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As Daella Targaryen grew, so did her beauty, her mother would tell her about all day. Daella couldn't speak back as she was only 2 but she would giggle. Ivan stark loved his daughter even if he hated his wife. It was the only good thing that came of their marriage. He wanted a son badly, but at least he had a heir. Ivan would hold Daella always playing with her, he really did love her.
Saera noticed Ivan's love for Daella, she didn't like it, she couldn't stand for Ivan to love her daughter, she couldn't stand it at all so one night she held a knife in one hand and a rag in the other, Ivan was sleeping was entered the room. She quickly got on top of him and plunged the knife into his stomach over and over and over and over again. She covered his screams with a rag. As he stopped screaming she smiled. It was over, she was free from his grasp.
Now it was hard to hide that she killed him, so she put the knife in a servant section and put the cloth there too. She felt free, it was like a weight was lifted off her back and with a smile she left his chamber. A servant had found his body, she let out a horrifying scream. At the funeral which was at Winterfell, as a honor for his house. Daella couldn't stop crying, she would pull at her mother's hair, and scream. She might've not remembered him now but she did always feel like she did. Saera realized the effect of the death of her husband had on her daughter, she felt a pang of guilt. Until Daella turned 4 she actually calmed down and became a calm and quiet girl.
It was now 122ac and Saera was to marry a Baratheon lord, who had a little girl himself, Maeve Baratheon, she had long thick brown hair, her eyes brown but like chocolate, she was a skinny girl, but carefree and blunt. Maeve and Daella didn't like each other, but as the years flew bye they had grown fond of each other, it was like they really were sisters.
It was now 124ac, and they were both now 10 years of age, Daella's beauty was still growing, and Maeve was a cute girl, but too honest. As Daella's aunt Rhaenyra gave birth Daella was in the Dragonpit, as Maeva was with Helena. Daella's dragon was a black medium size dragon it was only 10 but so big already, she had named it Elysian. Instead of keeping her dragon in the pit all day long, she would ride it, she loved feeling the breeze on her face, the morning sky, how excited Elysian would get when Daella took her for a ride. Daella promised that when Elysian was large enough to saddle two, she take Maeve with her. Maeve longed for a dragon, it was only her and Aemond who didn't have one. She didn't have one because she wasn't from Targaryen blood, Aemond's egg never hatched.
Maeve was fond of her step-mother, Saera never tried to hard or not enough, she was perfect. Now Daella stood in the dragon pit, with her uncles and cousins. She really only like Aemond, the other were bullies, and she didn't like it, maybe Aegon made them do it, but its their choice to listen to him. Jacaerys was feeding his dragon, as we all watched. It was common knowledge that the boys were bastards, but bastards didn't have fathers, and they did. But she didn't. Which meant she was a bastard also. Her mind would always find a way to bring up her father, she only knew of stories but her heart would break a bit every time she thought of it.
Daella stood besides Lucerys, she always thought he was angel-like, he was a sweet boy, besides her, After Vermax was taken away Aegon spoke up.
"Aemond, we have a surprise for you," He told him. Daella realized that something was about to happen.
"Aegon," She grumbled, she knew that something was going to happen to bully Aemond.
"What? I can't have a surprise for my only brother,"
Daella rolled her eyes, and shook her head, Aegon smirked, and Lucerys ran inside the Dragon-pit. Daella looked at Aemond, whose face was plain, like he was mad or well she didn't know.
"So you know how you are the only one without a dragon," Aegon said. Aemond looked at his brother, and confirmed his words, "Indeed."
"Aegon where are you going with this?" Daella warned. Last thing she wanted was for Aemond to be ridiculed. Aegon just gave her a look that said shut up. Daella looked at Jacaerys who was smiling looking at his feet as he walked.
"And we felt badly about it, so we found one for you," Aegon told him, Daella was confused, no new dragons had hatched yet, it was obvious that Aegon was going to do something cruel. Aemond looked up at his brother, "A dragon? How?"
"The gods provide," Aegon explained. Daella rolled her eyes and instead walking still, she grabbed Jacaerys' arm, "What are you planning Jace?" She questioned. Jace smiled and shrugged, but before he could continue to walk, she grabbed his arm again. She having him a warning look, but Jacaerys just shoved her down onto the sand and kept walking. Aemond heard the sound of someone falling, and turned back around, but Aegon just pushed his head to look at the dragon-pit. Daella looked at her dress, which was now blue and dirty. She wanted to killed Jace, this was the dress her father had made for her, when she was to be older, but Jace didn't know that. She stood back up and walked over to them bumping into Jace harshly. Jacaerys thought she was mad because he pushed her, but it was more than that.
Lucerys walked out with a pig on a leash with fake wings. Daella looked at Aemond with her eyes widen, They started laughing, "Behold the Pink dread!" Jacaerys and Aegon exclaimed.
"Be sure to mount her carefully, first flight's always rough." He snorted to mock the pig, as everyone but Daella and Aemond laughed. They walked away laughing louder. Daella walked up to Aemond.
"Im so-"
"Shut up, you probably knew what they were doing," Aemond barked. Daella looked at him sad that he would think that, so with that she decided to get up and leave.
The news of Laena's death was heard all around, everyone had, flown or sailed to Driftmark, Daella and Maeve just stood next to a ledge, in silence, just looking around at everyone. Daella noticed that her cousins looked sad, it was like they were mourning, but they didn't even know Laena.