Chapter 1

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Ann's P.O.V

I was late!
I ran down the street, dodging and apologizing to the people that I ran into. I smelled the odor of too many people sweating, too close together and under the unrelenting sun. On both sides of the street people were trying to sell the last of their wares before closing time came.

"Buy the best carrots London has to offer! Get them now!"

"Take some buns before they run out!"

There was so many people it was hard to see 2 steps in front of me and to add onto the fact that I was running.

"Hey! Watch where your going boy!" A man yelled as I ran past accidentally knocking some of his merchandise over and at the same time dropping my bag and spilling the books inside on the street.

I stopped to quickly pick up the things and mumbled a quick apology. I was about to leave when the man grabbed my ear and pointed to the tomatoes I had put back on his stall.

"You've ruined my perfect tomatoes that I was gonna sell! You gotta pay full price for them of two pounds!!!"

I looked at the tomatoes that were wilting and a little moldy,"Absolutely not! They aren't even worth a pound!"

"What did you say!?!?" He smacked the back of my head.

I glared at him under the brim of my cap," You heard me, I'll give you 4 pence for them and the trouble." I pulled out the amount and put them in his greedy, outstretched hand. The only reason I paid that much was because I was even later now and needed to hurry.

I turned to my left and ran down the back alley hoping it'll get me there sooner. I had to get to the book store before the client leaves along with my pay.

To put it simply, I'm a scribe. I write booklets and pamphlets that scholars use to study for the exams that can get them into college. The thing is I'm only 19 and it's hard to get clients when they are older than you and you aren't in college.

I looked up and saw the 'Ross Old Book & Print Shop' overhead a building with brown, polished wood and many windows. I stepped through the doorway and was greeted with the sight of Mr.Ross trying to keep the client calm.

The client was medium-height man with round belly that strained the seams of his undershirt, his spectacles were like little circles, barely perched on the tip of his pudgy nose. He was wearing a billowing tailcoat and black shoes.

Mr. Ross was taller but he was hunched over from being 60 something and needed a cane to walk around. He was starting to bald and needed spectacles to see properly.

"Please sir, I am sure that he is going to be here any moment! Can I interest you with this book instead?," Mr.Ross offered.

"I need this book to study for my upcoming entrance exam! If I don't make it my mother!!....," the client exclaimed.

Mr. Ross turned to look at the doorway frantically when the doorbell jingled announcing my arrival and saw me standing there.

"There you are! This man has kindly waited for your arrival!"When Mr. Ross screamed that the client looked at me with frustration.

"What has taken you so long?! Do you know what will happen if you run away?!"the client tried to threaten.

"I'm sorry sir, I've been having a bad day."

"Bah! It doesn't matter! You better have my book for me!"

I quickly walked over to a table and put down my bag and looked through it for the man's book...Where is it? I could've sworn that I put it in here! I couldn't have lost it because I never put my bag down......I must've left it in the street when I dropped my stuff! Agh!!

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