Never To Be Loved

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"Thanks.." Taiga whispered into the air, her face producing a lovely smile that came from within.

"I mean it..." 

"Thanks for everything." Taiga's hands grabbed the bearhead of the costume and detached it from the rest of the costume.

She threw it on the floor, revealing the blue-haired boy that she lived with.


Ryuji's face was blushing profusely as he stared into the eyes of the girl who sat on his chest. Her beautiful brown eyes glistened brightly under the moonlight, making him feel at home.

With her, it just feels right.

"So, who did you steal the costume from?" Taiga asked with a sly grin creeping up her face.

"I didn't; I borrowed it." Ryuji's neck bent back, his head touching the polished wooden floor with a weary sigh.

"What about the suit I gave you?" Taiga asked with a hint of concern in her voice, "Did you sell it for this costume?"

"No, no," Ryuji spoke out as quickly as possible, giving reassurance to his ally. "I just gave it to the guy who wore it; he'll give it back after this event."

"At least that's what he said." 

Ryuji averted his gaze from her eyes, pretending to be accused of a crime he didn't commit. His fingers twiddled nervously, and beads of sweat dripping down his forehead formed as he thought of a reason to defend him.

"You really are a moron, you know?" Taiga huffed, her face dissatisfied at Ryuji Takasu's choice of actions. "That suit was given to you only, not anyone else!"

"No need to worry," Ryuji stuttered, careful not to awaken the beast inside Taiga. "I'll give you the suit back after the event."

A moment of silence passed before the fragile, doll-like girl lent her hand to the blue-haired housewife. Ryuji grabbed her hand and lifted himself up, his eyes looking down on the blonde katana maniac.

"Minorin will be waiting for you at the party," Taiga softly said. "You must go."

"But I just changed into this costume," Ryuji said as he sat on the sofa next to him. "And I don't want to leave you alone anymore."

"Not anymore."

A bittersweet smile appeared on Taiga's face before she replied with a cheery smile.

What are you saying?" Taiga said, "I'm just fine."

"A make-believe Santa came for a make-believe good little girl." Taiga picked up the bear head and handed it to the teenage boy standing before her.

"It was lots of fun."

"Now go!" Taiga ordered.

"B-But.." Ryuji stuttered once more, his mind racking up a reason for him to stay with her.

To not leave her behind...

"If you don't go, that would mean I lied to Minori."

Taiga grabbed the warm hands of Ryuji and stormed towards the exit door. With a heavy heart, she pushed him out of her room and into the corridors filled with light.

"Get Going!"

"Hey," Ryuji started.

"Santa already came," Taiga said as clearly as possible. Her hands pushed and kept pushing the boy out of her room when he tried to enter again. 

"That means I have to be a good girl for the rest of the year."


"So, let me be a good girl."

They both stared into each other's eyes, longing and yearning for the bond they created in those pupils that they shared.

"My real present was getting Minorin to go to the party."

"So, please accept it."

Immediately, she kicked him in the stomach as fast yet as lightly as possible, pushing him out of the room once and for all.

Ryuji stared into Taiga's eyes once more, then bid his farewell.


And then he slowly receded from her sight, her hand cold as it could no longer touch the source of warmth and happiness.

Thud! The door closed with a loud bang. Taiga went inside her room and walked aimlessly, her bare feet applying pressure on the soft, wooden boards that covered the floor.

She picked up the red scarf on the floor, her soft hands caressing the beautiful fabric.

"I forgot to give it back," she muttered to herself. "Oh, what a pain."

Tears streamed down her face, and shiny blobs of slaty tears dropped on the scarf, creating dark spots as they came into contact.

Huh! Why am I crying?

It was then that she realized that she never wanted Ryuji to leave.

I know Minori is in love with him. She thought. And he loves her too...

"That means..." 

"I cant be with Ryuji; I cant walk next to him..."

"I can't be the one by his side."

She felt like she could no longer breathe. It was painful to not be next to someone you came to love.

"I can't bear with that."

Taiga bolted off her room, her breaths erratic as she ran into the road next to the apartment. Her eyes scanned her surroundings, looking for any signs of Ryuji...

There was none..

"RYUJI!" she screamed out, her voice shaky as she fell to her knees..


She lost all hope; Ryuji was never coming back for her.

She'd never be loved..

"Ryuji..." she sobbed, her hands covering her face with a sadness that was thorns in her heart.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27 ⏰

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