Chapter 4: 20 of Vorath's Soldiers Down, 60 More to Go

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As the battle raged on, the air crackled with energy as Phoenixwing and his companions stood ready to face the next wave of Vorath's soldiers. With determination burning in their eyes, they braced themselves for the onslaught ahead.The soldiers charged forward, their weapons gleaming in the sunlight. Phoenixwing and his allies moved with precision, each of them unleashing their signature energy attacks with skill and finesse. Hellfire Shot blazed through the air, leaving trails of fiery destruction in its wake, while the God Chain snaked out, binding their foes with unyielding force.Amidst the chaos, Phoenixwing's training paid off as he flawlessly executed each move, his movements fluid and powerful. With every strike, he felt the energy coursing through him, channeling his strength and determination into each attack.As the battle raged on, Phoenixwing and his allies fought with unwavering resolve, their determination unwavering in the face of overwhelming odds. With every soldier they defeated, their confidence grew, driving them forward with renewed vigor.But despite their valiant efforts, the tide of battle began to turn against them. Vorath's soldiers fought with ferocity and determination, pushing Phoenixwing and his companions back with each passing moment.Yet even in the face of adversity, Phoenixwing refused to back down. With a roar of defiance, he rallied his allies, urging them to stand strong against the tide of darkness threatening to overwhelm them.And so, the battle raged on, each side locked in a deadly dance of blades and energy. With every passing moment, the stakes grew higher, and the fate of the world hung in the balance. But for Phoenixwing and his companions, there was no turning back. They would fight to the bitter end, no matter the cost.Phoenixwing weighed out his options in this fight with the ten new soldiers, and he knew that it was going to be a tough fight for all of them. Despite that, Phoenixwing didn't care, he just keep fighting on. He dug deep. Deeper than he ever had dug before and threw back of his hands back behind him in the same style he would form his hellfire shot. The light of an energy ball began to form in his hands. "Hellfire!" He started to say. As he gathered the energy for the attack you could hear the sound of the energy in his hands charging up through the area. A sound that brought relief to his siblings and friends, but brought a slight concern to their enemies seeing how Phoenixwing and his siblings and friends just killed the last set of soldiers. "Shit!" He yelled as pushed back if his hands forward in front of him and small balls of energy shot out of both energy balls in both of his hands fast and powerful like two machine guns firing off bullets at their intended targets. Each energy ball firing off was hitting their targets perfectly, it was as if Phoenixwing just knew he wasn't going to waste a single shot of his hellfire shot. With one strong blow from both hellfire shots he fired off. He killed all ten of the new soldiers early with ease, giving his siblings and friends more time to rest and gather their strength and energy and recover more. Phoenixwing began to not only lead them, but deep down he began to take sole responsibility of the burden of the fight. As the bodies of the 10 soldiers dropped to the ground, lifeless, and helpless, their bodies we burned and sizzling. Their fellow soldiers that were watching the fight were looking in awe. "Not again. These kids are something else. I bet you I won't allow them to do that to me. " The soldiers began to say and mutter to themselves. "This is no time to be scared of these mere children!" Vorath said. "Garloth! I want you to step in. You alone should be able to face these children and give them a good whooping after everything we've seen so far. Don't disappoint me." Vorath said. A second later a man stepped from out of the crowd of soldiers. He was a Xennion just like Phoenixwing and his siblings. His Xennions dragon scales were the color of a dirty orange. "Come, fight me. Because I didn't come here to do any babysitting around. I promise that I will try to make this and quick and painless for each and everyone of you as possible. You are standing between the goal of me and my unit and our unit leader, my lord Vorath, and that, that is something that I can not tolerate." Garloth said as he spread out his dragon wings as if he was ready to use them to take flight.Phoenixwing's senses heightened as Garloth stepped forward, his dirty orange Xennion scales gleaming under the harsh light. A tense silence fell over the battleground as the two Xennions locked eyes, each sizing up the other. Phoenixwing could feel the weight of the impending battle pressing down on him, but he refused to let it overwhelm him."Alright, Garloth. Let's see what you've got," Phoenixwing said, his voice calm but tinged with determination. He knew this fight wouldn't be easy, but he was ready to face whatever challenges came his way.As Garloth spread his dragon wings, Phoenixwing braced himself, channeling his energy to prepare for the clash ahead. He could sense the anticipation radiating from his siblings and friends, their faith in him unwavering.Without warning, Garloth lunged forward, his movements swift and calculated. Phoenixwing reacted instinctively, dodging Garloth's initial strikes with fluid grace. The air crackled with energy as the two Xennions engaged in a fierce exchange of blows, each testing the other's strength and skill.Despite Garloth's aggressive onslaught, Phoenixwing remained composed, his focus unbroken. He could feel the power of Aetheria coursing through him, lending him strength and resilience in the face of adversity.With each passing moment, Phoenixwing grew more confident, his movements becoming more fluid and precise. He began to anticipate Garloth's attacks, countering with skillful maneuvers of his own.As the battle raged on, Phoenixwing's determination never wavered. He refused to back down, drawing upon his inner reserves of strength and courage to push forward.Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Phoenixwing saw his opening. With a swift and decisive strike, he unleashed his signature move, the Hellfire Shot, channeling all of his energy into a single devastating blow.The blast struck Garloth head-on, engulfing him in a blaze of fiery energy. For a moment, the battlefield was consumed by the brilliance of the explosion, casting long shadows across the ground.When the smoke cleared, Garloth lay motionless on the ground, defeated. Phoenixwing stood victorious, his chest heaving with exertion but his spirit undaunted.With a sense of triumph coursing through him, Phoenixwing turned to his siblings and friends, a proud smile on his face. Together, they had overcome yet another challenge, proving their strength and resilience in the face of adversity.But even as they celebrated their victory, Phoenixwing knew that their journey was far from over. There were still many battles to be fought, and many trials to overcome. But with each victory, they grew stronger, more determined than ever to see their quest through to the end."Ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha!" Vorath started to laugh maniacally. "What are you laughing for, I just defeated your soldier" Phoenixwing said with his back turned to Vorath and his soldiers. "I'm laughing because you actually think and believe that Garloth can be defeated that easily!" Vorath said. With those words coming from Vorath's mouth, shot a spirit of wonder through Phoenixwing's mind. The look in Drakon's face was in awe as he could see what Phoenixwing couldn't see with his back turned. In an instant Drakon spread out his dragon wings and took off in flight. "Phoenixwing! Move! Duck! Now!" Drakon yelled at his brother. I confidence with his victory against Garloth, Phoenixwing was confused and began to suck and jump out of Drakon's way and started to turn around to look behind him. Somehow after that blast from Phoenixwing's hellfire shot Garloth was back up and flying towards Phoenixwing with an energy ball formed in his hand ready to attack Phoenixwing from behind. "Dragon slash!" Drakon yelled out as he clawed at the air sending out waves of waves of energy reminiscent to the hand and claws of a dragon flying through the air towards. "Demon siege !" Garloth yelled at the same time as he extended his hand out sending out a blast of energy that radiated a dark and ominous energy. The blast of energy broke off mid flight into 5 separate beams if energy that came into contact with each claw of energy created from Drakon's dragon slash. The collision of both attacks nullified each other making a great explosion of energy. "How are you still standing?" Phoenixwing asked in disbelief. "Hehe, oh yes that's right, you youngins are too young to have your special abilities apart from your ability to use the power of energy for your attacks. So you don't understand the concept of special abilities to it's fullest. One of my special abilities that I have is the power of regenerating and rapid healing, and I can take damage by the loads. I believe you small little kids have met your match here. I doubt you will ever be able to beat me. And if you can that will be by some amazing miracle." Garloth said. "Phoenixwing, we can take this clown in together, let's double team him. Two against one, you and I." Drakon said. Phoenixwing noded his head in agreement. "Let's do it Drakon." Phoenixwing said as he stood back up and got into a fighting stance next to his brother.As Drakon and Phoenixwing prepared to face Garloth together, a sense of determination filled the air. Despite Garloth's boastful claims, they refused to back down, ready to confront whatever challenges lay ahead.With a shared nod of understanding, Drakon and Phoenixwing moved as one, their movements synchronized in perfect harmony. They had fought side by side countless times before, and they knew that together, they were a force to be reckoned with.Garloth watched them closely, his expression shifting from arrogance to uncertainty. He could sense the strength and determination radiating from the two brothers, and for the first time, doubt crept into his mind.But Garloth was not one to be easily intimidated. With a fierce roar, he launched himself at Drakon and Phoenixwing, his movements swift and aggressive. He unleashed a barrage of energy blasts, each one aimed with deadly precision.Drakon and Phoenixwing responded in kind, their movements fluid and graceful. They dodged and weaved through Garloth's attacks, their agility unmatched. With each passing moment, they drew closer to their opponent, their determination unwavering.As Garloth continued to press the attack, Drakon and Phoenixwing saw their opening. With a swift and decisive maneuver, they launched a coordinated assault, their combined strength overwhelming Garloth's defenses.Their attacks landed with devastating force, sending Garloth reeling backwards. But even as he staggered, he refused to admit defeat. With a defiant roar, he launched himself back into the fray, his determination unyielding.The battle raged on, each side refusing to give an inch. Drakon and Phoenixwing fought with all their strength, their movements fueled by their unwavering resolve. Garloth fought with equal ferocity, his determination matched only by his pride.But in the end, it was Drakon and Phoenixwing who emerged victorious. With a final, decisive blow, they brought Garloth to his knees, his strength finally failing him.As Garloth lay defeated, Drakon and Phoenixwing stood triumphant, their bond stronger than ever. Together, they had faced their greatest challenge yet, and emerged victorious.But even as they celebrated their victory, they knew that their journey was far from over. There were still many battles to be fought, and many challenges to overcome. But with their bond as brothers, and their determination as warriors, they knew that they would face whatever lay ahead, together.--Now entering the "Garloth the one man tank Xennion" Mini-Arc--"Hahaha, I'm impressed by two lil kids like you. And you're both fellow xennions." Garloth said as he began to sit up. But you see I am an adult, and I have trained with my energy in battle so long I have more than one special ability other than regeneration and rapid healing. I have also have as special ability that is called energy retention and release and kinetic absorption and retribution. I can take a hit and absorb the energy if that hit and store it in my body at anytime that I want to keep it there and use it again. And I still have the same energy stored in me from my first battle I was in when I gained this special ability. " Garloth said standing up. You make me proud of you as young xennions, but your fight is not over." Garloth said. "What the fuck did he just say?" Drakon said. "Yea I heard that shit too." Phoenixwing said. "You are young Xennion children with a powerful fight in you. Even though I am your opponent, as your Xennion elder I am proud of the two of you and you look just alike it's just your dragon scales are baby blue, what was your name again? Phoenixwing? And Drakon your dragon scales are a dark bloody red. As you know all of us xennions, how many of the Xennion prophecies do you know?" Garloth asked. "Come on Garloth are you trying to bond with your kind or win a fight? " And soldier yelled from the crowd." Silence! When you fight these children you can decide if you want to talk to them while you fight them or not, Garloth is one of the few of you I would only promote up a rank." Vorath snarled at his soldiers that were complaining. " You are soldiers under my unit and Garloth can talk to the children about their own kind, where is your Aetherian respect for your fellow soldier and village member?" He continued" I'm sorry sir. " The soldier replied." Don't be sorry, be better. " Vorath snapped.As the tension simmered between the soldiers and Vorath's rebuke rang in the air, Garloth turned back to Phoenixwing and Drakon. "Now, where were we? Ah yes, the Xennion prophecies. How many of them do you know?" he inquired once more. Phoenixwing glanced at Drakon, silently communicating with him. "We know of a few," Drakon responded cautiously. "Well, let me tell you a little secret," Garloth leaned in conspiratorially. "There is one prophecy that speaks of two brothers, born of different mothers, who will rise to challenge the darkness that threatens our world. The prophecy foretells of their bravery, their strength, and their unwavering determination to protect our kind. It is said that these brothers will lead the xennions into a new era of prosperity and peace. Now, I'm not saying that you two are the ones from the prophecy, but it's something to think about, isn't it?" Garloth's words hung heavy in the air, stirring something deep within Phoenixwing and Drakon. "Regardless of whether we're from some ancient prophecy or not, we won't back down from this fight!" Phoenixwing declared, his resolve burning brighter than ever. "Well said, young one. Now, let's see if you can handle this!" Garloth exclaimed, charging up his energy for his next attack. The battlefield crackled with tension as Phoenixwing and Drakon prepared to face their formidable opponent once more.Phoenixwing lunged forward at blinding speed and punched Garloth in the face with a right jab. His punch made Garloth stumble Garloth smiled. "Tell me boys, Which prophecies do you know, cause you two might be two children from another prophecy that I know and I assume the other three xennions are your siblings too?" Garloth asked while getting back in his fighting stance.As Garloth regained his balance, Phoenixwing wasted no time in following up his attack. He darted forward with lightning speed, delivering a powerful right jab to Garloth's face. The impact made Garloth stumble momentarily, but his smile remained."Tell me, boys," Garloth spoke, his tone almost casual despite the intensity of the fight. "Which prophecies do you know? Because you two might be the children from another prophecy that I know, and I assume the other three xennions are your siblings too?"Phoenixwing exchanged a quick glance with Drakon, their eyes reflecting a mix of determination and curiosity. They had heard whispers of ancient prophecies, passed down through generations of xennions, but their knowledge was limited."We know of the prophecies, but we haven't delved deeply into them," Phoenixwing replied, his voice steady despite the adrenaline coursing through his veins. "Our focus has always been on mastering our abilities and protecting our family and allies."Drakon nodded in agreement, his expression resolute. "But if you have information that could aid us in our journey, we're willing to listen," he added, his eyes locked on Garloth, ready for any sign of weakness or opportunity.Garloth chuckled softly, a glint of amusement in his eyes. "Smart boys," he remarked, a hint of respect underlying his words. "Perhaps after this battle, we can sit down and discuss the prophecies further. But for now, let's see if you have what it takes to stand against me."With that, Garloth launched himself forward, his movements fluid and precise. Phoenixwing and Drakon braced themselves, knowing that they were about to face their toughest challenge yet. This battle was far from over, and the fate of their world hung in the balance."The children of prophecy of this prophecy that I speak of now, is of 5 Xennion siblings, much like yourselves that fight one of the two brothers in the previous prophecy I just told you about. They will also be the key to open up gates to other realms and the create new realms and they will become the guardians of each and every realm that they individually created, and will be the first ever of this realm we exist in to be able to freely move between and jump between all of the realms at will." Garloth said. "The oldest of these children of prophecy of this second prophecy is supposed to be a Xennion boy with baby blue dragon scales... Like you Phoenixwing. " Garloth said with a smirk on his face.Phoenixwing listened intently as Garloth spoke of another prophecy, one that seemed to intertwine with their own journey in unexpected ways. The mention of five Xennion siblings, each with a unique role and destiny, piqued his interest."The children of prophecy," Phoenixwing repeated, the words carrying a weight of significance. "So, we are part of a greater tapestry of fate, woven together with others who share our kind."He exchanged a glance with Drakon, a silent acknowledgment passing between them. The gravity of their mission seemed to deepen with each revelation."And you say the oldest of these children is a Xennion boy with baby blue dragon scales," Phoenixwing continued, a sense of realization dawning within him. "Could it be that I am the one you speak of? The one destined to lead the way, to open the gates between realms and become a guardian of their boundaries?"Garloth's smirk widened, his eyes gleaming with a mixture of amusement and intrigue. "It seems fate has a sense of humor," he remarked cryptically. "But whether you are the one foretold in the prophecy remains to be seen. The path ahead will reveal the truth of your destiny."With those words, Garloth shifted his stance, readying himself for another round of combat. Phoenixwing felt a surge of determination coursing through him. If he truly was meant to fulfill this prophecy, then he would face whatever challenges lay ahead with courage and resolve."Let's finish this," Phoenixwing said, his voice steady as he prepared to meet Garloth's next onslaught. "For the sake of our world and all those who depend on us."Drakon nodded in agreement, his expression reflecting the same determination. Together, they stood ready to confront their destiny head-on, knowing that their actions in this moment would shape the course of their future and the fate of their world."But in order for you to be the children of realm guardian prophecy does that possibly make me one if the children of prophecy from the other prophecy intold you about? Even I don't know, but I guess we shall find out!" Garloth said starting off in a calm voice and ending in a yell. Garloth fires his dark siege and the blast scattered into five just like the last time and hit Phoenixwing and Drakon. Phoenixwing took two hits and Drakon took three hits. The blasts flew them backwards hitting the ground and when they hit the ground the skid across it a little bit. Phoenixwing got back up clutching his fist. "Was that your best shot?" Phoenixwing said mockingly. "No, that was actually me holding back my punches because you're a kid." Garloth replied back. A shot of fear went through Phoenixwing." That was... Him holding back his punches because we're kids? " Phoenixwing thought to himself as he stood there speechless. "What's wrong? I don't hear the same eagerness to beat me anymore. Did the vilvick bite your tongue? "Garloth teased." Phoenixwing, this guy means business, but we can take him, don't give up but brother, we can do this. I believe in you, you just got to believe in me too. " Drakon said.Phoenixwing's heart raced as he struggled to shake off the fear that gripped him. Garloth's power was undeniable, and his casual remark about holding back only served to underscore the severity of their situation. But Drakon's words cut through the uncertainty, reminding him of the bond they shared and the strength they found in each other.Drawing a deep breath, Phoenixwing met Drakon's gaze with renewed determination. "You're right, Drakon," he said, the fire returning to his eyes. "We can't let fear dictate our actions. We've faced challenges before, and we've always come out stronger. Together, there's nothing we can't overcome."With a nod of agreement, Drakon stood tall beside his brother, a silent pledge of solidarity between them. They had trained together, fought together, and stood by each other through every trial. Now, faced with their greatest test yet, they would stand united against the forces that sought to defeat them.Turning his attention back to Garloth, Phoenixwing tightened his grip on his fists, determination coursing through his veins. "Let's finish this, Garloth," he declared, his voice ringing with resolve. "We may be young, but we are not to be underestimated. Prepare yourself, for you face the strength of our bond and the power of our will."Garloth's smirk faltered for a moment, replaced by a glimmer of respect in his eyes. "Very well, Phoenixwing," he said, a hint of admiration in his tone. "I look forward to seeing what you're truly capable of."With that, the battlefield fell into a tense silence, the air charged with anticipation. Phoenixwing and Drakon stood ready, their minds clear and their spirits undaunted. Whatever challenges lay ahead, they would face them together, as brothers in arms, united in purpose and resolve."Give him hell." Drakon said as he spread his wings and began to take off in flight "Ha, I can definitely give him that for sure." Phoenixwing said as he spread his wings and took off in flight too. Phoenixwing started to coordinate their flights in a pattern throwing balls of energy at Garloth. Garloth dodged the first energy ball that came his way, and deflected the second two that came his way and then spread his wings and took off in flight going straight up into the air leaving a powerful gust of wind below him in all directions. "Demon zone!" Garloth yelled and a dark light emitted from his body, and a barrier of dark and black energy covered the area they were fighting vorath's soldiers at. "What is this?" Phoenixwing said. "This is my demon zone, within this barrier I can move 100 times faster and physically I'm 1,000 times stronger. And I want to see you even try and win this round. Because your sisters and your friends are next when you lose this round." Garloth said.As Garloth unleashed his formidable power within the confines of the demon zone, Phoenixwing and Drakon exchanged a worried glance. The sheer magnitude of Garloth's abilities was staggering, and now, trapped within his domain, they faced an uphill battle unlike any they had encountered before.But despite the overwhelming odds, Phoenixwing refused to yield to despair. With Drakon by his side, he had faced insurmountable challenges in the past and emerged victorious. Drawing upon the strength of their bond, he steeled himself for the coming struggle."We've faced tough opponents before, Drakon," Phoenixwing said, his voice firm with resolve. "And we've always found a way to overcome them. This will be no different. We just need to stay focused and fight together."Drakon nodded in agreement, his eyes shining with determination. "Right, Phoenixwing. We can't let fear or doubt cloud our judgment. We need to trust in our training and in each other. Together, we can break through any barrier, no matter how formidable."With a shared nod, the two brothers launched themselves into action, their movements synchronized as they engaged Garloth within the confines of the demon zone. Despite the increased speed and strength afforded to Garloth by his barrier, Phoenixwing and Drakon fought with unwavering determination, dodging his attacks and launching their own counteroffensive.As the battle raged on, Phoenixwing and Drakon pushed themselves to their limits, drawing upon every ounce of strength and skill they possessed. With each passing moment, they drew closer to unlocking their full potential, tapping into the depths of their power in a bid to overcome their formidable opponent.But Garloth was not to be underestimated. With every blow he struck, he seemed to grow stronger, his dark energy pulsing with an ominous intensity. Yet, despite his overwhelming power, Phoenixwing and Drakon refused to falter, their resolve unshaken as they pressed forward with unwavering determination.As the battle reached its climax, Phoenixwing and Drakon unleashed a devastating combination attack, channeling their energy into a single, focused strike. With a mighty roar, they unleashed their full power, striking Garloth with a force that rocked the very foundation of the demon zone.For a moment, the battlefield fell silent, the air thick with tension as the dust settled. And then, with a resounding crash, Garloth was sent hurtling to the ground, defeated at last by the combined strength of Phoenixwing and Drakon.As they stood victorious amidst the wreckage of the battlefield, Phoenixwing and Drakon exchanged a triumphant grin, their bond stronger than ever. Together, they had faced down their greatest challenge yet and emerged victorious, ready to face whatever trials lay ahead."Fuck this!" Eli yelled before he took off in flight so powerful and fast that he made a crater in the ground where he was formerly standing. He sped into the fight punching Garloth with a 10 piece punch combo. After the tenth punch Garloth kicked Eli out of the sky towards the ground. "AHHHHHH!!!" Eli yelled in pain from the impact of the hit. Eli started to get back up but he saw something that stopped him. It was a nanobot implant device like his dad has on his inner right forearm. Eli's father was a human soldier on their ship before they landed in Aetheria. The nanobots implant devices, or NID's were original created 1,000 years before humans started building space colonies and exploring space expanding the reach of humans and earthlings throughout space originally meant for soldiers of countries for war. The more veterans that came home from war the more they got introduced to the public. Civilian Drs and nurses of countries got them first before they became available to the public worldwide as a whole if you had the right amount of money to pay for one or had the right connections. Each NID works different depending on where it's used places it, their personality, and genetic readings the nanobots and the device take in to make it work more for and towards the user seeing how once you activate a NID, you're stuck with it for lif when it fuses into your skin, kind of sort of like a new and extra robotic snd metallic organ. Eli's father's NID was placed on his inner right forearm and he used his to create things that were useful in the spot, which is why at home. They have an endless supply of tools to use to work. Eli grabbed the NID and placed it on his right temple and activated it. If fused into his skin and at the very center of the device where it was touching his skin, he the implant began to make the entry whole for the alpha nanobots already created stored inside the device to go into Eli's body and to start to collect generic data and other data to bring back to the device and start creating the new nanobots called the Omega nanobots at a nonstop productive rate. From out if the device the nanobots started to form and create a battle helmet with a visor that one Eli's end he could see a holographic his that wasnt visible from the other side of the visor to others. Due to the NID being placed on his temple the device created a neural link to Eli's brain. The holographic screen on the visor displayed energy as it was also taking in information of Eli's vitality, what he can see, and locations of energy sources in the direction he was face and reading the power levels of others energy. The nanobots being as tiny as they are, were uneven to be covering the entire body of Eli in its own way and in their own way enhancing Eli's body, especially for combat, but the main source where they worked, was around the area of the NID itself. "I hope this helps us get an edge in in the battle." Eli said to himself as he stood back up. "Phoenixwing! Drakon, group up! We're gonna take this guy on there on one!" Eli yelled before he flew back into the air beside Phoenixwing and Drakon. Phoenixwing noticing the new difference in his best friend Eli looked him up and down. "Wow, humans are amazing." Phoenixwing said before looking back at Garloth reading is fighting stance again. "Let's do it." Phoenixwing said.As Eli joined the fray with his newfound enhancements, Garloth's expression shifted from confidence to surprise. He hadn't anticipated this sudden change in the dynamics of the battle, and it caught him off guard. With Eli's enhanced abilities and the combined strength of Phoenixwing and Drakon, they became a formidable force to reckon with.The trio coordinated their attacks, each striking with precision and determination. Eli's nanobot enhanced reflexes allowed him to dodge Garloth's blows with ease, while Phoenixwing and Drakon launched a relentless assault, exploiting every opening they could find.Garloth, though taken aback by their newfound synergy, refused to yield. He fought back with all his might, his dark energy crackling around him as he unleashed a barrage of attacks. But despite his best efforts, he struggled to keep up with the combined onslaught of Phoenixwing, Drakon, and Eli.As the battle raged on, the ground shook beneath them, and the air crackled with energy. The soldiers watching from the sidelines looked on in awe, realizing that they were witnessing an epic showdown between titans.With each passing moment, the tide of the battle shifted back and forth, neither side willing to give an inch. But as Garloth began to tire, cracks started to form in his defenses, and the trio saw an opportunity to strike.With a coordinated effort, they unleashed a devastating combination of attacks, their energies merging into a single, unstoppable force. Garloth, overwhelmed by their sheer power, stumbled backward, his barrier finally shattering under the onslaught.As Garloth lay defeated on the ground, the trio stood victorious, their chests heaving with exertion but their spirits high. They had faced their greatest challenge yet and emerged triumphant, proving that together, they were unstoppable. But little did they know that even greater trials lay ahead, and the true test of their strength was yet to come.Phoenixwing, Drakon, and Eli all three sat on the ground next to each other breathing deeply trying to catch their breathes from the fight. "And you see, that's what's wrong with you kids nowadays, you just want to be given everything, including a win, when you have to learn how to earn it. You'll savor it even better." Garloth said standing up again. "Impossible. How many times do we have to put this guy on his ass?" Phoenixwing said irritated as he began to stand back up. "I told you about my first two special abilities, now it's time to tell you about my third special ability. Power amplification. " Garloth said laughing in a sinister laugh." Phoenixwing, Drakon, I think this guy has been toying with us." Eli grunted.As Phoenixwing, Drakon, and Eli all sat there on the ground next to each other, breathing deeply as they tried to catch their breath from the intense fight. The aftermath of Garloth's words lingered in the air, adding to the weight of their exhaustion."And you see, that's what's wrong with you kids nowadays," Garloth remarked, rising to his feet once more. "You just want to be given everything, including a win, when you have to learn how to earn it. You'll savor it even better."Phoenixwing couldn't help but feel a surge of irritation at Garloth's taunting words. "This is so fuckin impossible. How many times do we have to put this guy on his ass?" he muttered again as he was finally back up on his feet standing straight up.As Garloth spoke of his third special ability, power amplification, Phoenixwing's eyes narrowed in suspicion. Drakon shared his brother's concern, his expression mirroring Phoenixwing's determination."Phoenixwing, Drakon, Im telling you, I think this guy has been toying with us," Eli grunted, his voice strained from the exertion of the battle.The realization hit them like a physical blow. Garloth hadn't been fighting at his full strength. He had been holding back, manipulating the course of the battle to his advantage. It was a sobering revelation, one that filled them with a renewed sense of urgency."We can't let him get the upper hand," Phoenixwing said, his voice steely with resolve. "We need to end this now, before he has a chance to unleash his full power."Drakon nodded in agreement, his gaze unwavering. "Agreed. Let's show him what we're made of."With a shared nod, the trio rose to their feet, ready to face Garloth once more. They knew the stakes were higher than ever, but they also knew that they couldn't afford to falter. Their world depended on their success, and they would fight with everything they had to protect it from those who sought to destroy it.As Phoenixwing, Drakon, and Eli stood poised for battle, their determination burned bright within them. They knew that facing Garloth for another round would test their strength, their resolve, and their bond as brothers."Let's show him what we're made of," Phoenixwing said, his voice a low growl of determination.With a nod from Drakon and Eli, they advanced towards Garloth, their movements fluid and coordinated. Each step brought them closer to their adversary, the tension in the air palpable as they prepared to clash once more.Garloth watched them approach with a wicked grin, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. He could sense their determination, their desperation to defeat him, but he remained unfazed. After all, he had faced countless opponents before them, and he knew he possessed the power to crush them without mercy.As they closed in on him, Garloth spread his wings wide, the dark energy crackling around him like an ominous aura. He could feel the adrenaline coursing through his veins, the thrill of battle igniting his senses as he prepared to unleash his full power."Let's see what you've got," Garloth taunted, his voice echoing with malice.Without a word, Phoenixwing launched himself forward, his fists ablaze with energy as he unleashed a barrage of punches at Garloth. Drakon and Eli followed suit, their movements fluid and precise as they attacked from all sides.Garloth met their onslaught head-on, his movements fluid and graceful as he deflected their blows with ease. With each strike, he could feel the energy coursing through him, fueling his power and driving him to greater heights of strength and speed.But Phoenixwing, Drakon, and Eli were relentless in their assault, their determination unwavering as they fought tooth and nail against their formidable opponent. They knew that they had to give it their all if they were to have any hope of defeating Garloth and protecting their world from his wrath.As the battle raged on, the air crackled with energy, the ground trembling beneath their feet with each thunderous blow. Garloth's laughter echoed through the battlefield, a cruel reminder of the power he wielded and the challenge that lay before them.But Phoenixwing, Drakon, and Eli refused to back down, their spirits unbroken as they continued to fight with all their might. They knew that they were fighting not just for themselves, but for the future of their world and all who called it home.With each passing moment, their bond grew stronger, their trust in each other unwavering as they fought side by side against their common enemy. Together, they stood as a beacon of hope in the face of darkness, their courage shining brightly in the midst of adversity.And as the battle raged on, they knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together, united in their quest to protect all that they held dear. For they were more than just brothers in arms – they were warriors, destined to rise above the odds and emerge victorious against all who dared to threaten their world.Garloth amplified his energy which in turn also made his muscle increase in size and definition and more cut-built. His speed began to increase more and more. Meanwhile, back on the ground Kairos was watching the fight in anger. And then he looked down next to his foot, and noticed there was a NID by his foot. Kairos knelt down and sneakily grabbed the NID and placed the NID on him just like how he saw Eli do moments ago, but instead of on his temple like Eli, he placed his NID in the middle of his right plan. Kairos activated his NID like Eli did and the NID transplant entry point was opened in the middle of Kairos palm. As the Alpha nanobots did their jobs, the omega nanobots carried out their given orders from their alpha nanobot leaders in Kairos' system. Parts of Kairos hand began to take a metallic fused and mixed in with his flesh intact mixed and scattered through and over the top of his hands. Almost like a type of special glove parts of the glove like new metallic appearance in Kairos' hand glowed bright navy blue light brighter and then back to regular almost like some kind of energy reactor or something like a machine constantly working. Kairos opened up his palm with his palm faced down to the ground and what seemed like dark sand began to fall from out of his hand and onto the ground. The sand like substance began to move on the ground, and it piled up on it more. Unnoticeably to the soldiers who think Kairos is just being some silly little kid playing with sand at a time like this, is that the sand like substance were nanobots Kairos was creating to create and even bigger robot made out of themselves as nanobots. Before long, a Cybernetic Soldier was standing next to Kairos that was standing as tall as Garloth's original height. On its head, Kairos' new Cybernetic Soldier had war horns sticking out of its head unit. It has a small rocket launcher unit sitting on its right shoulder. From on the outer side of its left forearm it had the ability to shot out a plasma sword extending out of it as a plasma blade for the cyborg to attack with that I can activate and deactivate at will or Kairos' command. The middle of the cyborg's chest had a plasma cannon. The cyborg's outer right forearm had an automatic machine plasma cannon. In the center of the palms of both hands of the cyborg could open up and create and give the cyborg plasma throwing knives. Around the corner of the cyborg's right eye was a small and tiny laser cannon that the cyborg could use and shoot out and attack with. Around the corner of the cyborg's left eye was a smoke bomb creator and destroyer that the nanobots create infinitely for the cyborg to be able to use and never run out of smoke bombs ever. The sclera of the cyborg's eyes were black, but the cyborg's iris was a sky blue color with dark red blood-red pupils. The back of the cyborg's calves had rocket boosters to give it a speed boost. On the cyborg's left shoulder was a small energy sniper rifle. On its back and the bottom of its feed were jetpacks to give the cyborg the ability to fly. On the inner side of the cyborg's right forearm was sonic cannon to push back enemies that will come in extra handing in having to make escapes and getaways. The inner left forearm of the cyborg had a device that could shoot out mines, trackers, holograms decoys, portable armory and base Creator's radar drones, assault drones, sentry drones, medical drones, aerial drones, land drones, aqua drones, underground digger and driller drones, recon drones, security drones, intel drones, agriculture drones, rescue drones, black ops drones, assassin drones, and every generator and energy and power bank drones that create energy, draw from energy to its surrounding area, add energy to its surrounding energy and store energy for the cyborg, kairos, and his friends and allies to use and never run out of energy in their fights. The abdominal area of the cyborg could open up revealing laser beams that rapidly shit out lasers. The cyber stood there completed but motionless like it was inactivated. Kairos walked up to the cyborg and placed his right hand on the cyborg's back. At the same time the cyborg lit up with life so did Kairos glove. As the cyborgs began to start to access its data, Kairos' appearance of his new glove like hand started to take the same appearance going up his arm and the right side of his chest and his top right back area going up the shoulders and up the entire right side of Kairos' head. Kairos' right eye looked a bit cybernetically altered but still realistically and 95 percent flesh. On the inside of his head the nanobots were protecting his entire brain while also giving a constant Neuralink between him and the cyborg which he can decide rather he wants you yell and say and speak out loud his commands for the cyborg or simple think of commands for the cyborg can do, as Kairos can see everything his regular eyes allow him to see and the 5 percent cybernetically altered part of Kairos' right eyes allowed him to see everything the cyborg can see, in its own ways the cyborg being Kairos' own set of eyes behind his back.The ground trembled beneath Kairos's feet as he gazed upon the formidable creation he had brought forth. The Cybernetic Soldier stood tall and imposing, its metallic form gleaming in the sunlight as if it were a herald of destruction. Kairos felt a surge of power course through him, his newfound connection to the cyborg filling him with a sense of exhilaration.With a flick of his wrist, Kairos commanded the Cybernetic Soldier to spring into action. Instantly, the cyborg came to life, its mechanical limbs moving with precision and grace as it prepared for battle. The war horns on its head emitted a low, ominous hum, signaling its readiness to unleash its devastating arsenal upon Garloth and his forces.As the Cybernetic Soldier moved forward, Kairos followed closely behind, his gaze fixed on the unfolding chaos before him. He could see Phoenixwing, Drakon, and Eli locked in combat with Garloth, their determination shining bright despite the overwhelming odds stacked against them.With a silent command, Kairos directed the Cybernetic Soldier to target Garloth, its weapons primed and ready to strike. The plasma sword hummed to life, its blade crackling with energy as it sliced through the air with deadly precision. The plasma cannon on its chest unleashed a torrent of energy, bathing the battlefield in a blinding light as it sought out its target.Garloth, sensing the imminent threat, moved to evade the onslaught, his movements swift and fluid as he danced through the chaos. But the Cybernetic Soldier was relentless in its pursuit, its sensors locked onto its prey as it unleashed a barrage of attacks with pinpoint accuracy.As the battle raged on, Kairos felt a sense of pride swell within him. He had created something truly extraordinary, a weapon capable of turning the tide of battle in their favor. With the Cybernetic Soldier by their side, they stood a fighting chance against Garloth and his forces.But amidst the chaos and destruction, Kairos knew that their greatest challenge still lay ahead. Garloth was a formidable opponent, and defeating him would require every ounce of their strength and cunning. But with their newfound ally at their side, they were ready to face whatever came their way.Together, they would fight to protect their world and all who called it home. And with the Cybernetic Soldier leading the charge, they would emerge victorious against all who dared to threaten their existence. For they were more than just warriors – they were the defenders of Aetheria, and they would stop at nothing to ensure its survival."Hey! I'm going to name you Xyris!" Kairos yelled out to the cybernetic soldier. "Got it, And you are my Creator, Kairos." Xyris said in reply. "Woah, how did 8 just hear you in my head right now?" Kairos replied out loud. "We're neurally linked in your mind with the nanobots." Xyris replied. Just then Astra had an idea. "Kairos, you just made that cybernetic soldier didn't you? With that same device Eli just used. Do you think you can make a device just like that one for the rest of us? I have a plan." Astra said." Yea, it looks like I can, I guess the nanobots know how to create the device. " Kairos said."Good" Astra said. "Make one of those things for me, Phoenixwing, Lunaheart, Drakon, Aurora, Serenity, Zephyra, Lyra, and Aelar. We will have to find a way to get Phoenixwing and Drakon theirs some how." Astra added. "Got it." Kairos said. Kairos stuck his hand out facing downwards. " Just give me some time, and some cover, I'm getting used to this thing still " Kairos said. The sand like appearance of the nanobots began to fall out of his hands once again, Astra, Lunaheart, Zyphera, Lyra, Aelar, Aurora, and Serenity stood between the view of Kairos and what he was doing and Vorath and his soldiers. After a while when the nanobots grew into a decent pile they began to m or around frantically. Above them, Phoenixwing, Drakon, Eli, and Xyiris was fighting with Garloth." Hey, robot dude, who are you?" Phoenixwing asked. As he floated beside Pheonixwing in the air. " My name is Xyris, my creator is Kairos, I am your ally young Phoenixwing." Xyris replied back. Phoenixwing wing looked down at the ground. "So that makes you a member of our village of Yggdrasil, correct? " Phoenixwing asked." Yes, I may be created from earth technology, but my creator is an Aetherian of the village of Yggdrasil, and this making me a true Aetherian and member of the Yggdrasil village, making Aetheria and Yggdrasil my true home, just like you young Phoenixwing. " Xyris replied back." Good, because we're going to need all of the help that we can get." Phoenixwing replied back to xyris while staring at Garloth the entire time" Well, well, well, what do we have here? A little fighting robot to come to the aid of the children now is it?" Garloth said with a chuckle. " Yes, and you will no longer destroy my home. " Xyris said while charging towards Garloth and activated the plasma sword out of his left forearm. Xyris slashed at Garloth but Garloth dodged the first attack. "I shall have you know, even tho this is my first ever battle I have ever been in, I am quick on my analysis assessments from my battle with you, and I assure you, that the next swing of my sword will make contact with you. For a mistake is nothing but something to learn from, and I can see how you are a little cocky about how you dodge the first swing of my blade" Xyris said to Garloth. Meanwhile, back in the ground, while Kairos was still creating nanobots to create NIDs for everyone, he began to hold his head in pain as he also shared in his mind everything that Xyris could see at the same time of seeing everything he could see as well. This effect didn't halt Xyris from his battle though due to the fact of his robotic features understanding that his owner and creator is an eight year old child dealing with technology that was original meant for adult soldiers of the human race. Sharing everything Kairos could feel and see only made Xyris strive and rive more to be a protector and warrior in his fight with Garloth, being a new line of defense between him and his creator Kairos and his friends and home village.As Xyris engaged in combat with Garloth, his movements were precise and calculated. Each swing of his plasma sword was aimed with precision, and despite Garloth's agility, Xyris seemed to anticipate his opponent's moves with uncanny accuracy.Meanwhile, Kairos continued to concentrate, channeling the nanobots to form the NIDs for Astra and the others. Despite the pain he felt from sharing Xyris's sensory input, Kairos remained focused, determined to provide his friends with the tools they needed for the upcoming battles.Above them, Phoenixwing and Drakon continued to clash with Garloth, their attacks fueled by determination and the desire to protect their home. With Xyris joining the fray, the tide of the battle began to shift, as the combined efforts of the young warriors pushed Garloth back, forcing him to defend against their relentless assault.But Garloth was not easily defeated. With a roar of fury, he unleashed a barrage of energy blasts, aiming to overwhelm his opponents and turn the tide of the battle in his favor. Phoenixwing, Drakon, and Xyris fought valiantly, dodging and deflecting the blasts with skill and determination.As the battle raged on, Kairos completed the NIDs, handing them to Astra and the others. With their newfound abilities and the support of their allies, they joined the fight, launching a coordinated attack against Garloth.The battlefield became a whirlwind of energy and steel as the young warriors and their cybernetic ally fought with all their might. With each strike and counterstrike, they pushed themselves to their limits, driven by the desire to protect their home and defeat their powerful foe.But Garloth was a formidable opponent, and the battle was far from over. As the dust settled and the combatants regrouped, they knew that the true test of their strength and determination was yet to come. But with their newfound unity and resolve, they were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.Astra grabbed her NID from Kairos and placed it on the back of her right hand and activated it. The device implanted the nanobots in her body and fused with her skin. The NID began to make her right hand look like organic metal in a gauntlet type form. Her left hand began to gain the same appearance as well. Astra's new gauntlet formed NID generated energy and power that would add power to her punches and energy based attacks, kind of like a back-up battery. "Here you guys, take thees, we got to figure out to way get one of these to Phoenixwing and Drakon too." Astra said. Lunaheart grabbed her NID and placed it on the back of her right calve. The device implanted the nanobots into her and fused with her skin and began to augment both of her legs. Her NID gave her the ability to run with super speed that can reach the speed of light but could also shoot out and deploy smoke bombs that could create smoke screens. Aurora grabbed her NID and placed it on the back of her left hand. The device planted the nanobots into her and fused with her skin and created a miniature pulse cannon on the back of her hand. Serenity grabbed her NID and placed it on her forehead. The device implanted the nanobots into her and fused with her skin. The device created a battle helmet for her that could be retracted and expand out at any time on will, the visor of the helmet gave her data and analytical information about everything she saw. Lyra took her NID and placed it in her left palm and activated it. The device implanted the nanobots into her and fuse with her skin and created a glove like appearance on her hand. The glove could alter the gravitational pull of anything she wants to manipulate the gravity of. Zephyra grabbed her NID and placed it on her left bicep and activated it. The device implanted the nanobots into her body and fused with her skin. Zephyra's NID began to alter her left bicep to look like an organic metal, and then did the same thing for her right bicep. Her NID worked as a strength enhancer by doing this. Aelar grabbed his NID and placed it on his left shoulder and activated it. The device implanted the nanobots into his body and fused with his skin. The NID began to alter Aelar's left and right shoulders, creating a rocker launcher on one shoulder, and n energy sniper rifle on the other. "Give me the last two NID's, I'll figure out a way to get them to Phoenixwing and Drakon." Aelar said. Kairos noded and handed him the two NIDS.Aelar secured the two remaining NIDs, tucking them safely into a compartment in his suit. He turned to Astra, his expression resolute. "Alright, let's finish this."Garloth, noticing the group's brief pause, seized the opportunity. His eyes glowed with a sinister light as he raised his hand, summoning a massive wave of dark energy that surged toward them. "You think your toys will save you? Pathetic!"Astra, now empowered with her NID gauntlets, moved swiftly, intercepting the dark wave with a powerful energy blast from her hands. The clash of energies created a shockwave that sent dust and debris flying in all directions. "We have to spread out! Keep him distracted!" she yelled over the chaos.Lunaheart, with her newfound speed, dashed around Garloth in a blur, leaving trails of smoke in her wake to obscure his vision. "Catch me if you can!" she taunted, her voice echoing through the smoke.Aurora, using her pulse cannon, took aim at Garloth's exposed flank and fired a series of rapid shots. Each pulse of energy struck with precision, pushing Garloth back but not enough to take him down. "He's tough, but we can wear him down!" she encouraged the group.Serenity activated her helmet, the visor providing a detailed analysis of Garloth's weak points and energy patterns. "Focus your attacks on his left side! It's less protected!" she instructed, her voice calm and authoritative.Lyra, with her gravity-manipulating glove, created pockets of intense gravitational pull around Garloth, making it difficult for him to move or maintain his balance. She concentrated hard, beads of sweat forming on her forehead. "Stay still, you monster!" she grunted through clenched teeth.Zephyra, her biceps enhanced for strength, launched herself at Garloth with a powerful leap. Her fists collided with his body, each punch generating a shockwave. Despite her strength, Garloth's dark armor absorbed much of the impact, but it was clear he felt the blows. "Let's see how you like this!" she roared.Aelar, using the rocket launcher on one shoulder, aimed at the ground around Garloth, creating explosions that forced him to shift and dodge. Simultaneously, he utilized the energy sniper rifle to target specific points, each shot calculated to maximize damage. "Keep him off balance!" he called out.Garloth, though powerful, found himself overwhelmed by the coordinated assault. His eyes darted around, trying to track each of his opponents. "Enough of this!" he bellowed, summoning a whirlwind of dark energy that dispersed the smoke and knocked several of the fighters back.Astra skidded across the ground, her gauntlets sparking as she used them to steady herself. She quickly regained her footing and looked at her team. "We need to regroup and hit him harder. He's not invincible!"Lunaheart, recovering from the blast, zipped back into the fray, using her speed to create confusion. "I'm right behind you, Astra!"Aurora and Serenity provided ranged support, their attacks coordinated to exploit the data from Serenity's visor. Lyra continued manipulating gravity to restrict Garloth's movements, while Zephyra and Aelar focused on close and mid-range attacks, each contributing to the relentless onslaught.Garloth, realizing he was losing ground, roared in frustration. "You will all perish!" He summoned an even greater surge of dark energy, the ground beneath him cracking and trembling.The group exchanged determined glances. They knew this battle was far from over, but with their new abilities and unyielding spirit, they were ready to face whatever Garloth threw at them. The fate of Aetheria depended on their unity and strength."Let's finish this together!" Astra shouted, leading the charge as they prepared for the next phase of the fight, each step bringing them closer to victory or defeat. The battle against Garloth raged on, the air filled with the sounds of clashing energy and the unwavering resolve of the warriors of Yggdrasil."It's gettng dark and our troops are almost at their main power plant, we'll be fighting in the dark soon try and use that to your advantage Garloth! " Vorath yelled. Yggdrasil gets extremely dark say night due to the region of aetheria it is located. As the t dragged on Phoenixwing and Drakon were pushed farther and farther away from Aelar. Aelar had to think fast before nightfall approached. He looked around and saw how things were going in the fight and then thought ofa brilliant idea. "Phoenixwing is too far away from me to get passed Garloth, but if I give Drakon his NID, that will make getting Phoenixwing his so much easier." Aelar thought to himself. Aelar took a shot with his sniper rifle followed by a barrage of missiles heading towards Garloth while he said stepped his way towards Drakon. When he reached Dakon he grabbed him and pulled him behind some rubble. "Take this, you are our last chance to get your brother his." Aelar said handing Drakon his NID. Drakon placed his NID on his back right between his wings and activated it. The device implanted the nanobots in his body. The device began to alter his wings, hands, claws, and dragon horns into an organic metal. The device made his wings stronger enabling him to fly faster, and they could build up and sit and regenerate energy into them. The faster and longer he flies the more remedy they generate create and stores. His classes became stronger and sharper. Strong and sharp enough that he could claw and cut the dense rocks and other metals. His augmentations to his dragon horns worked like radar signals and since pings. "So what is the plan to get that thing to my brother? Am i following your lead or are you following mine?" Drakon askedAs the darkness deepened, Aelar and Drakon found themselves separated from Phoenixwing. Aelar scanned the chaotic battlefield, his mind racing as he formulated a plan. "Drakon, listen up," he began, his voice firm despite the urgency of the situation."We need to create a diversion to draw Garloth's attention away from Phoenixwing. With your newfound abilities, you can fly high and fast, using your radar horns to navigate in the dark. I'll provide cover fire from the ground with my sniper and missile launcher."Drakon nodded, his metallic claws flexing with anticipation. "Understood. What's next?" he asked, eager to take action.Aelar's eyes gleamed with determination. "While you create the distraction, I'll move closer to Phoenixwing. We have to get him the NID as quickly as possible. With his powers enhanced, we stand a better chance against Garloth."Drakon spread his wings, feeling the surge of energy coursing through them. "Got it. I'll fly high, create the diversion, and cover you as you deliver the NID. Let's do this."With a nod of agreement, Aelar and Drakon sprang into action. Drakon soared into the night sky, his radar horns guiding him through the darkness. Aelar stayed low, unleashing a barrage of sniper fire and missiles towards Garloth's position.Garloth, caught off guard by the sudden onslaught, roared in frustration, momentarily distracted from his pursuit of Phoenixwing. Drakon took advantage of the opening, swooping down with precision strikes that shook the ground below.As explosions rocked the battlefield, Aelar sprinted towards Phoenixwing, who was locked in combat with Garloth. "Phoenixwing!" Aelar called out, his voice cutting through the chaos. "Hold on, help's on the way!"Phoenixwing, engaged in the intense battle, glanced over at Aelar, a flicker of hope in his eyes. "Aelar!" he shouted back, dodging Garloth's attacks with swift agility.With Drakon providing cover from above, Aelar reached Phoenixwing's side. "Take this," he said, tossing the NID to his friend. "We need you at full strength."Phoenixwing caught the device, his hands trembling with anticipation. "Thanks, Aelar," he said, as he placed it on the middle of his chest activating the NID without hesitation. As the nanobots integrated into his body, a surge of power coursed through him, enhancing his abilities beyond measure. The NID created a power generator, that amplifies his powers and abilities and activate and retract a suit of armor around Phoenixwing's entire body. In his suit his wings does the same as Drakon's new enhanced wings and his happens does the same as Drakon's new horns. His claws and hands does the same as Drakon's new enhanced claws and hands. His tail inside his armored suit is spiked with energy spikes at the end for battle and attack use. The chest piece of his suit can fire out a plasma bean as his left shoulder can fire out energy laser assault rounds and the right shoulder can fire out photon and pulse canon snipe rounds and fire missiles with the gun attachments on them. The visor to his suit is similar to Serenity's visor.Aelar stepped back, a smile of relief on his face. "Now, let's turn the tide of this battle."Phoenixwing nodded, his confidence renewed. With their combined strength and the enhancements from the NIDs, they were ready to face Garloth head-on. The battle was far from over, but the odds had just shifted in their favor.Nightfall completely fell, shrouding the village in darkness, with only the faint glimmers of the remaining lights casting long shadows. Shortly, five minutes later, a massive explosion erupted at the power plant, plunging the entire village into an even deeper darkness. "I hope you kids aren't afraid of the dark," Vorath's voice echoed ominously, followed by a mocking laugh."Shut the fuck up!" Phoenixwing's voice boomed from one direction, breaking the tense silence. Reacting swiftly, Garloth fired an energy ball in the direction of the voice, but it struck a building, missing its target. Moments later, a faint glow of red energy appeared in the distance, in the opposite direction of where Phoenixwing's voice had come from, resembling the essence of fire within the energy ball."You better hope your soldier Garloth here is not afraid of hellfire!" Phoenixwing's voice taunted, the ball of red energy growing in size in his hand. "Hellfire!!! SHOT!" Phoenixwing roared, unleashing rapid bursts of fiery energy towards Garloth.The bursts of Hellfire shot through the darkness, illuminating the surroundings with each pulse. Garloth quickly erected a barrier, but the force of the attack pushed him back, the ground beneath him cracking under the pressure. He snarled, trying to locate Phoenixwing in the chaotic flashes of light and shadow.Phoenixwing continued his assault, each shot more precise and powerful than the last, using the darkness to his advantage. The battlefield erupted into a dance of shadows and fire, with Garloth struggling to keep up with the relentless onslaught. The Hellfire blasts reflected off the buildings and rubble, creating an eerie, flickering glow that added to the chaos.As Garloth defended himself against the fiery barrage, Aelar and Drakon seized the opportunity. Drakon swooped down from above, his enhanced claws slicing through the air, while Aelar launched a series of precision strikes with his sniper and missiles from the ground. Their combined efforts kept Garloth off balance, unable to fully focus on any single opponent.Phoenixwing, empowered by his NID, moved with fluid grace and deadly precision, his armor glowing with a fiery intensity. The visor in his helmet provided him with critical data, allowing him to anticipate Garloth's movements and strike with lethal accuracy. Each blast of Hellfire was a testament to his newfound power, pushing Garloth closer to his breaking point.Vorath, watching from a distance, could see the tide turning. The kids, with their enhanced abilities and strategic teamwork, were proving to be formidable opponents. He knew he had to intervene soon or risk losing the advantage. But for now, the darkness and the chaos were on their side, and he relished in the challenge it presented.The battle raged on, the village a battlefield of light and shadow, with the heroes pushing forward, determined to overcome the darkness and emerge victorious.The night continued to swallow the village in darkness, the battle escalating with every passing minute. Garloth, now fully on the defensive, conjured a thick fog of shadows around him, attempting to obscure his movements from the relentless attacks of Phoenixwing, Aelar, and Drakon."I won't let you kids get the best of me!" Garloth growled, his eyes glowing ominously through the haze.Phoenixwing, hovering mid-air, narrowed his eyes at the darkened surroundings. "Stay focused! Don't let him disappear into the shadows," he commanded, his voice steady despite the adrenaline coursing through him.Drakon, using his radar horns, pinpointed Garloth's location amidst the shadows. "He's trying to flank us!" he shouted, swooping down and slashing through the fog with his enhanced claws. Sparks flew as his claws made contact with Garloth's barrier, forcing the shadow warrior to step back.Aelar, seeing an opening, fired a volley of missiles aimed at Garloth's feet, creating a series of explosions that illuminated the battlefield in bursts of fiery light. The ground shook, and debris scattered in all directions. "Phoenixwing, now!" Aelar yelled, signaling his friend to unleash another barrage of Hellfire.Phoenixwing didn't hesitate. Channeling his energy, he formed another massive ball of Hellfire in his hand. "Hellfire... SHOT!" he roared, sending a concentrated blast straight at Garloth. The searing heat cut through the shadows, striking Garloth's barrier with tremendous force.Garloth grunted, feeling the strain of maintaining his defense. "Damn you kids! You think you can beat me with parlor tricks?" With a surge of dark energy, he expanded his barrier, pushing back the combined attacks and creating a shockwave that sent Phoenixwing, Aelar, and Drakon reeling.Lunaheart, from her vantage point, used her super speed to dart around the battlefield, deploying smoke bombs to create additional cover for her friends. "Stick to the plan, guys! We need to keep him disoriented," she called out, her voice echoing in the night.Aurora, her pulse cannon ready, provided support fire, targeting Garloth's weak points with precision shots. Each pulse of energy struck with pinpoint accuracy, forcing Garloth to divert his attention and giving the others brief moments to regroup.Serenity, using her helmet's visor, analyzed Garloth's movements, providing real-time tactical data to the team. "His energy is fluctuating. He's using up a lot of power to maintain his defenses. Keep the pressure on him!" she advised, her calm demeanor providing a steadying influence amidst the chaos.Lyra, manipulating the gravitational pull around Garloth, tried to pin him in place. "Let's see how you like being stuck in one spot," she muttered, focusing her power on increasing the gravitational force around their foe.Zephyra, her strength amplified, joined the fray, her punches sending shockwaves through the air as she targeted Garloth's weakened defenses. "We've got him on the ropes! Don't let up!" she encouraged, her determination unwavering.Garloth, feeling the combined might of the enhanced children, began to falter. His once-impenetrable defenses started to crack under the relentless assault. "This... isn't over!" he snarled, summoning more shadow energy to bolster his weakening barrier.The night wore on, the battle intensifying with each passing moment. The village, once a peaceful place, had become a battleground of light and shadow. The heroes, undeterred by the darkness, fought with everything they had, their newfound abilities pushing them to new heights. As the first hints of dawn began to creep over the horizon, it was clear that this fight was far from over, and the determination in their hearts burned brighter than ever.The battle raged on through the night, with the dark village acting as a haunting backdrop to the fierce struggle. Shadows and bursts of light clashed repeatedly as Garloth fought to keep the upper hand. The heroes, now joined by Eli, Kairos, and Xyris, intensified their efforts, determined to bring Garloth to his knees.Eli, with his agility and lightning-fast reflexes, darted through the battlefield, striking at Garloth with precise, quick attacks. He used the darkness to his advantage, blending in and reappearing unexpectedly to keep Garloth off balance. "You won't escape us, Garloth," Eli said, his eyes shining with resolve.Kairos, wielding his energy blades, unleashed a flurry of powerful slashes that cut through the shadow barriers with ease. His movements were fluid and relentless, a stark contrast to Garloth's desperate defenses. "Your reign of terror ends tonight," Kairos declared, his blades glowing fiercely in the night.Xyris, with his elemental control, summoned a storm to further hinder Garloth. Lightning crackled through the sky, striking at Garloth's position and forcing him to constantly adjust his defenses. "You can't fight all of us at once, Garloth," Xyris said, his voice booming like thunder.Phoenixwing, switching between his Hellfire Shot and God Chain, kept Garloth constantly on edge. "Hellfire Shot!" Phoenixwing shouted, firing a concentrated burst of red energy that exploded on impact, illuminating the battlefield momentarily.As Garloth tried to counter, Phoenixwing quickly transitioned, summoning his God Chain. The ethereal chains wrapped around Garloth, restraining him and draining his energy. "You can't escape the God Chain, Garloth," Phoenixwing said, his voice filled with determination.Drakon, still providing aerial support, swooped down and unleashed powerful energy blasts from his wings, adding to the relentless pressure on Garloth. "We've got him on the ropes, Phoenixwing!" Drakon called out, his wings glowing with energy.Aelar, continuing his sniper and missile support, coordinated with the others, creating a seamless attack strategy. "Keep the pressure on him! Don't give him a moment to recover," he urged, his eyes sharp and focused.Lunaheart, using her super speed, deployed more smoke bombs, creating confusion and obscuring Garloth's vision. "We're wearing him down, guys! Just a little more!" she encouraged, her voice cutting through the chaos.Aurora's pulse cannon fired consistently, each shot aimed with deadly accuracy. "We've got him cornered," she said, her cannon glowing with power.Serenity, analyzing the battlefield, provided real-time updates. "His energy levels are dropping. Keep targeting his weak points," she advised, her visor displaying critical data.Lyra, manipulating gravity, made it increasingly difficult for Garloth to move. "You're not going anywhere, Garloth," she said, her focus unwavering.Zephyra, her strength amplified, delivered powerful punches that sent shockwaves through the air. "We've almost got him!" she shouted, her determination driving her forward.As the battle continued, Garloth found himself overwhelmed by the combined might of the heroes. His once-impenetrable defenses were crumbling, and the strain of maintaining his shadow energy was taking its toll. The darkness of the night seemed to work against him, as the heroes used it to their advantage.With the first hints of dawn beginning to appear on the horizon, the village was illuminated by the clash of light and shadow. The heroes, undeterred by the fatigue and relentless attacks, fought with everything they had. The fight was far from over, but their determination burned brighter than ever.Garloth, realizing he was losing ground, snarled in frustration. "This isn't over!" he roared, summoning the last of his strength for one final, desperate attack.But the heroes were ready. Phoenixwing, switching to his Hellfire Shot, aimed directly at Garloth. "This ends now!" he shouted, unleashing a devastating blast that shattered Garloth's defenses.Garloth staggered, the combined efforts of the heroes proving too much for him to handle. As the sun began to rise, the village was bathed in the light of victory. The heroes stood together, their unity and determination having overcome the darkness that threatened them.The battle was won, but the war was far from over. They knew that greater challenges lay ahead, but for now, they celebrated their hard-fought victory, ready to face whatever came next with the same unwavering resolve.As Garloth lay on the ground, seemingly defeated, his laughter echoed through the village, a haunting reminder that their battle was far from over. "Hahaha!" Garloth's voice boomed, resonating with a sinister confidence. "I tell you what, if you kids and your robotic friend here can beat me three more rounds, I will give you the claim of defeating me today. But I tell you right now, you will not be able to kill me today."The heroes exchanged glances, their exhaustion evident but their resolve unshaken. Phoenixwing stepped forward, his eyes locked onto Garloth's. "Why don't you just stay down, Garloth? You're already beaten," he said, his voice firm.Garloth's expression shifted, a hint of genuine respect in his eyes. "But as your Xennion elder, I am especially proud of you, Phoenixwing," he continued, his tone shifting to one of unexpected warmth. "Now come, you have to earn your win."Aelar tightened his grip on his weapons, his eyes narrowed with determination. "Looks like it's not over yet, guys. Let's give it everything we've got."Drakon, his wings flexing with renewed energy, nodded. "Right. We can do this. We've come this far."The team regrouped, forming a defensive circle around Garloth. "Prepare yourselves," Serenity advised, her helmet visor displaying tactical information. "He's not going to hold back."Kairos, his energy blades shimmering in the dim light, took a deep breath. "We're ready."Eli, with his agility and speed, took a position near the front. "Let's make this count."Xyris summoned the elements around him, the air crackling with electricity. "Three more rounds, huh? We'll show him what we're made of."Garloth slowly rose to his feet, the shadows around him swirling with renewed intensity. "You've proven yourselves worthy opponents. But now, the real challenge begins."The first round started with a burst of energy from Garloth, his shadow creatures materializing from the darkness. The heroes sprang into action, their coordinated attacks aimed at pushing Garloth back. Phoenixwing switched between his Hellfire Shot and God Chain, creating a dynamic and relentless assault. "Hellfire Shot!" he shouted, sending bursts of energy towards Garloth, followed by the constricting chains of his God Chain.Drakon flew above, using his radar horns to navigate and strike with precision. "Keep him occupied!" he called out, launching energy blasts from his wings.Aelar provided cover fire, his sniper rifle and missile launcher creating a barrage that forced Garloth to constantly defend. "We need to keep the pressure on him!" he urged.Kairos and Eli worked in tandem, their combined speed and agility creating a flurry of attacks that kept Garloth off balance. "He can't keep up with all of us at once," Eli said, dodging a shadow strike.Xyris summoned a storm, lightning striking at Garloth's position. "Feel the fury of the elements!" he shouted, the thunderclaps adding to the chaos.Serenity, with her analytical visor, guided the team. "Focus on his weak points! We need to wear him down."Aurora's pulse cannon fired with precision, each shot adding to the relentless barrage. "We've got him on the ropes."Lyra manipulated gravity, making Garloth's movements sluggish and difficult. "You're not going anywhere."Zephyra's enhanced strength delivered powerful punches that shook the ground. "We've almost got him!"Garloth, despite the onslaught, fought back with ferocity, his shadow creatures multiplying and attacking with increased intensity. "Is that all you've got?" he taunted, his laughter mingling with the sounds of battle.The night wore on, each round pushing the heroes to their limits. But their resolve never wavered. They fought with everything they had, their unity and determination shining through the darkness.As the first hints of dawn began to break, the final round commenced. The heroes, battered and exhausted, faced Garloth with unwavering determination. "This is it," Phoenixwing said, his voice filled with resolve. "One last push."With a final, coordinated effort, they launched their most powerful attacks. Phoenixwing's Hellfire Shot and God Chain combined with Drakon's energy blasts, Aelar's sniper fire, Kairos's and Eli's agile strikes, Xyris's elemental fury, Serenity's tactical guidance, Aurora's pulse cannon, Lyra's gravity manipulation, and Zephyra's powerful punches created a barrage that overwhelmed Garloth.Garloth staggered, his defenses crumbling under the relentless assault. With a final, powerful strike, Phoenixwing unleashed a devastating Hellfire Shot that struck Garloth directly, sending him crashing to the ground.The heroes stood together, their breaths heavy but their spirits high. Garloth, lying on the ground, looked up at them with a mixture of respect and acknowledgment. "You've earned your victory," he said, his voice filled with grudging admiration. "But remember, this is only the beginning."As the sun rose, bathing the village in light, the heroes stood tall, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. They had proven themselves against Garloth, and their unity and determination would carry them through the battles to come.-end of the Garloth the one man tank Xennion mini arc-As Garloth got up and joined the remainder of Vorath's troops, Vorath's voice rang out, dripping with disdain. "Impressive, you were able to best Garloth. Let's see how well you can do against my next five."Five identical soldiers stepped forward, their movements synchronized and intimidating. "The Daimo brothers are quintuplets just like you, but only one of the Daimo brothers can multiply into duplicates of himself. Have fun." Vorath sneered.The youngest Daimo brother, with a sinister smile, stepped ahead. "That would be me, the youngest. And the more clones of myself I make, the stronger I get."Phoenixwing tightened his grip, his eyes narrowing with determination. "Everyone, stay sharp. This won't be easy."The Daimo brothers spread out, their identical forms making it difficult to track their movements. The youngest brother began to glow with a dark energy. Within moments, he split into two, then four, then eight, each clone mirroring the original's strength and agility."We need to figure out which one is the real one," Aelar shouted, his sniper rifle trained on one of the clones. "If we can take him out, the rest should fall.""Got it," Drakon replied, his enhanced wings flaring as he took to the skies, his radar horns scanning for any fluctuations in the clones' energy signatures.Lunaheart, utilizing her super speed, darted between the clones, her smoke bombs creating screens of obscurity to disorient the Daimo brothers. "I'll try to create some confusion, see if we can isolate the real one!"Zephyra, her strength amplified, charged into the fray, her powerful strikes sending shockwaves through the ground. "Let's see how strong you really are!"As the battle intensified, Phoenixwing alternated between his Hellfire Shot and God Chain, his attacks blazing through the darkness. Each time he landed a hit, the clones would disintegrate, only to be replaced by even more powerful versions.Eli, Kairos, and Xyris joined the assault, their combined abilities adding to the chaos. Eli's elemental manipulation, Kairos's tactical acumen, and Xyris's energy constructs provided crucial support, creating openings for Phoenixwing and the others to exploit.Despite their best efforts, the clones kept multiplying, their strength increasing with each iteration. The real Daimo brother remained elusive, his presence masked by the sheer number of duplicates."We can't keep this up forever," Aurora panted, her pulse cannon firing relentlessly. "We need a new strategy!"Serenity, her helmet visor providing real-time data analysis, called out, "Phoenixwing, focus on combining your Hellfire and God Chain! If we can create a powerful enough attack, it might disrupt the energy binding the clones!"Nodding, Phoenixwing gathered his energy, his Hellfire merging with the God Chain. The combined power radiated from him, illuminating the battlefield with an intense, otherworldly light."Now!" he shouted, unleashing the combined attack towards the center of the clones. The explosion of energy was immense, the shockwave tearing through the darkness.As the light faded, the battlefield fell silent. The clones disintegrated, leaving only the real Daimo brother standing, his expression one of disbelief and rage."You... you actually did it," he hissed, his body trembling with exhaustion.Phoenixwing stepped forward, his eyes blazing with determination. "We told you, we won't back down. Not now, not ever."With a final, desperate roar, the Daimo brother charged, but his strength was spent. Phoenixwing, with a swift, decisive strike, brought him down, ending the battle.Vorath, watching from a distance, clenched his fists in frustration. "This isn't over," he muttered. "Not by a long shot."As the team regrouped, the first light of dawn began to break over the horizon, casting a new hope over the battlefield. They had won this round, but they knew the fight was far from over.As Garloth got up and joined the remainder of Vorath's troops, Vorath spoke up. "Impressive, you were able to best Garloth. Let's see how well you can do against my next five," Vorath said, a sinister grin spreading across his face.Five identical soldiers stepped forward, their expressions cold and calculating. "The Daimo brothers are quintuplets just like you, but only one of the Daimo brothers can multiply into duplicates of himself. Have fun," Vorath taunted."That would be me," said the youngest Daimo brother, his voice filled with arrogance. "The more clones I make, the stronger I get."Before the team could react, the Daimo brothers lunged forward, their movements synchronized with deadly precision. The battle resumed with renewed intensity, the heroes struggling to fend off the relentless assault.As the darkness deepened, Phoenixwing and his friends fought fiercely, their energy and determination unwavering. But Vorath wasn't done yet. He let out a chilling laugh. "You think this is over? Think again. You've bested Garloth and the Daimo brothers, but I still have plenty more soldiers eager to tear you apart."From the shadows, fifteen soldiers stepped forward, each one exuding a menacing aura. They lined up with precision, their expressions hard and unforgiving."Meet the Fifteen Assassins of Aetheria," Vorath announced with a cruel smile. "Each one is a master of a different deadly art. Let's see how you handle this challenge."The first assassin, cloaked in dark robes, wielded twin daggers that glinted in the early light. "I am Nox, master of stealth and poison," he said, his voice a sinister whisper.Next was a towering figure clad in heavy armor, brandishing a massive warhammer. "Brutus, the breaker of bones," he rumbled, his presence alone intimidating.Following him was a lithe woman with a deadly grace, her fingers adorned with sharp, metallic claws. "I am Sylph, the silent killer," she said, her eyes cold and calculating.One by one, the assassins introduced themselves, each name and title more terrifying than the last: Pyro, the fire conjurer; Viper, the master of toxins; Blitz, the speed demon; Wraith, the ghostly assassin; Terra, the earth manipulator; Venom, the poisonous viper; Scythe, the reaper of souls; Gale, the wind warrior; Shade, the shadow dancer; Frost, the ice controller; Bolt, the lightning striker; and finally, Reaper, the harbinger of death.Phoenixwing and his team exchanged grim looks. This was going to be their toughest fight yet."Stay together and watch each other's backs," Aelar instructed, his sniper rifle at the ready. "These assassins are no joke."Before the battle could commence, a sudden burst of energy lit up the battlefield. From the other side, fifteen teenagers appeared, each one radiating determination and strength. They were the students under the same teacher as Phoenixwing and his friends, trained to fight and protect their homeland.Leading the group was Aric, a young warrior with a fierce gaze and an unyielding spirit. "We're here to help, Phoenixwing!" he shouted, drawing his sword.Beside him, Maeve, an adept spellcaster, began to conjure protective barriers. "We'll fight by your side," she said, her voice steady.Another student, Rylan, with the ability to control water, stepped forward. "We won't let you face this alone."Phoenixwing felt a surge of pride and hope. "Alright, everyone, form up! Let's show these assassins what we're made of!"The battlefield erupted into chaos as the two groups clashed. Nox, the stealth assassin, darted towards Aric, but the young warrior parried his attack with swift precision.Maeve's barriers held strong against Pyro's fireballs, while Rylan's water manipulation countered Viper's poison. Blitz's speed was matched by Lunaheart's super speed, their movements a blur as they exchanged rapid strikes.Zephyra, using her enhanced strength, took on Brutus, their clash sending shockwaves through the ground. Sylph's deadly claws were intercepted by Aurora's pulse cannon, the energy blasts keeping her at bay.Drakon and Aelar provided aerial support, raining down attacks from above. Drakon's radar horns and energy wings gave him an edge against the elusive Wraith and Shade, while Aelar's precise sniper shots kept Frost and Bolt in check.Serenity's analytical visor provided crucial data, allowing the team to anticipate the assassins' moves and counter their attacks effectively. Her tactical instructions kept the battlefield organized amidst the chaos.As the fight raged on, Eli, Kairos, and Xyris supported their younger counterparts, their combined abilities creating openings for decisive strikes. Eli's elemental manipulation, Kairos's strategic prowess, and Xyris's energy constructs were instrumental in holding the line.The assassins were relentless, but the combined efforts of Phoenixwing's team and their students began to turn the tide. One by one, the assassins fell, their overconfidence shattered by the unyielding resolve of their opponents.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23 ⏰

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