Chapter 3: The Obsession Grows

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**Chapter 3: The Obsession Grows**

Lila Rossi had always known how to get what she wanted. Manipulation was an art, and she was its master. People were like pawns on a chessboard, and she played the game with ruthless precision. In Paris, she had built her reputation on lies, charming her way into the good graces of everyone who mattered.

But there was one person she had yet to conquer—Marcel.

From the moment she laid eyes on him, Lila knew he was different. It wasn’t just his looks, though his bluebell eyes and enigmatic smile were enough to make anyone swoon. No, it was the challenge he presented. Marcel was clever, too clever for most people, and he had a knack for seeing through her carefully woven tales. He wasn’t like the others who fell for her tricks so easily.

And that infuriated her.

Lila’s obsession with Marcel wasn’t born out of affection or genuine interest; it was rooted in the desire to break him, to bring him to his knees and make him realize that he couldn’t resist her charm. She’d spent months trying to get close to him, weaving intricate webs of lies and deceit, but Marcel remained frustratingly out of reach.

But Lila was nothing if not persistent. She knew that everyone had a breaking point, and she was determined to find his. She had already planted seeds of doubt among his friends, carefully crafting stories that painted her as the perfect victim and Marcel as the aloof, uncaring outsider. She watched with satisfaction as those around him began to question his motives, their trust in him slowly eroding.

Yet, despite her efforts, Marcel remained unyielding. It was as though he was untouchable, immune to her influence in a way that no one else had ever been. Lila’s frustration grew with each passing day, her obsession with him consuming her thoughts.

And then, she saw her.

The girl with the raven hair and piercing blue eyes. The one who seemed to have captured Marcel’s attention in a way Lila never could. The moment Lila spotted them together, sitting in that little café as if they were the only two people in the world, something inside her snapped.

Dahlia Wayne. That was her name, Lila had learned. The daughter of some wealthy American family, or so the rumors went. But Lila didn’t care about Dahlia’s background or status. All she saw was a threat—a girl who had what she wanted. A girl who dared to stand in the way of her plans.

Lila watched them from a distance, her hands clenching into fists as jealousy and rage twisted in her gut. She couldn’t believe it. After all her efforts, all her carefully crafted lies, Marcel was sitting there, smiling at someone else. At her.

It was unacceptable.

Lila’s mind began to race, plotting and scheming as she watched the two of them. If Dahlia thought she could just waltz into Marcel’s life and steal him away, she was sorely mistaken. Lila had spent too long working to get what she wanted, and she wasn’t about to let some newcomer ruin everything.

She would destroy Dahlia. Break her, humiliate her, make her wish she had never set foot in Paris. And once she was out of the picture, Marcel would finally see that Lila was the only one who truly understood him, the only one who could give him what he needed.

Lila’s lips curled into a sinister smile as her plan began to take shape. She would be patient, careful. She knew how to bide her time, how to strike when the moment was right. And when that moment came, Dahlia Wayne would regret ever crossing her path.

Because no one got in Lila Rossi’s way and lived to tell the tale.


This chapter delves into Lila's twisted mindset, highlighting her obsession with Marcel and the lengths she’s willing to go to eliminate Dahlia as a threat. It sets the stage for the conflict and tension that will unfold as the story progresses.

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