❥1 | facades

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The sound of wooden hulls scraping against each other echoed across the open sea, sending a tremor through both vessels. The clash was inevitable; George's ship had finally caught up with Dream's notorious pirate crew. The governor, dressed in a finely tailored coat, stepped off the gangplank and onto Dream's ship. His sword was in hand, gleaming under the muted light of the overcast sky.

The wood beneath George's heel groaned, damp from the sea spray, a stark contrast to the luxury he was used to. He didn't belong here, on this weathered pirate ship, but it didn't matter. Not now. Not when Dream was just within reach. He could hear the infamous pirate laughing from somewhere aboard the ship, the faint chuckle curling around George's nerves like a noose. He hated that sound. Hated it more than anything, and yet...

George's hand tightened around the hilt of his sword. He took another step forward, eyes scanning the deck for Dream. His crew followed closely behind—Sally, Jack, Tommy, and Tubbo—all battle-ready, their gazes fixed on Dream's shipmates.

"You've got a lot of nerve, Dream," George called out, voice sharp and steady despite the tension. "I'm not letting you get away with it this time."

From the shadows at the ship's helm, Dream emerged, his face obscured by the eerie, ever-present smile of his mask. The notorious pirate was unbothered, hands casually resting at his sides, as if George's sword and his crew posed no real threat.

"I was wondering when you'd finally catch up, governor," Dream replied smoothly, his tone laced with amusement. "You're getting faster. Maybe I'll have to start trying harder."

Dream's crew—Sapnap, Punz, Karl, and Foolish—stood behind him, watching George's approach with varying degrees of anticipation. Sapnap, Dream's right hand, already had a smirk on his face, eager for a fight.

"You can return what you stole," George said, his sword raised slightly, "or I'll take it back by force."

Dream tilted his head, the mask's smile seeming to widen as he stepped forward, the ship tilting ever so slightly beneath his boots.

"Take it back?" Dream echoed, his voice carrying a sinister edge. "By all means, George. Try."

The clash of swords echoed across the deck, metal meeting metal with a sharp, resounding clang. George pressed forward with precision, his blade slicing through the air with purpose. Dream, ever the elusive pirate, met George's attacks with equal skill, his laughter cutting through the tension.

"That caught me by surprise," Dream taunted, sidestepping a particularly close strike, his masked face turning toward George with that eternal grin. "Maybe you're more serious this time."

George scoffed, his grip tightening on his sword as he struck again, his focus narrowing. "I'm not here to play games, Dream. This ends now."

Dream's laughter only grew, the sound grating against George's nerves. He parried another blow with ease, eyes gleaming behind his mask as he began to press George back. Step by step, George felt himself giving ground, his boots slipping slightly on the wet wood as Dream's fluid movements forced him toward the ship's cabin door.

The pirate moved quickly, blade flashing, and George barely caught the strike. With a grunt, he twisted the doorknob behind him and stepped back into Dream's captain's quarters, the door swinging open. But the change of scenery didn't slow them down. The two swordsmen were still locked in combat, neither willing to yield.

"That caught me by surprise," Dream laughed, sounding almost thrilled as their blades locked for a brief moment before they broke apart.

George scoffed, circling him with a measured step. "I'm not here to amuse you, Dream."

crown to cutlass (pirate au) || DNF Where stories live. Discover now