Chapter One, Mikey's hurt...

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Chapter One: Am I Disappointing to You...?

The sewers echoed with the soft splashes of footsteps as the Turtles moved cautiously through the tunnels, the mission weighing heavily on their minds. They were searching for Mutagen—a task that required precision and focus, especially for Donnie, whose Mutagen Detector flickered with sporadic blips. Times Square's sewer system was a maze, but the brothers were well-versed in its twists and turns.

Donnie glanced at the device in his hands, frustration knitting his brow. "This way," he instructed, barely glancing back as he led the team deeper into the damp darkness.

Mikey, the youngest and most carefree of the group, lagged behind slightly, his attention drifting from the mission. He spotted something on the ground that glistened under the faint light—a sticky, red substance. His first thought was jam, and for a split second, the thought of tasting it danced in his mind. But before he could act on it, Donnie's voice snapped him back to reality.

"Mikey, quit daydreaming. Did you see any mutagen?"

"N-no," Mikey stammered, shaking his head. He fell back in line, his earlier curiosity now replaced by a growing unease.

As they reached a corner, Leo and Raph whispered in low voices, discussing the next move. Mikey watched them from a distance, his chest tightening. His brothers were focused, serious, and every bit the warriors they were trained to be. And then there was him—swinging his legs idly, trying to fend off the creeping boredom. He hated feeling like the odd one out, the brother who couldn't seem to stay focused when it mattered.

Donnie leaned against the wall, mumbling about mutagen levels and tracking signals. Mikey's eyes drifted back to the strange substance on the ground. It hadn't moved, but now, up close, he noticed it wasn't jam at all. It had an acrid smell, something that made his stomach turn.

His heart sank as a chilling thought crossed his mind: They left me. The realization was like a punch to the gut. They were so wrapped up in the mission that they didn't even notice he wasn't with them. Am I really that useless?

He took a hesitant step forward, but his foot caught on an old, rusted pipe jutting out from the wall. Pain shot through his ankle as he crumpled to the ground with a sharp cry. The searing pain was nothing compared to the cold grip of fear that followed—No one heard me. They're not coming back.

Mikey tried to stand, but his injured ankle gave way beneath him. He collapsed back onto the ground, a fresh wave of pain radiating through his leg. "O-ow!" he whimpered, gripping his leg tightly. He was alone, injured, and the shadows seemed to close in around him.

As he lay there, helpless and scared, a low growl echoed through the tunnel. Mikey's heart raced as he looked up to see a mutant monster emerging from the darkness, its eyes gleaming with malicious intent. It was massive, its hulking form blocking out what little light there was. Its growls turned into a snarl as it lumbered toward him.

This is it, Mikey thought, his vision blurring with tears. They'll come back and find me too late. Because I'm not strong enough. I'm not good enough...

In the distance, he heard voices—familiar voices that cut through the haze of fear. "Mikey! Where are you?" It was April and Casey.

Summoning the last of his strength, Mikey shouted, "April! Casey! Help me, please!"

The two humans appeared around the corner just as the monster lunged. April was at his side in seconds, her arms around him as she helped him to his feet. Casey hurled a rock at the creature, buying them precious seconds to escape. They half-carried, half-dragged Mikey away, his breaths coming in ragged gasps.

"Mikey, dude, what happened?" Casey asked, his eyes wide with concern as they made it to safety.

"I-I don't know," Mikey murmured, his voice trembling. "I tripped over a pipe, and that monster—it just came out of nowhere..."

They reached the lair, and April carefully laid Mikey on the couch, her expression softening as she examined his swollen ankle. "You need to rest, Mikey. No more missions for you until this heals."

Mikey looked away, his heart heavy with shame. No more missions... The words felt like a death sentence. They don't need me. I'm just a burden.

As April patted his back, offering what comfort she could, Mikey's mind was elsewhere. He knew Raph would laugh—maybe even yell at him for getting injured. But worse than that was the nagging thought that maybe his brothers were right to leave him behind.

Am I disappointing to you...? The question echoed in his mind, and for the first time, Mikey didn't have the strength to push it away.

Do I disappointed you....? 2012 Mikey's angstWhere stories live. Discover now