Chapter Two

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(Josh’s P.O.V.)

I awake in a strange place, with no idea how I’d come to be here. Bewildered, I stood on a cliff, overlooking a giant land with a large factory in the distance. There was a glowing red and it took me a while to realize they were flames. I stood there, frozen to the spot, watching the beautiful kingdom burn down to ashes. All that was left was the factory. War was all around me. Toy soldiers were everywhere, taking the rebellious citizens down with their weapons. Most of the citizens were surrendering, some being taken away by the thousands. I looked back at the factory. It looked dark and foreboding; an ominous presence in what looked to be a once beautiful countryside.

“It was mine once,” said a voice behind me. I turned around to see a strange man, a toy. He looked raggedy and forlorn. What once was shiny and new, was now a forgotten and broken old man. He told me he used to be the king, but now lived as an outcast, overthrown by the heartless Queen Carolina. Suddenly, there was a sharp cry. The King and I both turned our heads to the kingdom. A girl in a long white dress was being dragged off into the dark forest of creatures by a hooded figure. The princess was clearly unconscious by the way she fell limp. If she wasn’t, she would have been struggling for her life. I look up at the sky. There has to be some way to save this place.

 (King’s P.O.V.)

*the next day*

The soldiers have taken everything. Even my precious daughter has been taken away. Carolina has stolen her heart too, and added it to her box of hearts. I’m don’t know for sure, but I fear Porcelain is locked in a tower somewhere. I fear for her life because no one has seen her in a very long time.  Carolina lives in the castle atop the factory where she continuously makes more toys for her army that will take over all of Toyland. I live in a small cave in the forest of creatures with my brother. We don’t talk much though. After all, the reason for all of this is Prince Gossamer’s lover. All positive feelings I’ve had for him are gone. Nearly all my feelings are gone. Since Carolina stole my heart, I’m losing all feeling and starting to see only the pain and suffering side of life. I’m also losing my memory and hope, so I decide to send a distress signal through to another world, hoping for someone to come help us. While I wait, I head out to the local diner, “Jack’s” for lunch.

(Josh’s P.O.V.)

I began to walk down a long road. It was early morning, the sun was shining and you could hear the birds chirping all around. I was still a little groggy from my lack of sleep the other night. I had a horrible dream that I was looking upon a kingdom of toys being destroyed. Although he didn’t say it, the look in the Kings eyes expected me to do something about it. I’m no super hero though, believe me.

I live alone in a small village where everyone hates me. I lost all my family and there seemed nothing to look forward to in life. Many times I thought about suicide, but something would always stop me. Yesterday, I got into a fight with some guys I used to go to school with. When I got home I packed up my things and made a plan. Today is the day I leave my little village for good, and go find a new place to live. Somewhere I could just start over and have a chance to fit in again.

I walk along a yellow brick road and just as my watch reads 12:00pm, the ground beneath me begins to disappear. I sense I’m falling, even though I’m not moving. I grow tired, so I close my eyes and let my body do as it wished.

When I wake up, I’m in a different place. The first thing I notice is how cold it is. The whistling wind sends a shiver down my back. Then I notice the crowd of people that surround me and fill the dirty streets. These people remind me of the people in my dream last night. They’re toys I think. Yes! They are. Where am I? Did I trip when I was walking and be knocked unconscious before falling into a dream? I begin to panic and blink my eyes, hoping it would make me wake up.

I close my eyes tightly for a minute before opening them again. When I do, a girl is standing in front of me. I quickly blink once more and then focus on the girl. She is the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen; glowing white skin, long black silky hair, and slightly seductive green eyes. The girl mouths something to me but I don’t make it out. I’ve never been good at reading lips. She turns and starts to walk away. I feel a strong beating in my chest and know I have to follow her. I try my best to keep her in my sight but there are too many people and I lose her.

“Excuse me, have you seen a tall dark haired girl,” I start to explain to the man standing beside me. He points to a small building with a sign that reads, “Jack’s diner” on it. I make my way into the restaurant, hoping the girl will be inside, and she is. She was standing at a table pouring some coffee. Instead of the previous outfit she was wearing, she is now wearing the diner uniform; a light blue dress with a white apron. Feeling a little nervous, I wasn’t exactly sure how to approach her. Someone turns up the volume on the juke box and the words, “Testing testing I’m just suggesting”, blares out. People start dancing, so I join in and dance my way over to the girl.

I get down on one knee and hold up my hand towards her mouthing along with the words; “you and I might not be the best thing, but…” she looked at me waiting to hear what I was going to say next. I stutter and she turns away to serve the coffee to a waiting customer. I look at them, but in the corner of my eye, I see a man sitting at the back of the dinner. He looks exactly like the King in my dream, but it couldn’t be. Curious, I walk over to him. I didn’t have to say anything because he started to speak to me.

“I noticed you talking to Carolina,” he said.

“I didn’t get much words in, but, I protested. “Is that her name? Carolina?”

“Yes,” he sounded bitter. “I used to be the king until she overthrew me and declared me as an outcast.”

“So she’s a Queen? Sweet,” I said a little shallow.

“Not sweet,” the King corrected me. She is evil and heartless. She kidnapped my daughter, Porcelain, stole my heart, and is trying to take over Toyland! You won’t be able to go home without my help.”

“What do you mean?” I stared at him in disbelief. Did he bring me here? This isn’t a dream?

“Carolina lives in the castle atop a toy factory. Within the tower is a toy box which contains everything she’s stolen; including a key that can get you home.” The King seemed very desperate. I didn’t want to go home, but maybe this key could just return me to my world. “The key has been broken into two halves,” the King continued. One of which is with Porcelain.”

“So I have to find Porcelain and put you back on your little thrown?” I mused.

“Yes and yes. Overthrowing Carolina would be nice. She guards the toy box well.”

(King’s P.O.V.)

I look at the boy who had literally fallen from the sky. It’s a miracle he’s still alive with that soft stiff body of his. He is different from the other citizens; like Porcelain, whose skin is easily bruised or scraped. He also has a certain quality that makes me trust him. He is our only hope after all. However, I fear that he would be seen as a threat by Queen Carolina. She locked the path that leads back to his home world. If that path had remained free, so would all the hearts of the toys.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2013 ⏰

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