Chapter 1

33 4 7

By Awesomesauce14

"And that's what the Pilgrims did for the first Thanksgiving." Mrs. Kelly the old grumpy and boring history teacher summed up the Pilgrim unit.

"Finally." I thought bored to death.

"OW!" I rubbed my arm. I looked to see where it came from. My brown chocolate chip eyes scanned the classroom. Everything seemed normal, I shrugged and when back to listening to the lecher. I got bored again so I started to play with my pencils. I noticed there was one pencil that wasn't mine.

"OW!" I turned around and this time I caught the culprit that was throwing pencils at me. I glared at him. He kept throwing pencils not caring if he got caught by Mrs. Kelly.

"Stop!" I whispered loud enough for him to hear.

"Why should I?" he said sassy and went back to throwing pencils at me.

"Where is he getting all these pencils?" I wondered.

"Ok, class now turn in your history books to page 589." Mrs. Kelly announced. Groans filled the room. Everyone got out their books. I turned back to my desk and got out my book.

"He'll stop now." I hoped, but sadly he didn't. He throw one and it got stuck in my long raven hair.

"Ok, I've had enough of this." I grind my teeth. My hands formed into fits.

"Our new unit is-" I stopped Mrs. Kelly in mid sentence.

"GODMMIT, STOP IT!" I shouted. Everyone's eyes were on me. I didn't even notice that I was standing up. I stared at him with fire in my eyes. He just throw another pencil at my face. Mrs. Kelly was speechless.

"Miss.Williams detention." she managed to spit out. She went to her desk and started to fill out a detention slip. I sat back down. He chuckled quietly at me. Mrs. Kelly must of heard, because she looked up at him.

"Mr. Johnson detention." she filled out another slip.

"What!?" he protested.

"You heard me Mr. Johnson." she walked over to him and handed the slip to him. A smirked crossed my face.

"Wait, I have to be in detention with him. Ugh!" I thought and the smirk quickly was wiped off my face. Mrs. Kelly handed me my detention slip.

"Now out!" she strictly said and pointed to the door. We gathered our backpacks and headed out. We walked down hall to the detention room which was an old smelly classroom.

"Look what you did Hope. How am I going to tell my parents that I got detention." he run his hands through his sandy blonde hair.

"Well Jack, maybe if you didn't throw pencils at me we wouldn't be here right now." I snapped back. He glared at me with hatred in his blue eyes. We walked the rest of the way in silence and all through detention was silent too.

What felt like a life time, the bell rang and detention was over. I quickly grabbed my bag and ran out of the school to get a head start on the walk home. Oh, did I mention that Jack and I are neighbors. I heard footsteps behind me. I was almost home.

"Damn it!" I crusted under my breath.

"What the hell do you want Jack!?" I said over my shoulder.

"Well, hello to you too." he replied. I rolled my eyes.

"Stupid." I heard him say under his breath.

"Idiot!" I shouted back. We kept shouting names at each other until we got to their house.

"Jerk!" I shouted as I got me house keys out.

"Whore!" Jack shouted back as he turned the knob to his front door.

"Ass!" I shouted as I slammed my front door close. I took a deep breath.

"I hate him." I thought. I tossed my bag on to the floor. I went to the refrigerator and grabbed some leftover noddles and sauce. I sat at the island. I stuffed my face with noddles and thought about today. I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard the front door close.

"Hey Mom." I smiled. I got up and hugged her.

"Hi darling how was school." She asked.

"Got detention." I answered calmly. She frowned at me.

"Don't forget to tell your dad at dinner then we can discuss your punishment Missy." she said as she went up stairs to her office. I went back to eating noddles.

Later At Dinner
"How was school Hope?" My dad asked at dinner. Mom looked at me.

"I got detention." I repeated what I told my mom earlier.

"Ohhh, so one got in trouble." my little brother Justin said mocking me.

"Shut up you little brat." I gave him the death stare.

"Talk nice to your brother Hope and Justin don't mock your sister or you'll be grounded." Mom scolded us.

"Anyways, we need to discuss your punishment." Mom pointed at Dad and herself.

"Yes later, but on another note summer break is coming up." Dad said changing the conversation.

"Oh I forgot that school is going to be out soon." I thought happily.

"What are we going to do?" Asked Justin.

"We're going to the Caribbean with the Johnson's." Dad smiled.

"Yeah, the Caribbean!" Justin cheered.

I dropped my fork. Everyone looked at me not sure why I did that.

"T-the Johnson." I repeated.

"Yes, you get to see Jack just like the good old times." Mom said smiling. The Johnson's family are our good family friends. Even back then Jack and I hated each other. He was always stealing my toys or teasing me. I don't even know what my mom's talking about. Jack and me friends, hell no.

"I think spending two in a half months with Jack is the worst punishment their could give me." I groaned.

Hope, You're The One(Jack Johnson)Where stories live. Discover now