at this chapter of the story and I ended my response with a yawn but I'm pretty sure she did not fall for it.

Because when it comes to Henelika there has to be a very persuasive excuse,and you must be smart. The first time I tried to get rid of her for a mistery story I was so obsessed with, she blacked me out for a week and it took me almost Ten times to apologise to her and that included me uninstalling wattpad from my phone, in front of her to make her accept my apology and that's how it ended up in my laptop.

I know she can be so mean to me when it comes to wattpad and stories ladada as she always say to tease me but she and fay were my best friends since childhood. We all grew up at the same neighborhood, though we were like one year ahead of each other we had a very strong friendship that kept us together. "Sam,are you still there",she said. "Wait your not still on that wattpad,come on its Saturday could you just rest from it a bit",she said.

Hearing this I was speechless because I knew we hadn't being spending a lot of time together because we were all busy with school and I knew this would be the only time fay would be around because she wasn't usually allowed to have time with her friends, because her parents were so strict with her and I would really hurt her if I didn't go so anyway I had to abandon my wattpad for now even though I didn't even have the feeling of going to I just had to.

"Um are you just gonna leave me to speak to myself ",Hene said sounding impatient now." Opps I'm so sorry Hene I got distracted, yeh okey I'll come, what time?", I asked. "Um around 9:30am , that's what fay said so I'll pick you up then okey",she said. "yeh ok", I said and she engaged the phone.

As I got out of the shower I quickly wrapped myself with my towel and ran to my room to change because the latest time I checked before entering the bathroom was 9:20am. You know what used all my time after the phone call at 7:00am, none other but wattpad demn I was addicted but seriously speaking I needed to finish that chapter it was too sweet to abandon.Anyway so the time was 9:24am and the girls were gonna pull up the drive way any minute and this is Sammy still undressed.

It kinda took me approximately four minutes to have my shower, wow that was a record because if you ask me I usually take hours in there. Okey sammy enough with the thinking thing and get on with the dressing you are late I said to myself and I opened my wardrobe and looked at my clothes,OK what are you wearing today I said to myself, then i held up a jacket. No not now the weather looks pretty fine as I glanced at my window then I realised I had taken up a lot of my last remaining time deciding on what to wear as if it was a dance or some big event and I didn't notice the time running so fast and here they were pulling up the driveway .

"What the hell,omg they are here",I said. Then I ran to the wardrobe pulled out a pair of shorts and a my favorite black Olympic shirt I got on my birthday from fay and ran to the mirror to comb my hair when I heard the doorbell ring. "Do you think she's there? Because its been two minutes since you rang that bell",fay asked Henelika. "Yep I'm sure she's there she's probably just doing her last minute dressing",hene replied. Hene knew most about me because we kinda hung out together and she knew my style.

After I combed my hair I pinned it into a bun and I ran to my bed picked up my phone with my side bag and ran down the stairs." There she is",she said hearing the sound of foot on the stairs,and soon I swang open the door." Hi guys" I said with a smile wiped over my face." Sorry I got d-",before I could finish hene interrupted by saying"you got distracted", and she laughed." Ye " I said shamelessly." OK guys were kinda running late so could we go!",fay said."Ye let's go", I said and we all walked to the car.

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