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Also,thank yall so so much for liking this, Ahhhh!!!     ShoutOut to my P00kie....

11__Lixxie_Lix__11 for supp0rting thiss I luv her!!!!>_<


It was a busy day at dandys shop,people were buying lots of stuff,chocolate,cokes,and candies.Astro was one of these customers,"Hey dandy!"Astro greeted dandy,"Oh hey Astro!How's my best customer?"Dandy said,lightly patting Astro's head. Astro,surprised of this action,slightly blushed,Dandy (being dandy) giggled at this feeling a bit flattered,"Oh uhm,Dandy,can I get the astrology science book,right there?"Astro points at the book on the top shelf,Dandy looks up to see what he's talking about,"ah,yes let me get that for you, Astro~!"Dandy says, getting a ladder to get the book for Astro,Dandy gets down from the ladder, and blows off the dust off of the book and puts the book down on the desk,"Oo!I'm excited to read this,how much?"Astro says, looking down at the book with sparkle in his eye,"Ah,its gonna be....about 60 tapes,"Dandy says, inspecting the book,Astro,hearing this,the gleam in his eye disappeared hearing the words,°60!60 tapes?!°Astro says to himself in his head,"B-but I thought it was only 30 tapes?"Astro says kinda disappointed."Dandy chuckles to himself,"y'know what?How 'bout,you can have the book,but,later today someone might be knocking at your door,"Dandy says,looking at Astro waiting for a response,"Ok,deal!"Astro say before walking off to his room,a few minutes later Dandys next customer comes up,Toodles,"Hi Dandy!"Toodles says, pointing her toes so she can reach the desk,"Hello Toodles,let me guess,you want ya bubbles?"Dandy says slightly sarcastic,"Yep!You got it right!"Toodles says quite energetic and jumping around,"Alright Toodles,settle down,"Rodger says, going up to Toodles, placing his hand on her shoulder,signaling her to calm down,"Oh hello Rodger!"Dandy says, greeting Rodger,"Hi Rodger!"Toodles says, waving at Rodger,"Yes,yes,hello everyone,"Rodger says,sounding insanely tired,"Anyways,Toodles,you want the bubbles?"Dandy ask,"Yep,"Toodles replies. After Toodles and Rodger pay the tapes needed,Dandy closes the shop.

10 minutes later:

Dandy goes to Astro's room and knocks on the door,"Huh?Oh that must be Dandy,"Astro say,he closes the book and gets up from the bed to go to the door,"Oh hey Dandy do yo-"before Astro could finish Dandy went in,closed the door,and pushed Astro on the bed before falling onto him,"you know how I said someone was gonna knock on your door?,"Dandy said,Astro,froze, not knowing what to do,Dandy goes under the covers on the bed,Dandy then starts to move Astro blanket revealing Astro's magic stick,"Uh oh,guess who's hard?,"Dandy says,joking around with Astro playfully,Dandy starts lick the tip of Astro's thing,"Nģh~!"Astro moans as Dandy starts to suck him off,Dandy has half of Astro's thing in his mouth.The more Dandy puts Astro's dick in his mouth,the more Astro moans,"Ãugh~"Astro moans as Dandy keeps sucking him off,"D-dandy,I might just-"Astro says before ejecting into Dandys mouth,"Mmh"Dandy makes a sound that you would make if you were eating ice cream or something tasty.After a few minutes,Dandy stops sucking Astro off and sits up to look at Astro,"I know you liked that~"Dandy says as Astro sits,"U-uhm maybe..."Astro says,he covers his face in embarrassment,Dandy removes Astro's hands from his face and gives him a peck on the mouth,Astro blushes hard,and kissing Astro until they start to make out,transferring saliva,touching eachothers tounges,they stopped kissing,they move their lips away while saliva followed,Dandy gets up and goes behind Astro and sits behind him with his arms around Astro waist,"I love you,"Dandy says to Astro,Astro blushes hard by the words Dandy said,"I-I love you to,Dandy"Astro says back smiling slightly,"Astro,you ready?"Dandy says,Astro gulps in his saliva in nervousness"y-yea but just go easy on me,"Astro says, feeling nervous,"I will,"Dandy says calming Astro down a bit,then Dandy starts to stick the tip of his magic wand inside of Astro,Astro twitches when Dandy does this,"Ãugh~"Astro and moans as Dandy goes inside of Astro,while Dandy goes deeper into Astro until he's completely inside of Astro,Dandy bites Astro's neck while Astro covers his mouth to stop moaning,"Astro,I think you want some ice cream in you,dont you~?"Dandy says to Astro in Astro's ear,Astro blushes at this,Dandy touches Astros magic stick,Astro stiffs up and gets a boner,"Oh my,someone likes that huh~?"Dandy says in a playful tone,while Dandy ejects inside of Astro,"D-dandy, I think im ready,"Astro says,"alright,if you say so,"Dandy replied to Astro,Dandy starts to pull out his sticks slowly,they both grunt and moan as Dandy tries to pull it out,Dandy finally pulls it out with a trail of semen follows his dick,they both sigh in relief,Dandy stands up and helps Astro stand up,after that they both cleaned themselves up then the bed,"Hey Astro,you can go back to reading your book if you want,"Dandy says before kissing him on the forehead and leaving,"Dandy,before you go,thank you for giving me the book for "free"I like the book.."Astro says slightly, blushing."No problem, Astro, you deserved it,"Dandy said also blushing. After that, Dandy walks out of Astros' room just to get greeted by Toodles yelling,she jumped into Dandys arms,"Dandyyyy!!PEBBLES TRYING TO KILL MEEEE!!!"Toodles screams,Dandy looks to the left to see Pebble with a bone wagging his tail,"uhm,Toodles,how is Pebble trying to kill you, may I ask?"Dandy asked, confused. A few seconds later, Rodger comes completely drained of energy from Toodles,"Toodles,please can you clam down?,"Rodger asked,Toodles got out of dandys arms and hoped into Rodgers arms,"Thank you Dandy for taking care of Toodles,or,whatever..."Rodger says before walking off,Dandy just stood there after he looked at Pebble and back,then Dandy went back to the shop to re-open it again and start the day over again.

1105 Words and my hands hurt🤭🤭🥰🥰

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