"Stop whining, Prince." Ari folded her arms. "Let's go." He laughed, "I'm joking. Well my arms do hurt, but I'm obviously not gonna refuse to look for them because of it." He bopped her on the head with a rolled up hoodie, "Be nice." She rolled her eyes as he struggled into it. "You have issues." Prince successfully pulled the hoodie all the way on and stuck out his tongue. Ari sighed, "Alright, come on, three year old." She grabbed his hand and pulled him outside. "Do you always have to drag me around?" Ari smirked. "Yes, be quiet." Prince made a face but was quiet. They wove through the streets. It was quiet. There were hardly any screeches. "We need to get back to that street. I think I remember the direction the others went in." Prince nodded. Soon enough they made it there. Ari stared. "Woah." Prince blinked. "That's a lot of bodies. We must of looked like psycopaths." She nodded. "Let's track down Jasper first." Prince grinned. "Sure." They slipped into the alley Jasper, Ren, and Aaron had run in. They went straight for several minutes, then the alley branched out two ways. Ari inhaled, "Maybe we should spi-" "No," Prince interrupted. "The last thing we want is to split up further." She looked uncertain. Prince looked her in the eyes. "Please?" She sighed, "Alright, we'll stay together." "So which way?" Ari stared down one of the alleys. "Uhhh..." Suddenly there was a yelp, echoing down the alley on their right. They made eye contact and without another word they took off.
A cold barrel touched Prince's head and he didn't hesitate. He lashed out and punched someone in the face. Ari grabbed him. "Prince, wait!" He froze. "Oh... sorry." Jasper groaned, "Why me?" Aaron and Ren helped him up. They'd been standing in another spilt, just out of view. Prince rubbed the side of his head, looking uncomfortable. "Sorry." Jasper's eyes x-rayed him. Oh. The gun against his head... Jasper picked it up off the ground. Prince eyed him. It was the revolver. Jasper pocketed it. "You're fine. My bad." He gestured behind them. "There was an Infected we had to silence earlier. It scratched Ren and when she yelled, we heard your footsteps and panicked a little." Ari frowned and looked at Ren. Ren shrugged. "It only nicked me." She showed Ari a scratch on her wrist. "I'm fine." Jasper rubbed his already bruising cheek. "Well at least you guys are ok." Ari shrugged. "We had some close calls but, we're good." Prince looked sideways at her. "Yeah, you could say they were real cliffhangers." Ari glared at him. He attempted not to laugh. "Too soon?" "Yes it's too soon." She smacked him on the shoulder. "You're an idiot."Jasper opened his mouth, looked between them and shook his head. "You know what, I don't even wanna ask." Ari sighed, "Good because I very much don't have the energy to explain. " She and Prince shared a look for a second. Jasper's face went a serious. "Did you guys see Jaden or Alice?" They shook their heads. Aaron exhaled. Jasper bit his lip, "I think I remember the direction they-" Someone cleared their throat. They all turned. Jaden stood behind them at the end of the alley. Alice caught up behind him. "Did you... oh thank heavens." She sighed in relief. They ran over. Jaden looked relieved as he looked them over. Without thinking, Jasper hugged her. After a second he let her go with a quick look at Aaron. She sighed again, "We went back to the street and couldn't figure out where you'd gone." "Got lucky, I guess," Jaden signed. Jasper nodded. "Guess we gotta keep going, now." Alice bit her lip. "What about the GPS? I mean it rained and..." Jasper patted his backpack. "In here and it's waterproof." She nodded and glanced at Jaden. Jasper seemed to notice the missing backpack for the first time. "We'll manage without the computer." Jaden looked down a little guilty. "Not your fault," Jasper said. "Let's get back on course."
They started off again, this time being more discreet. They stayed in the thinner alleys, not wanting to repeat last night's events in the more open streets. Ari's mind was muddled. It felt so repetitive she started zoning out. She bumped into Jaden as they slowed. He glanced back at her and then down at her and Prince's hands. Ari quickly let go, but it was too late. He grinned evily. Why did he always have to catch her at the most embarrassing moments? Prince glanced at Jaden and rolled his eyes. Jaden turned away as they sped up again. Of course Jaden was happy or whatever for her. But he was her friend and as her friend he had tease her just a little bit. His ribs ached. He wasn't sure why but they did. Alice looked sideways at him. She panted, "You... ok?" Jaden nodded, he just felt a little dizzy. He carefully felt his side, as they slowed again. It hurt but somehow it wasn't torn or anything. Jasper put up a hand. "Shhh." They all stopped and listened. The screaching was getting louder. Jasper inhaled and looked back at Jaden. It was like he could read his eyes. The tunnels. Jaden moved up to the front. Jasper muttered, "How close is it?" Jaden thought, remembering the map. "About four minutes, roughly," He signed. "Can you lead us?" Jaden nodded. They picked up speed, weaving left and right, until they reached a weather, shack of a building. Jaden pushed the door open. Loud screeching hit the air behind them. They all got inside. Trash was dumped across the floor along with some animal bones. A rat ran across the floor. The old brick walls were cracked and crumbling. There was some sort of security x-ray type things at the end of the room, like at an airport, but they had been raided for parts.
They, somewhat wearily, passed through them to a metal door. Jaden opened it. There was a crash behind them. An Infected had broken through the door. It screeched and more screeching sounded very close. Jaden shoved them forward. Alice pulled Jaden inside and slammed the door. She threw herself against the door as it was forced open. Aaron quickly helped her. There was a strange vault like door, set in the floor. Jaden, Prince and Jasper got to work twisting the round hatch. The door jostled. Alice winced in pain. "Hurry!" Ari was next to them now, pushing herself against the door. The door in the floor creaked and the three boys lifted it, grunting. There was a dark hole. Metal rings were inset in the wall for climbing. Aaron was sweating. "Go!" Prince started climbing down. After what felt like days but was only seconds, he called, "It's safe!" One by one they started climbing down. Finally it was Jasper, Aaron, and Alice all holding the dented door. Alice glanced at them both. "Alice get down there!" Aaron yelled. "But-" Aaron looked at both of them. "Both of you! I have an idea." Alice and Jasper shared a look. Alice tensed then ran to the hole. Aaron looked at Jasper. The hinges were breaking. Aaron looked at the hole. "Is there a way to seal the door from the inside?!!?" Jasper shook his head. Aaron smiled insanely. "Makes my plan even better. He quickly reached into a backpack pocket and withdrew a grenade. "This place looks ready to collapse within days!" Jasper looked at him. "Are you ready?" Aaron nodded. "Three, two, one! Go!" Jasper rushed to the opening. He pulled the hatch halfway closed, struggling against it's weight. The door broke open Aaron pulled the pin and flung the grenade. He ran and slid through the opening. He didn't climb, he fell. Claws scratched at Jasper as he let the door fall. Something threw itself through the crack. It plowed into him and he fell, too. A boom shuddered above them. Jasper struggled with the Infected. There was yelling, the sound of the building coming down. He was clawed about a hundred times. Jasper fired his gun into it's head. It collapsed. A flashlight clicked on. Jasper groaned, "It's dead. Ow. My... my head. My wrist." Ari shown her light on him. "What... was that?" "The explosion or the Infected?" "Explosion?" Aaron's voice, "My idea." Ari knelt by Jasper. "Let me see. You hit your head and your wrist... Did you land on it or were you scratched?" Jasper opened his mouth as the others crowded around him. "I think-" Ari flinched and backed up. Jasper looked downn at his wrist... and saw the bite marks.

Hollow Veins
ActionSurviving the apocalypse was hard enough without figures from her horror striken past showing up out of the blue. But of course, nothing in life came that easily. Not even that, but now her old lying "friend" has offered her a simple choice. Go with...