Chapter 6

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(The actors for my characters give consent to this 😂)
The sounds of dried, bitter, dead, grass crunched under the weight. A shadow traveled across the quiet place that held no alive residents. Rubbing the fabric to stay warm as fear, pain, sadness, and dark thoughts loomed around. Rachel made her way up the hill, partially hoping it wasn't there, that she was just dreaming. However it's dark and multicolored stone stayed there. Sniffing and rubbing her face she almost dropped to the ground as she gently sat. Looking across from her, it took a few moments to finally speak. "Hi Bruce... I know- it's been a while since we've... talked." Rachel tried her best to not cry, but she couldn't help her still broken heart shed a few tears. "I.... I needed to be with someone so- th-that's why I'm here... with you." Si's tail wagged a little as he was rapidly sniffing the stone. "O-oh! Ha ha.. uhm- this is Si. A dog Lucy found. He's been keeping us safe." Si finally felt contempt after inspecting the grave before walking to Rachel and laying partially on her legs and the grass. Rachel continued to pet him as she spoke. "Thanks- for sending us this lil guy. We surely needed him. Uhm.... Bruce? If- there's any way.. please look after your sister. She needs you. She- she got into a crash and.." Rachel stopped before downing a bottle of water. "She could be slipping into a coma. And- I just need you to protect her. To help give her strength. Please- don't leave her."

On her way home, Rachel fully looked o it the window shield as she drove. The outdoors and nature was gorgeous. Lucy and Rachel had been fortunate enough to find a home to live with only canyon's as their way in and out of town. The tall structures followed by the abundance of trees. It was a great calming drive. As Rachel drove her eyes moved back and forth on the road, watching for any animals. Her window was down bowling her hair and providing air conditioning.
Thank goodness...
Not too long into the drive, Rachel was near the opening of a canyon to get into the valley. When she heard loud explosions. Rachel's green eyes turned white from how far they popped from her head as she looked all around. "What is that?!" Turning off her music she looked for any sign as small rocks began to rain down. Then... she saw it. The cloud of large rocks coming from the sky. Immediately Rachel sped up and took a sharp right. Just as she felt the vehicle about to tip, she was able to smoothly skid like a race car around the curve. Beeping and using her emergancy flashers to try to warn people of the danger. She sped up 30 over the speed limit, hitting the 70's. The rocks came and she had some slam into her arm as she drove. Hissing in pain it only made her enter a different version of her mind. Her eyes narrowed as she was focusing on the challenge. She wasn't going to be scared and back out. She couldn't or she'd get hurt. Driving quickly she watched as the Trees began to sway. Immediately she began to drift before slowly applying the breaks as she curved lot the right once more. The ground began to give and like a chocolate Sunday melting. The grounds began to go and move around her. The hearth shuddered as she scanned the area. The woods were too much for her friend's vehicle to handle. Rachel cursed as she then parked. Opening her small satchel, a bottle of water, along with anything useful she could grab. Before stepping out and ditching the suv. Running, she entered the woods at a quick jog. Adrenaline buzzing through her mind as from behind her the vehicle was swallowed by the large brown coming after her.

Miles of the chase continued but finally the landslide slowed down. Enough for Rachel to continue ahead of it. Her lungs were veining as she coughed a bit, feeling grateful she didn't give up her football routine. However... now she had to figure out how to get back to the town. Looking to her left as that was the original direction to the town- North West. She sighed before turning and tracking along her journey.

Black... everything was black.. the smell of heavy smoke filled her nose as she felt the larger hands throw her body down. "No- please-" she cried, her eyes swollen from crying all day. "Shhh... you're ok. With me.. you're safe. I'll make sure I take Good care of You." The deep voice of her kidnapper spoke. The male stroked her hair before then pulling it. "Please stop." The girl shivered as she rubbed her arms.
The car was parked in the middle of the canyons. Miles away from people.. miles away from the normal hiking areas. Nobody would hear them out here since it was very early morning. Then- when he was satisfied, he's take out the trash. All the screaming and fighting would go in vain he thought, because nobody could save his little bird.

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