The Introduction of the hero

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Hey, Guys, Son Gogeta here with a new novel to type so I can step back from one piece and try to write something more based on who I am as a person. But anyways, this is how and what I would be within the World of DC Comics. 

Our story starts off with a new Ra's al Ghoul dicipel determined to be the next Robin (between Dick and Jason) when something happens to him that will change his dream forever and also alter it from being the next Robin to something else

As we come to find out, Roger was a very quick learner and adapted to his teachers' teachings very quickly, and this even furthers this part of him.

Now, it is time for my unique portion of my writing, which disects new characters.

Name: Roger Von Burean
Race: Human
Age: 19 current (when he found the suit 15)
Personality: Nice, kind, merciful, stern, observant, disciplined

Quirks and flaws: He has a general rule not to kill, but every now he finds villains that have done too many evil deeds that he does, this is extremely rare, though. He has a soft spot for those who are weaker and has a general understanding of why villians act the way they do, but he tries to help them with  rehabilitation.

Origin: Roger was sent to train under the league of assassins. when he was out in the forest one night, he had heard a loud crash in the middle of his concentration training, and the rest is unknown until the 1st official chapter drops

Powers: Light/laser control, beam weapon, enhanced Battle IQ and basic human stats, as well as some built-in suit functions like scanners and such

Locations: Not known as of yet as he does travel

Alias : No, Alias, as of yet



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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27 ⏰

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