some names and dead names
Moonjumper = Starlight Madden
Human Name: Maria MaddenShapeshifter = Shape (adopted by Star)
Human Name: Kelly MaddenBeta Kid = Prota Madden (adopted by Star)
Dead Name: Jamie ViaTimmy = Tobias Madden (adopted by Star)
Dead Name: Tobias KelBow Kid = Lilac Litcher (adopted by Kenzo)
Dead Name: Molly Anderson
Nickname: Cassie LitchyMustache Girl = Danica Litcher (adopted by Kenzo)
Dead Name: Danica Katz??? (bc no one is) = Jade Madison (adopted by Patrica)
Dead Name: Kate BarloweFlorist = Patrica Madison
Dead Name: Patrica Jones (old marriage that ended soon)??? (no one is) = Neo Madison (born son of Pat)
Dead Name: Neo Jones (he was born around the time inside Pat's old marriage)Snatcher = Kenzo Litcher
Dead Name: Lidia LitcherVanessa = Niall Hart (old last name)
Dead Name: Jadson Litcher (when married)more will be added soon
character stuff and explaining/notes stuff
Randomcharacter shit bruh idfk This can also be a book for explaining things too Edit: 10/23/24 11:09 am Used to be named: eughhhhhhhhh Reason for change: because i wanted to make it clearer i guess :3