Ch. 34

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As you can see, this isn't a chapter.

I am currently in the process of pulling all of my work off of Wattpad, it absolutely breaks my heart to do so, but over the course of the last few weeks my stories kept popping up randomly which was easy enough to navigate but the last week has been absolutely insane.

First off, to the dedicated readers and those who are reading and contributing their thoughts, I am so grateful- I would have stopped writing without all of your positive feedback, even if you hated the characters, you loved my writing.

Second off, this isn't the end- I am currently setting up a facebook group/page and will post the link to my Wattpad profile once it's ready. It should be in the next few days.

It WILL be private, there will be specific requirements that need met, as well as questions answered before you are allowed to join. 

I do not think this is a fool proof method, but I am praying it at least cuts it down a bit and it will be easier to navigate whose stealing and the apps. 

Now to you utter asshats who are stealing not only mine, but other people's work. You should be SO ashamed of yourself, like seriously? I see that they are all China based companies but someone is uploading them. Whether you work for the app or your just independently doing it, you fricken suck and have RUINED multiple peoples stories and something they do on their own time for zero profit. You are what is wrong with the world and I hope one day you choke on someone elses words since you can't come up with your own. Fuckers, and I don't care if this offends you.


Anystories, Novelnow, Bubble Novel, Pocket eBooks, and MANY MORE

Do not DO NOT support this PPD apps, for the love of god, you not only take away from someones hard work you also support these thieves. You also ruin the chance that someone can ever publish their own works and shame shame shame.

Thank you for following me, this isn't the end.

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