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Eula has been staying at the beach cabin for a while. She has five days off from everything and decided to spend it with family. They did the usual beach activities: swimming, scuba diving, snorkeling, you name it. But the best part, she thinks, is when everyone's asleep. It's quiet, dark, and peaceful—the perfect vibe to reflect and just exist in a world full of uncertainties. Standing on the porch in her pink silk pajamas, drinking her coffee, and enjoying the view, she breathes in the salty air. Breaking up with her long-time boyfriend, who's much younger than her, was one of the darkest moments in her life. But the relief she felt was more than what she expected. She is relieved it's finally over. And now, there is only one person she's been waiting for to finally take the jump with her.

She thinks of him.

Most often, she wonders what they actually are. They're too sweet to each other to be called just friends, but they're not lovers either. But whatever it is, she'll always love him deeply in any way possible, be it as a friend or a lover. As she closed her eyes and took a sip of coffee, a familiar figure is walking towards her, making her heart race.

"Hey there," the figure said.

And just like that, the one she's been thinking of is in front of her. She even blinked twice, making sure she's not hallucinating. Eula can't explain what she's feeling right now: the yearning combined with happiness and ease. It's been months since they saw each other. They're good old friends. They've been seeing each other for years, but it's either every day or months apart due to the nature of their work. A few years back, neither of them was literally nor emotionally available. The other has a partner while the other one is scared to take a chance again. Nevertheless, love and compatibility are there, and she just missed him so much.

"OH MY GOODNESS, Daddy A, anong ginagawa mo dito?" She replied, without gushing too much, greeting him with a tight hug. He immediately dropped his bag to fully hug her.

After a few seconds, he finally replied, "I have a few days off from taping. And we didn't celebrate my birthday, so yeah, I took the opportunity." Eula looked at him as if she doesn't believe what he's saying.

He laughs at her death glare, "Oh come on, as if I need an excuse to spend time with you. By the way, how are you doing?"

She chuckled, "Oh you know, same old same old. Nga pala, you have that screening thingy tomorrow, right? Diba ang galing alam ko, kita ko kasi sa Instagram eh."

"Yeah, nah, kaya na nila 'yan. I'm not gonna attend, if that's what you're asking."

What she doesn't know is that her son actually contacted Albert to visit his mom. Lately, her son noticed how gloomy she is. And he knows she's been missing Albert. She's been waiting for him to be ready. And now, she feels like that timing is right, hoping he feels the same way.

So when Albert was contacted by her son, he immediately went to her as soon as the opportunity came. And now here he is.

"Oh siya sige na nga, pasok ka, just put your bag there. You want coffee? Samahan mo ako." She said with full enthusiasm as they enter the cabin.

"Sure, sure." He replied, he follows her and sneaks a back hug and kiss on the forehead while she's preparing his coffee in the kitchen.

"Hmmm, ikaw ah, masyado mo ata akong namiss ah. You know friends don't usually do this?"

"I know." He nonchalantly replied. He looks at her eyes, as she tries to dodge his gaze, he knows he just made it more confusing to her.

After she prepared his coffee, they went out the porch again. They sat beside each other and put their coffees on the table. While they're taking turns sipping their coffee and enjoying the view, Albert can't help but stare at the other view—her. Eula put her head on his right shoulder, making him close his eyes, savoring this moment in pure bliss. He doesn't know where to start, but he knows that he loves her. It's been almost ten years since his wife died, and he's been carrying this grief for far too long. He knows his wife wants her to be happy at some point, and that point is now. Tonight, he will take the jump he's been scared of doing.

A few minutes have passed enjoying each other's comfortable silences. Their eyes met. "So, tell me, ano ba talaga 'to? We haven't seen each other for like... what? 5 months—" Before she finishes her sentence, he puts his lips on hers, cups her face with his hand while the other hugs her waist. He simply just couldn't take it anymore, not when she responded to the kiss, making Albert groan in pleasure, with her hands in his hair, neck, all over him. They pause to catch their breath...

"What was that?" she uttered, breathing heavily, while fixing herself.

After a few seconds of deafening silence, he touches her hand, catching his breath, trying to process what they just did. What the hell just happened? He's as shocked as she is, impulse took over him.

"It's me missing you, and hoping you feel likewise."

"Is that the real reason why you came here?"


"Oh, just shut up and kiss me."

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