The Wrong Boarding School

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Sorry for the 'making love' scenes.

I was 15 and ugly. That's what everyone called me, until i got hit by a truck. I know. Dramatic right? Gotta love it though. That truck changed my life. My parents paid attention to me more, and noticed my striving in arts. That truck had made my face pretty. At least thats what the doctor said. Unbelievable, right? Well, believe it. It's true. I'm 16, and Beautiful. It's what everyone says. My parents were enrolling me into an art school. An, all girl school.. It was good for me. A break from this dumpy town, a house full of 6 toddlers. My parents said, they needed to focus more on the kids. My name is Candace and here's my story...

I was on a dirty bus. It was taking me to the Art Program Girls School. My mom said it was a nice school in a nice, expensive town. Well it was dumpy to be honest. This was the boarding school bus, picking up it's kids. You know how, its an all-girl school. Well there's all boys on the bus. My age. One was sitting next to me, they were all pretty chatty but this one was quiet. He was a scruffy blonde boy with blue eyes. "What's your name?" He asked. It startled me. "Candace." I said. He smiled. "You know this is an all-boy school. Its a poetry school." "Well I'm a girl, and i love painting and my mom put me on the right bus, and registered me in this school. So i guess i'm in this school." I said, calmly. But really, in my mind i was freaking out.

"Well my name is Austin. Glad to meet you." He said, shaking my hand. I smiled at him, as i tried to let go of his hand. Then he just dropped it. Weird. The bus came to a stop at a HUGE academy. A lady stepped on. She was in her 60's and a had a strong, passionate voice. "Listen up!! There are 20 dorms in this school, [idk, i can't do math lol] 60 of you, and 500 classrooms. I will call out 3 names for dorm number 1, 2, 3 and so on. When i call your name, you are to step off the bus and walk to your Dorm. Don't forget your bags at the side of the bus. Dorm 1# - Austin Keeler, Candace Pruitt, and Davy Linnell." She paused, as she waited for 3 people to get off. Well, that was me.

I walked along the aisle after Austin - Who i had just met. I felt a hand brush against my but! [lol] "Whatch it!!" I shouted, turning around. Sorry, i had a tough life. I've been through alot. I picked up my bag, as Davy looked at me. I scurried up next to Austin, as we walked inside, and into the lonely old halls. "Your Candace, right?" Davy hollered from behind. I nodded my head, as we got to Dorm 1#. "Heyyy, lookin good. Up top Miss Candy," He said. I gave him a stubborn look. Austin pushed the door open, and we all piled in. The door shut behind us, and i callopsed on to a bed. "Soo, your the only girl here..." They both said at the same time. I widened my eyes and nodded. Suddenly a voice came on the speaker. "LIGHTS OUT!" The voice said. Suddenly the light turned out, and it was pitch dark. Suddenly it started lightning.

"Ahh!" I cried a girly screech. Someone clung to me and pulled me to the bed, and underneath the covers. Whoever it was, - was protecting me. Lol. Whatever. He was nice and warm. I fell asleep in his arms.


I got up an hour later, and reached for the lamp switch. Ahh light. "Dude why didn't you take her clothes off. It was your perfect chance." Davy said. "Don't DUDEEE me, why would i do that. She's sweet, and i can tell she's been through alot. She doesn't need a traumatizing school year known as the boarding school with pervy austin." I answered. "Good thinking. She's a babe, though. Am i right?" He asked. "Tottally." I said.

I struck out a girly cry, and instantly arms wrapped around me. "Austin?" i said. He carried me to the bed, and laid me down to rest. "Goodnight." He said, kissing me on the forehead. I smiled, and passed out. I was so tired. I could here blurred voices as i slept.

austin.. : Shes soo hot..

davy: dude why didn't you take her clothes off

Austin... : (silence)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2011 ⏰

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