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Woop woop, entrance exam!

Here were many people that signed into this exam, and this will be troublesome since they're determined. Oof, they'll be easy to knock out using a stun attack with a very wide range.

I walked through the many warming up people, some doing some exercises, others talking and chatting and the rest just anxious.

This is fun already, and my quirk being compatible.

While we were inside the building, the rules were explained and the things that we'll have to deal with was visualized through a gigantic screen. Many students were sat down as the pro hero, Present Mic explains the requirements.

It was quite difficult, as one specific student kept muttering right next to my ear.

Luckily, one of the many people behind our row, just about 4 rows away raised his hand, as to question the last silhouette. And calling out the poor boy that was just discussing to himself.

He quickly hears the sudden call out, and was red faced and abruptly stopped with his inconherent muttering.

Felling ashamed as he lowers his head lightly, embarrassed from his own conversations and hypothesis.

He felt a sudden hand placed on his shoulder, jolting from the unexpected physical contact.

"You good buddy?" He looks towards me, questioning to why I even decided that I had contact with him.

"Uhm, I-" he was cut off,

"Here, 😚"

I handed him something, as he looks down and raise# his hand to mine. I dropped something crunchy, a mint candy. Confused, he look up as the weight on his shoulder was relieved, and to see me now listening in to the instructions.

Back to the main thing, where we can go on a rampage to pass this needed exam.

A loud ring was heard, as a count down begins to a narrator speaking through the speakers. It was just some words of encouragement, and to help the trembling and anxious students feel better.

I cracked my joints, stretched my arms and legs, hoping that I would pass this test.

Then it began, as the crowds shrouded the area, running through mess that they had made, some falling down due to the aggressive stomps.

I then let out dark whip, and was able to swing myself across the crowd, hearing many struggles and grumbles, the soon to be students trying their best.

I let go, falling through the air and landing on the tallest building, the concrete was dusty as I see the bottom of the valley.

I swung across many more structures, and wiping out as many opponents as possible.








I searched for more, trying to isolate myself as possible to avoid attention.

The breeze cooling down my heated body, as I whip splashed another robotic creation.



Huh, a stack of points, haha.

That wasn't funny.

Anyways, I heard multiple aggressive explosions from far away, as a gigantic robot that has no points arrive at the huddled people.

//𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐰 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫// MHA × 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫//Where stories live. Discover now