Chapter 8.

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Three years later also in the Present of the Hidden Leaf Village by the Hokage's Estate Mansion, when Sasuke, and Itachi ia happy that Starla, and her Fairies Pets Guardians is coming back from traveling all over the other Villages to trains harder than before even though that they do see her stronger than the others Genins and Jonins but her Grandfather does wants her to try it out on her own with his and her Grandmother's Swords that he did give them to her to use them while out there and also Sasuke is happy that he is dating Ino instead of Sakura because he doesn't wants to be around Sakura when he does go out with his families to get something for themselves and his girlfriend and Itachi is marry to a girl name Yuna Uchiha Zach Senior's youngest daughter aka Zach Junior's sister aka Starla's Aunt so that he can protect her and Starla from the Akatsukis members who is after them all the time no matter what happen at the same time too, then they did saw Ino, and Yuna is coming toward them with Starla and her Fairies Pets Guardians is behind them to let them that she is here to help them out with anything that they do need for Itachi, Yuna, Ino, and Sasuke to give her a big hug for returning back from her traveling/training to become stronger than before to let go of her to go inside of the Hokage's Estate Mansion to see Lord Third, Lord Minato, Asuma, and Larry Starla's older Brother is there waiting for them to be there for Minato to ask Starla, Sasuke, Itachi, and Ino would they like to go to the Hidden Sand Village to protect Gaara from two of the Akatsukis Members names Deidara, and Sasori because they are going to capture him alone with the other Jinchurikis to extracted the Beast Spirits out of the Hosts Seals to have them dead to put and seal them in a Golem Statue to take control of them to destroy the Villages which they do agree to go to the Sand Village to protect Gaara from the Akatsukis but they do wants to make sure that they won't get Starla alone with her Beast Spirit because her Beast Spirit is the Strongest one than the Nine-Tails Beast Spirit which he is seal in Minato now which she and Larry didn't know that he is the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki to think a good plans so that they can stop the Akatsukis from capturing the Jinchurikis from One through Ten and also Larry did told Starla that she do need to go back to the Future of Dyamond to see their Parents and every-bodies so that they can protect her from the Akatsukis who is after her and Kuramo until the war is done and over which they do understand what is going on to protect her from them and the war at the same time too all afternoon, and night.
End of Chapter 8.

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