Chapter 13 - Hey, Roomie

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Chapter 13
Sunday 11th August, 2024
The Ditch, Crockenhill, London

Angel opens The Ditch's front door before Otis has chance to knock – it's drawing close to the end of a warm but windy day and Otis is grateful that he doesn't need to spend any more time shielding his hair from the elements outside.
He immediately clocks the two Steri-Strips pinching at a laceration across Angel's throat; he is intrigued, but not shocked.
Otis: Commiserations to his opponent...

Kit is drying gin goblets and nods in Otis' direction as both he and Angel take a seat. Kit knows the drill by now; he starts to fold his tea towel and unties the apron from around his waist, understanding that this is another business meeting he isn't welcome to join.
Angel: Your shift's not over yet, Kit.
Kit looks at Angel in anticipation.
Otis: What? The kid's staying?
Angel nods, digging into his pocket for a lighter.
Angel: Yes, he's staying.
Otis raises his eyebrows.
Otis: Wow, kid. You're honoured.
Angel: Yeah, well, he's earned his stripes this week.
Kit leaves his apron on the bar top and takes a seat on a barstool.
He feels a sense of achievement; like he has been accepted into a club. But there is a sickening edge to his delight as he realises that it isn't really a club he should feel proud to represent.
Otis: Did you find Jonathan Gough?
Angel: We did.
Angel unwraps the film off a new packet of cigarettes. Otis glances at Kit and purses his lips, wondering if Kit is suffering from any similarly gory war wounds. He acknowledges that there's clearly more than meets the eye to this new employee.
Otis: And did he sing?
Angel: Like a canary. He gave us the address of the place where Fish spent his time - a park, around the back of Pear Tree Hall.
Otis nods, making a mental note of the address.
Otis: Did he volunteer the information?
Angel: I left him as I found him, Ratt. I didn't touch a hair on his pretty little head.
Angel tosses Otis' police badge onto the table separating them.
Otis: Okay. Well I can get a team over to take a look, get us some answers.
Angel: No need.
Angel stubs his cigarette out into the ash tray.
Angel: I already looked.

There's a thick silence as Otis shuffles nervously in his seat, eyeing up the cut across Angel's neck. He knows Angel has the tendency to look with his hands.
Otis: And?
Angel explains his entire encounter with Redcoat and how her cohort had initially mistaken him as someone in the force. Kit remains quiet, only speaking when spoken to, but nods his head like a Churchill Dog.
Otis whistles as Angel reveals the name of the mystery supplier.
Otis: So, we have an Angel two-point-oh. The world really didn't need another one of you.
Hearing Otis' words, Angel is painfully reminded of Maura's similar quotation.
Angel: So I've been told once before.
Otis: What will you do?

Angel chews his inner cheek. He hasn't thought about anything else for the last three days and yet somehow, he still has no plan – only to hope that word of his chaotic visit would scare off the trouble and not encourage it. Ideally, he needs eyes and ears on his girls and The Ditch at all times, until he can be certain.

Feeling inadequately equipped to do it alone, he nods in Kit's direction.
Angel: Kit's going to be living at The Ditch until I have something figured out. He's moving in tomorrow.

Kit freezes and his blood runs cold – this isn't in the verbal contract. He shudders at the thought of brushing his teeth alongside Josie and sharing a blood orange breakfast with Stassi. Breathing feels impossible and he tries to obtain the words to object which won't get him fired, or fired at, but every time he goes to speak, he finds no voice. His dry mouth hangs wide open, and he paws at the invisible leash tightening around his throat; on another note, what will Maura say?

Otis notices the blood has drained from Kit's face and diverts his gaze, bowing his head in sympathy for the boy. Another life is being lost to the O'Hare's, right in front of his eyes, but, knowing better than to argue with Angel, he can do nothing other than accept Kit will most likely end up just another pushed-up daisy.

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