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We See a Man Named Hisashi Midoriya Sitting at The Edge of His Bed as He's Feeling Sad for his Son who was Just Diagnosed Quirkless 


Inko: Hisashi

Hisashi: Yes my Lovely Nurse

Inko: You Know Today Izuku Gets to See his Quirk 

Hisashi: Hey Maybe He'll Have a Flame Quirk or a Telekinesis One

Inko: Only Time will call

Just then they heard Tiny feet Stomping as They saw their Son Dressed and Ready

Just then they heard Tiny feet Stomping as They saw their Son Dressed and Ready

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IZuku: Mommy Dad I'm Ready to go to The Doctors 

Hisashi: How'd you Get Ready that Fast 

Izuku: I set up a System where as Soon as I woke up I Jumped into Fresh CLothes Brushed my Teeth and grabbed my Backpack

Inko: Awwwww Your Sooo Cute 

Hisashi: Well Lets Go 

They Exited the House as Izuku skipped to Their car and Got in 

Izuku: Mommy what quirk do you think I'll Get 

Inko: I Dunno Sweetie maybe one Like All Might's 

Izuku: That'd be Great 

Hisashi: ooo Maybe one that allows you to blend into the shadows 

Izuku: *Deep Voice* I'm Batman

The Family Arrived at The Quirk Doctors office as They had to wait a While But Once they were called back they did some Tests as Izuku was Super Excited 

Hisashi: What if his Quirk is Generating Black Holes

Izuku: That is Both Scary and Awesome 

Inko: It could be one where he talks to Animals

Izuku: does that Mean I'd have to sing like a Disney character 


Doctor: Okay So the tests came Back

Izuku: What's My Quirk *Excited*

Doctor: You don't have one 

Izuku: huh 

Doctor: Your Quirkless Kid 

Izuku: *Shocked*

Hisashi: wait what

Inko: How can That be 

Doctor: Well your Husband is Quirkless and You have a Low Powered Telekinesis Quirk so it was always a 50/50 chance 

Izuku Began to cry as Inko Hugged him and They left the Office and Headed Home

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