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Eloise's POV

"Elle, Eloise, come on, time to wake up," I heard someone say as I tried to push them away.

The sun was shining way too bright through my windows this morning. Not cool. I slowly sat up, rubbing my eyes to see Mommy going through my closet. I don't think she would notice if I just hid under my covers and went back to sleep...

"Hey! Elle, time to wake up! You're going to be late if you don't start getting ready for school!" Mommy says, grabbing my school uniform.

Mommy always helps me in the mornings and also drops me off and picks me up from school, most days. My mommy is always really busy with work and I barely get to have any alone time with her when she is free because she is resting. 

"Are you excited? It's your first day of second grade! My little seven year old isn't so little anymore!" Mommy pouts as she helps me put on my skirt.

I giggle as she made funny faces at me while she did my hair all pretty for my first day. It's always hard for me to sit still while she does my hair, but I love being close to her, so it's worth it. When I finished getting ready I looked at Mommy's outfit and she was still in her pajamas. 

"Mommy, are you going to change?" I ask, looking up at her as she grabbed my backpack.

"No honey, this will be fine. I won't be able to go down with you, so no one will see me anyways babe," she tells me and I give her a nod.

Mommy helps me into the car as I buckle myself in my booster seat and she gets in on the other side, next to me. I was excited to see all of my friends again! I'll only be going for a half day today since Mommy wants to pick me up early because she has things to do later and she wants me to be with her. I looked out the window as we approached the school and saw all of the other kids going down. I was getting a little nervous when I saw my teacher approach our car and Mommy rolled her window down.

"Hi! Thank you so much for doing this," Mommy tells her, unbuckling my seatbelt and she smoothers me in kisses.

"I love you so much baby, have a good first day! I'll see you in a couple hours, okay?" Mommy says as I get down from the car, holding onto my teacher's hand.

"Oh, don't worry! Eloise is going to have an amazing first day, aren't we sweetheart?" Ms. Adams smiles and I nod my head as Mommy's window rolls back up. 

We walk into the building and I missed walking into here everyday, running around in the hallways with my friends and going to recess. Ms. Adams leads me to our classroom and I see other kids already sitting in their seats.

"Do you think you can find your desk that has your name on it, Eloise?" Ms. Adams asks and I nod my head, slowly walking towards the empty desks.

It didn't take me long to find my desk since it was right next to my teacher's desk. I looked over at the other girl that is sitting beside me and she looks really nervous; I've never seen her before. While waiting for class to start, my friends started showing up one by one and I giggled as they looked around the classroom for their seat.

"Hi Eloise!" Abbie yells, putting her backpack down. I giggle, giving her a wave.

When the school day finally started, Ms. Adams introduced herself to the entire class and asked to go around the room and introduce ourselves too. When it was my turn, I was more scared than I thought I was. 

"Hi, I'm Eloise" I shyly say and everyone greets me back and we move onto the next person.

There wasn't much to do today since we were all getting to know each other. We all got a snack break and our teacher brought out some snacks if we didn't have any, but I pulled out the snacks that Mommy packed in my backpack. 

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