Chapter one- kai

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I can't remember the last time I woke up not by a jumping Kit.
Right when I opened my eyes I started tickling kit until he hit the metres with a thud.
"Stop tickling me!!!" Kit screamed while laughing uncontrollably.
"Or what, what are you gonna do?" I say while I try not to laugh.
"Mom!!! Kai is..."
I put my hand over his mouth.
"Hi! No screaming in..." I look at the clock.
"6:30 in the morning"
Dammit, I'm gonna be late.
I start playing with his blonde silky hair just like our father used to do to me since I can remember.
"Stop doing that! I am not a child! I am a big man, I'm almost nine" he says while trying to slap my hand away.
"That's true" I say while starting to get dressed. "But did you know that big man sleep in the woods?"
"Cool! Me and my friends will camp and make burnt marshmallows every night!"
"Oh yes, that's what I thought too, until I herd about the monster"
"What monster?" Kit says like I just told a not funny joke.
"You know, the one that's comes for you when you are asleep" I say while getting close to the bed, where Kit was now laying in. " she creeps people in the woods so everyone will know not to mess with her. Once, Ace tried to fight her and claim the forest as his, and because of that, now he has a broken leg. Thank god that the monster went easy on him." By the time I finished talking. I was sitting next to the bed where now Kit was using the blanket as a shield.
"That's why you are still sleeping here?" He says, his voice shaking. I almost feel bad for scaring him.
"Yes, and it's also the reason I let dad play with my hair all the time" unlike Kit, I was born with black, wavy hair and green eyes, like our dad.
Kit was more like our mom, blonde hair and blue eyes.
" Okay, you can play with my hair, but don't mass it up. I want it to look good before going to school." He says like he has a reputation to hold.
"By the way, school starts at 8:00, and I don't know if you, second graders, learned already math, but it's in less the an hour and a half. So you better hurry if you even want to go to school"

By the time we got to the kitchen, Mia was already in the kitchen making herself a sandwich.
"Good morning ,princess" I say in the voice when you usually talk to a baby. "Did you have your beauty sleep?"
" go to hell"
"That's the spirit"
Mia is a year younger than me, and I take this as an opportunity to be the mocking older brother to her.
"Good morning to you two, hope you had a good night sleep" mom came in a hurry.
Guess I am not the only one who woke up late.
"Kai, where were you last night?" Mom asked like she was interrogating me.
"I don't remember, probably on the highway, drunk out of my mind, fighting ghosts" I say in a sarcastic tone.
"It's not funny! I was asking because..." she looked at me like she was about to tell me that someone died.
"Oh kai, I am sorry. It's just..." she tried to say something but couldn't get it out of her mouth.
"The police called, they were asking to see you" Mia said while our mom gave her a stare.
"What! You can't tell him so I will" right before I thought everything was bad she made it worse by saying. "One of your weird friends disappeared. She is the fourth" Mia said like it's normal.
"Mia! Don't insult his friends that way!"
"Well at least I don't drag it so much." Mia kind of had a point but I prefer mom's tenderness better than Mia's weird calmness about the matter.
Mia took a bite of her sandwich while saying "you should really try to find why people, especially your friends are disappearing. You might did something to piss someone off and now it's his revenge"
Could be. But we are dorks. Maybe Popular dorks but not the kind of popular that would hurt others to be popular.
"Mia, great opinions, as usual..."
"Still hate you"
"... mom, everything is going to be fine. What hour am I supposed to be in the police station?"
After mom gave me all the information I needed and helped her with getting kit ready, I went to the police station

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