February 22,2022
Lo:HoustonZalaiah's POV: 1st Person
Everybody was suppose to meet up at my house to discuss the Deon situation and have our friend game night. Everybody was doing their own thing as I tried calling Leo and Moni for the fourth time that day.
"If they don't fucking pick up.."
The call rung through and went to voicemail and I hung up and tossed my phone to the side.
I ain't know what could happen in the the time it took for them to get here.
They could get stopped by Deon's fellow gangbangers or even worse..
Knowing Leo, if he would've saw Deon just chilling and around, he would killed dat nigga on sight and I ain't need to risk him going to jail right now.
I was just stressing..😖🙏🏽🙏🏽
I felt the couch dip but I was still fixated on my phone. My leg was shaking with anticipation.
"They might be driving Z, don't trip." I turned my head and saw Mocha sitting beside me.
"Ion kno he's jus throwing me tf off" I was getting frustrated and Mocha hugged me and gave me time to cool down in her arms.
She lifted my head up. "You wanna get in the pool? Yeah, you getting your fine ass in the pool." She answered for me before I could and she pulled me off the couch to go get changed.
FF>when they done gettting dressed
"BOW BOW BOWW" I was hyping Mocha up as I was recording her making it clap for Instagram.
"Allat motion back dere, you see it" Mocha was bending over and throwing it until she ran and jumped in the water.
"Gurl you getting thick on mee" I whined. She laughed and hugged me. "It's okay bookie yu gone get there" Mocha reassured me while she grabbed my ass as she hugged me.
"Wassam bitchess" Moni came outside already dressed, got on all fours and started throwing cake too.
"Ayeee aye aye" we hyped her up and she got in the water with us.
She hugged Mocha and pecked her lips. When she tried to hug me, I moved back and mugged her.
"Shit ain't sweet." I said and crossed my arms pouting.
"What I do mamas?" She asked innocently and I rolled my eyes. I grabbed my phone and showed her my call logs of me calling her and Leo each 4 times.
"My bad babes but sum was..going up during those hours..." She trailed off and her and Mocha started laughing.
I started to catch onto what she was saying and I couldn't help but feel disgusted. "You nasty bitch" I said as I started laughing with them.
After a while, we all took turns twerking and hyping and jumping in the pool for Insta n shi.
"Yall better calm yall gay asses down out here" Corey came outside with us.
Me and Moni were French kissing at the moment while Mocha was recording us to post on my story. I made eye contact with him as I continued to kiss Moni and Mocha flipped him off still recording us.
"Oohh I'm telling Leo!" Corey ran inside and after a lil min, came back out with Leo pointing at us in the pool.
"Brooo Zalaiah!" He shouted and ran over to retrieve Moni out the pool. "Yall bad influences on her."
Me and Mocha shrugged and Mocha put her tongue in between a peace sign and picked me up on her hip.
Author:dey jus sum nasty muhfuckas 😝😂
We didn't care that he was irritated. We just laughed and kept being the bad bitches we were. Laughing, kissing, swimming, twerking, taking shots, allat!
I had already started forgetting about the whole Dre situation and all that bs.
FF>when we came out the pool and into the house
"Whoo we had a time!" Me and Mocha were walking into the house from the backyard and were about to get ready for the group meeting.
Corey, Leo, and Kel were on the couch, Keon was out getting snacks n shi and Moni was on Leo's lap rolling mad blunts. Jus chilling. "Yall always so boringggg" Mocha stretched out the -ing part. Me and her giggled uncontrollably.
"Yall always doing the most.." Corey said looking up from his phone to mug us.
"Like sit yall asses down somewhere" Kel added on and mugged us as well.
"Boy boo" Mocha rolled her eyes and waved him off. She wrapped her arms around my shoulder and we went upstairs to change.
As I was walking up I was I looked back at Corey and he caught my gaze and we made intense eye contact until I got out of view.
Dat nigga jus fine for no reason..😮💨
__________________________________Wassam fine ass hoesss 😝😝😝
I missed yall..😢💔..
But no ain't the time for crying bc:
Smb get da pewpews (🔫🔫) n let's lay his ass tf out!
But osrs yall all so cute, supportive, smart, and not to mention: FIONNEEE ASSSFFFFF 😍😍
Like let a bitch kno if yu need yo titties sucked..😝📲
Bye thickumms nd meet me at the group game night next chapter (we finna have a mf time)😘👋🏽
MWAHH 💋 no update for a week 🤣🤣
I'm jp..
Or am I? 🧐🤨🤔🫣🤭🤫