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Name: Y/n Rose (Before) Y/n "Sonic" The Hedgehog (After)

Hair Color: Black with Red highlights (Before) Blue (After)

Eye Color: Silver (Before) Green (After)

Birthday: October 31st (Before) June 23rd (After)



(A/n: You're basically Ruby's twin)

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(A/n: You're basically Ruby's twin)


Personality: Cocky, kind, protective, friendly, brave, loyal, carefree, honest, fearless

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Personality: Cocky, kind, protective, friendly, brave, loyal, carefree, honest, fearless.

Affiliation: Union Academy (Before) None (After)


The Rose/Xiao-Long Family (Before) Unknown (After)


Shadow The Hedgehog

Shadow The Hedgehog

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"C'mon, step it up!"

"I KNOW I can beat you!"

"I'm no one special, just a dude who loves to chill and do good."

"Being me isn't easy. Being ANYONE who isn't you is difficult."

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