The Movies

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"Chloe's POV"

Thank goodness it's Friday!! Ulisa is off and I called her but because the different time zones she was still at school. She answered and she was in Figueroa's class! We talked and I told her that I was going to the movies with my boyfriend and I think Mrs. Figueroa almost jumped on the roof of excitement. Ulisa said bye to Mrs. Figueroa and we kept on talking.

U- so you and Carson are good?

C- I guess. We played basketball yesterday and he took his shirt off and...

U- and say no more😍😍 lol jk keep going sorry😂

C- OMG Ulisa!!😂 lol and now my dad knows but he's ok with it.

U- omg your dad knows???😂 I didn't tell my dad or my mom! They just found out themselves.

C- really? Well I'm going to the movies with John, Carson, and the Summeralls and idk what to wear.

U- just wear jeans and be yourself. Oh also, do your special braid! Carson would love it!☺️

C- thanks Ulisa!!😄 only two more weeks until Christmas break!! Ahh!! Ok I'm so nervous to go I hope Diane is there! Carson didn't really want his mom there but I love her!

U- ugh my boyfriends mom hates me lol I wish you were here!! Can't wait until Christmas break! I have something special for you!

C- same!

U- Have fun! Lol I can't believe your dad said he was a keeper.😂

C- I got to put on something suitable on!!!😂

U- ok bye!!!

Ok so I had to find something suitable to wear so I pulled out my Brazil jersey and my jeans and but my hair in a french braid. I tried to keep it simple. I honestly have no idea why Mrs. Hall is so protective over me. At least I have a good grade in her class, and a good reputation.

"Carson's POV"

The Summeralls, John, my mom, and I were all meeting Chloe at the movies and I was so excited. I know the movies isn't the most romantic place to take your girlfriend, but Chloe didn't mind. I took a selfie and added the caption, about to go to the movies with great friends and my love <3. My mom was smiling the whole time. She really liked Chloe. I'm just glad she doesn't hate her.

We got to the movies and I saw Chloe. She was wearing a Brazil jersey and John ran up to her an said, "Cool jersey Chlo!" She thanked him and asked who his favorite player was. They both picked Neymar. I had no idea who he was so I just stood there in confusion.

Chloe gave me a really tight hug and thats all that mattered that she was there. John honestly didn't mind how close Chloe and I were during the movie. She sat next to my mom and my dad on one side and I sat next to her on the other. It was like she was part of our family, and life couldn't have been better. We basically held hands and she almost fell asleep on me. I took a picture and the caption was Best Date Ever and of course my mom have to photobomb.

After we dropped John, the Summeralls, and Chloe off I took out my phone and was on Instagram. My phone was blown up with direct message like, you need to break up with her, she's ugly, she doesn't deserve you. I showed my mom and she was appalled by the hate on Chloe. But there was one that set me off. It was from Mia. She said, Carson, I miss you so much. Where did you find Chloe? From a garbage can or something? You deserve someone you can actually love you, and thats me. You don't deserve a girl who can give you nothing. You can block me but I see you everyday handsome. Miss me now?

My mom located her phone and we went to her house. I stayed in the car while my mom talked to her and her parents. Lets just say that there was a lot of yelling from Mia's parents. I texted Chloe while my mom was in there yelling at Mia's family.

CL- Hey Chlobear! I have loads of fun tonight!

C- Me too! Hey next weekend I have to go to the airport to pick up a friend. Do you want to come?

CL- Yeah sure! I'd love to! Is John coming?

C- Yeah. John is the surprise for her! :)

CL- oh I get it. So I'm not surprising enough? ;)

C- Your too cute! Nah I told her your already my biggest surprise! :)

CL- Ok I see how it is. ;)

C- Hey I'm also sorry about my dad yesterday

CL- No way! He's so cool!! He needs to give me some of his coolness. :)

C- ok good! I'm sure sometime he will! :) Ok I have to call my friend and tell her your coming too. Bye love!

CL- Bye beautiful xoxo :)

My mom came out and she said, "All settled!" Mia gave me a death glare from the view of her room. I was happy and scared at the same time.

"Johnny's POV"

I had a blast at the movies with the Summeralls, Carson, and Chloe. I was a little disappointed that I didn't sit next to Chloe but Carson's her boyfriend so yeah. They almost kissed but Chloe had to go somewhere so that was good, but who knows how many times they've kissed.

I can't wait to meet Chloe's friend though. She seems like a great girl. I heard that she's Salvadorian so maybe she can teach me some Spanish. I heard Chloe and her were so advanced in Spanish last year. I also heard she's staying for a week so I'll try to take her somewhere fun. I'm so tired so I'm just going to sleep. Lauren happily came in my room just in time. She showed me Carson's latest picture on Instagram. She said, "Read the long comment John! Not stare at Chloe!!" I read it and I was so mad. I didn't want to tell Chloe because Carson probably took care of it.


Hey guys! That was chapter 6! It looks kind of short but its detailed! :) I'll update later or so. Next week I won't be able to update that much because I'll be a busy bee and on Friday I'm going to celebrate my birthday with family at an amusement park and PopNation!!! That's one reason I'm writing this so I can add the pictures! :) Bye guys! :)

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