the hidden bond 3

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Weeks passed since RJ's battle against the sorcerer. Training with Gojo became a routine, a balance of intense practice and thoughtful reflection. RJ's mastery of his abilities continued to grow, and with each day, he felt more connected to his brother and his own potential.

One evening, while they were having dinner, Gojo received a message on his phone. After reading it, he looked at RJ with a mix of concern and determination.

"There's been a disturbance," Gojo said, his tone serious. "A powerful curse has appeared in the city. We need to handle it before it causes any more damage."

RJ's heart raced. He had faced challenges before, but this was different—this was about protecting others from a real threat. "I'm ready," he said firmly. "Let's go."

They arrived at the scene, where chaos reigned. The curse was a massive, grotesque creature with a dark, swirling energy that seemed to absorb all light around it. People were fleeing in terror, and the air was thick with fear.

Gojo and RJ stood at the edge of the battlefield. Gojo's demeanor was calm and focused, but there was an unspoken understanding between them. RJ took a deep breath, summoning his resolve.

The curse roared and lunged at them, its massive form moving with surprising speed. Gojo acted first, using his Limitless Cursed Technique to create a barrier and contain the curse's destructive energy. RJ, watching closely, prepared to support his brother.

He began by using the Blue Void to create a concentrated, defensive shield, blocking the curse's initial attacks. The energy from the Blue Void absorbed and dissipated the curse's powerful strikes. Next, RJ summoned the Red Void, directing its force to push the curse back and create an opening for a more direct attack.

Despite his progress, RJ still struggled to balance the raw power of the Purple Void. He had learned to use it effectively in training, but now, facing a real and formidable opponent, it was more challenging than ever. With Gojo's guidance, RJ combined his Blue and Red Voids, attempting to stabilize the Purple Void with greater precision.

The swirling force of the Purple Void unleashed a powerful blast that struck the curse head-on, causing it to stagger and howl in pain. But the curse wasn't defeated yet. It recovered quickly, charging forward with renewed fury.

Gojo took this opportunity to launch a decisive attack. With a swift motion, he unleashed a powerful beam of energy that pierced through the curse's core, weakening it significantly. RJ, feeling the strain but driven by determination, focused all his energy on his Purple Void, creating a final, concentrated blast that struck the curse with overwhelming force.

The curse let out a final, despairing roar before disintegrating into a cloud of dark energy. The area fell silent, and the threat was neutralized. RJ and Gojo stood amidst the aftermath, catching their breath and surveying the scene.

"You did well," Gojo said, placing a hand on RJ's shoulder. "Your control over the Purple Void has improved significantly. You were able to handle it under pressure and make a real difference."

RJ nodded, feeling a deep sense of accomplishment and relief. "Thanks to you, I was able to control it. I've learned so much, and I'm grateful for your guidance."

As they walked away from the scene, the city lights twinkling in the distance, RJ felt a new sense of purpose and confidence. The bond with his brother had deepened, and he had faced a real challenge with the strength and skill he had developed.

The world of jujutsu sorcery was vast and unpredictable, but with Gojo by his side and his own growing abilities, RJ knew he was prepared for whatever lay ahead. The journey was just beginning, and he was ready to face it with courage and determination.

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