The park

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*aidens pov*
I wake up. I still feel the same numbness I always do in the morning. I get up and put on a hoodie. Walking into the bathroom I can hear my parents yell that they are leaving for work. I don't even respond. I fix my hair a bit before walking downstairs to see Ben sitting on the couch. Everyone in the group is very numb and depressed. But I still force a smile on my face for Ben. I sit down next to him.

Aiden-"hey cuz! What's up!"

Ben (signing)-"nothing much. Just walking tv."

Aiden-"alr well ima go hang out with the group you wanna go"

I hate saying group. Knowing deep down one is missing. I can see Ben tearing up before nodding. A bit later we walk out the door. I try to keep conversation but it's hard. The fall air is depressing. I text Ashlyn.


Aiden: hey ash me and Ben are at the park you and the twins coming?

Ashlyn: yea we are almost there.


I look up about 30 seconds later to see them walking up to the table me and Ben are at. They sit down. Ashlyn immediately layed her head on my shoulder.

Taylor-"how's everyone feeling"

Her eyes bags are bigger than they were just a month ago. Before that night. No one really responds to the question. Not even me. It's so awkward. We all know why.

*tylers pov*

I can feel myself begin to tear up again. For some reason I just can't stop crying. Well I know the reason but still.

Ashlyn-"we need to talk about our health..."

I look up at her

Tyler-"what is there to talk about."

My voice and my body is shaky.

Ashlyn-"we can't all be like this forever. Taylor and Aiden haven't talked in a happy voice is weeks. Tyler. You and me haven't stopped crying and Ben has even stopped signing so often. It's obvious why we are this way but we can't go on like this."

Tyler-"it's been a fucking month Ashlyn! You don't even have an idea how much I'm struggling. Let alone everyone else to?!"

Ashlyn-"I get that but Logan wouldn't want us to be like this! He's gone and we need to accept it"

Tears start rolling down everyone faces. All of us go silent.

Tyler-" *sigh* we should have seen this coming. And helped him.. he was like that for months. And now I know adleast one of us is turning out a lot like him.."

Ashlyn-" there was nothing we could do. He didn't want our help. He wanted to be gone. He didn't want anything else. Adleast he isn't in any more fucking pain"

The tears stain my face. I look over to see even Aiden is in tears by this point. I can tell Ashlyn is right.

Tyler-"ok but why are you saying that we can't be like this when you are worse than all of us."

Ashlyn-"that's bullshit. We all are at our worst. But I'm not gonna lose other one of you guys because of it.. we need to work to get better"

She actually seems upset. A mix of anger and sadness fill her eyes. Im to drained to even fight back anymore.

Tyler-"ok... you're right. We need help. All of us."

Ashlyn-"we will get the help we need"

Ummm ok so I didn't expect it to be so fun to write but it is.
Word count-594

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24 ⏰

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