𝐈. 𝐓𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐓𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐩𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐲

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     "Good morning, darling! I made you some chicken and waffles. We have a big day today!" My dad calls out, slowly slipping me out of my slumber. I groan as I rub the sand out of my eyes. For just a moment, I take in my surroundings. My father was standing in the doorway, dressed in a pink hawaiian shirt with khaki pants and his everyday straw hat. My room was basically a baby blue box full of intricate white furniture, bohemian rugs, and plush pillows practically everywhere. 

     I toss my blue blanket off me, relieved by the rush of cool air. Lazily, I roll off the bed. I trudged across my room to join my family and eat breakfast. My father and I chat about our upcoming show as we head towards the kitchen. When we reach the dining table, I find my baby brother is already there and chowing down on his breakfast. "Good morning, Gideon." I kindly greet. He simply responds with a wave and I roll my eyes. As much as I love my little brother, he's the stereotypical annoying and bratty sibling.

I finish up my breakfast before returning to my room. I put on a white blouse with a baby blue vest and matching mini skirt. I throw on some white thigh highs and finish the outfit off with some baby blue mary-janes. I brush out my hair and accessorize with a cute headband and my iconic rose necklace. I do some light makeup and smile in the mirror, proud of my beauty. My eyes glance towards the dialog clock that read "8:30 AM." Perfect timing.

     "You ready to perform, honey?!" My father called from across our humble home. "On my way dad!" I yell, rushing out my bedroom door. I grab my crocheted bag full of crystals and tarot cards. I reach my family and we head out to the car. As soon as I stepped outside, I felt this odd sensation that sent shivers down my spine. Was somebody watching us? I look around, but see nothing.

      I shake off the feeling, hoping it's just all in my head. I make my way into the car and set up some tunes to relieve my nerves. Gideon gets in the seat behind me, making sure to give my seat a hard shove as he got in. Dad gets in the driver's seat and backs out of our driveway. I peak through the mirror and catch a glance of some yellow flash that I couldn't make out. What was that thing? Perhaps a spirit?

      Soon, we reach our playground for our powers, the Tent of Telepathy. I can't help but grin as we park and enter the oh-so-familiar tent. I rush up the stage and begin setting up my parlour. I'm a medium and fortune teller. I smile as I rub my crystal ball. The ball shimmers as my fingertips glide across it. I set up my tarot cards, set down a few candles, and place a few crystals here and there. I grab my rose necklace and lightly hum, guiding a light out from the gems inside the rose. In an instant, all my candles lit aflame. I smile.

      Eventually, people started lining up outside our tent. I went to the door and held out a bag with a sign. 'ADMITTANCE $10' Everybody enthusiastically put their money in the bag, rushing in to find a good seat. Eventually I handed the bag off to dad and got ready behind stage, I walked up the stage with Gideon as they pulled the curtain. "Hello America! My name is  (Y/N)!" Gideon perks up, "and I'm lil' Gideon!" We released some doves for theatrical effect. I step forward, "Ladies and gentlemen, it is such a gift to have you here tonight!" "Such a gift," Gideon echoes then steps forward, "I have a vision. I predict you'll soon all say 'awww.'" He whips around and makes a cute face, poking his cheek. The crowd erupts in 'awww's.

      "Hit it dad!" We scream as dad begins playing an upbeat tune on piano. We toss out some merchandise into the crowd before erupting in song. "Oh I can see what others can't see, it ain't some sideshow trick! It's innate ability!" I sang. "Where others are blind, I am futurely inclined. And you too could see, if you was little ole me!" Gideon added. We get everyone to rise out of their seats.

      I point at the lonely crazy old cat lady, "you wish your son would call you more!" "I'm leaving everything to my cats!!" She screams. The cat yowls. Gideon points to a man decked out in our merchandise, "I sense that you've been here before!" "Oh what gave it away?" He asked. I wink at some awkward teenage boy, "I'll read your mind if I'm able-" "Something tells me you're named Mabel!" Gideon gestures to the girl wearing a shirt with "MABEL" written in colourful letters. "How did he know??" She asked cluelessly. "So welcome all yee, to the Tent of Telepathy!" I finish my part. "And thanks for visiting wittle ole me!!" Gideon belted. Everyone clapped and cheered for us. I smile and wave goodbye to the crowd.

     Gideon and I walk off stage and I can't help but smile and give my brother a playful shove, "So, you and Mabel? I saw something going on there." He rolls his eyes and shrugs me off. "Oh I don't know." I scoff and hit him softly. "Well, baby brother, I think you should go for it! Ask her out tomorrow morning!"

      We make our way home and I get ready for bed. I change into some silk blue pjs. I get in bed and open my nightstand. I pull out my bright pink diary and unlock it.

     "Dear Diary,
Today we had another successful show! I'm so excited to be able to share my gift with the world, I just wish my baby brother wouldn't get all the spotlight. He has a crush on some girl from the show today, hopefully things go well for him. Maybe one day I'll meet someone to fall head over heels for, too."

𝐓𝐫𝐲𝐬𝐭| 𝐁𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐂𝐢𝐩𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now