1 - Fate is an unpredictable thing

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"Ding" a text pops up
"I know it's been a long time"
"Sorry for not being in touch, but I Need your help."
"Considering the vacant job post you currently have."
" There's someone I would like you to hire."
"Trust me on this one after all we've known each other for a long time and you know I will never lead you wrong."
"She's a very capable person and there's also another thing about her, she has a very powerful ability.''
"Her name is Veronica."
"Veronica Makaya."

Voices could be heard from all over, sellers trying to advertise their market, children talking while going to school, people trying to catch the bus to go to their various places of work. Along the streets of Adeba, a young girl stood out from the rest. She had a light Brown complexion, she wore a lilac hoodie with black trousers, her long raven coloured hair packed in a ponytail and had a lovely pair of blue eyes . She looked absolutely stunning even the people could tell but no one dared to go near her when they saw her face void of emotions as if she was ready to kill anyone who get in her way. Despite all their thoughts, she was only thinking of how she will get a job which made her to walk about aimlessly.
Then she noticed a child who was about to run into the road and saw a car coming at full speed. She managed to grab the child by the arm before the car could hit him. The driver thought he had hit the child so he zoomed off, "don't do that it's dangerous" she said. "Junior !" She turned to see a woman running in their direction, the woman took the child away from her and thanked her before scolding the child. She turn around and continue to work when she noticed a boy selling newspapers. She was quite shocked as why someone would do this when you can just access the latest news on the internet, saying that selling newspaper in this time and age is just a waste of time. Despite her thought she still went ahead to buy one, she knew was a waste of money but for some reason, she had the urge to buy it.
She was just about to read it when she saw a woman talking on the phone and someone trying to steal from her without her noticing . At first she decided to ignore it but change her mind and walked towards the woman, she grabbed the thief by the arm and twisted it. The man gave a sharp yell out of pain which took the woman by surprise. "Return what you stole or else your arm is gone" the girl said.
The thief dropped the purse and ran away in a hurry as soon as she let go of his arm. "Thank you so much, how may I repay you ?" The woman said feeling grateful. She wore a long flora kimono jacket, a short blue slim fit gown which made her cleavage show a bit and white thigh boots. She had tan skin and white hair and she looked like a woman in her twenties, "maybe I shouldn't have bothered myself ,she looks well off after all" the girl thought "no worries ma'am no need to re...."

"No ! I need to repay you that purse had some vital information inside". The woman was so pushy that the girl had no choice but to give in, with that they went to a nearby cafe. "I must say, thank you once again" "no problem it's alright" the girl said, "she even ordered food for me isn't this a bit too much for a mere purse" she thought. "so what's your name ?" The woman asked "Vero" the girl replied. "What a beautiful name, my name is Eniola", Just then she noticed Vero reading a newspaper and asked why. Vero replied by saying she is job hunting and felt that the newspaper might have some info on some job vacancies but considered buying the newspaper a waste of money cause she could have simply done that using the internet. The woman smiled and handed her a card.

"What's this for ?" Vero asked "come to this place there's a vacant job post for a receptionist and someone like you would make a good fit" Eniola said. Upon hearing that, Vero's eyes lit up and thanked the woman over and over again. The woman just stared as her and smiled.

"Good luck Veronica Makaya".

At first, Vero didn't pay attention to what she said then it dawned on her.
"Wait ! How did you.... Huh ?"
The woman was gone
"Wait how did she know my actual name, I told her a fake name because we were strangers and I wasn't interested in befriending her, so how did she..." Veronica looks at the card and saw the name "Atlas Haven".
"What a name" she thought, she picked up the newspaper to continue reading and became more surprised when she saw the same name in the newspaper along with the advertisement of a vacant job post. She decided to go there and try her luck.

She continued to walk until she reached an Alley, there were two people waiting for her inside, she smiled and went in. "Looks like the job is done" a voice said "yes it is, she was quite surprised by the fact I knew her actual name, anyway good work newspaper boy" she said that she patted him on the head. "Why couldn't we just invite her for an interview like a normal person rather than going through all this trouble" another voice said sounding annoyed. She chuckled at his remark, "hey ! You think this is funny ? That girl almost broke my arm !" . "Yeah yeah I know but I have managed to raise are curiosity and she will be there any minute from now, everything is going according to plan" she said grinning from ear to ear,"Won't you agree ?"
"Yes ma'am" the voices said in unison

"Honestly how long will it take me before I get there ?" Veronica wailed as she studied the card which had a map on the back. "What a strange woman, who on earth is she ? No, what is she ?" These thoughts kept going through her mind that she didn't notice a signboard in front of her and ended up hitting her head against the Iron pole. "Damn it ! Could this day get any worse ?" Saying that, she looked up and was just about to curse at the signboard when she saw a familiar name.
"Atlas Haven" she turned her head to the left and saw a building which had the name Atlas Haven. She knew she had arrived at her destination, she felt a mix of emotions bubbling inside of her. "I'm only feeling this way because of that woman" She thought but at the same time, she couldn't help but wonder what all this is about and to find out, she had to go inside the building.

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