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(This is my first fanfic so please go easy on me.Lets learn on the way please give me ways to improve and stuff)

Ash ages

Battle frontier:12

The story takes place after the end of Team Plasma arc and Ash goodbye to N.)

In the Pokemon Centre

(Healing machine sound)

Mrs Joy:Your pokemons are all fit and well


Axew:Axew!!(jumping on the stretcher)

Ash:Wow buddy you are looking awesome

Pikachu:Pikaa!(climbs on Ash's shoulder)

Iris:Axew you are great too

Axew:Axew Ax (climbs inside Iris's hair)

Cilan:Looks like the sweetness of healing has made you fresh like a delicacy

Iris:So Ash what's your plan now?

Axew:Axew Aa

Ash:I don't have much idea....

Cilan:Let's go to Professor Juniper for now

Ash:Yes you are right


(Ash and his freinds go to meet Professor Juniper)

In the Prof.Junipers lab

Ash:Hi Prof.Juniper I need you to ask something!!


Iris:Ash!Act little less hasty if you can


Prof Juniper: giggles So Ash having fun in Unova

Ash:(Raises clenched fist in air)Yes!!It's Awesome


Iris:You are such a kid (sighs).Let's take a seat first don't keep standing there

Ash:You are right (sweatdrops)

Ash,Iris and Cilan take their seats and Pikachu and Axew playing on the floor

Cilan:So Prof. Juniper.Do you have any idea where Ash should go from here

Prof Juniper:I am not sure

Ash:I want to get stronger and stronger!!

Iris:That came out of nowhere


Ash:I have been thinking about it after losing the Unova league to Cameron a 5 v 6.We want to become stronger and stronger!!(Fire in his eyes)

Pikachu:Pika! (Fire in his eyes to imitating his trainer)

Iris:You are acting like a kid (sighs)

Cilan:What a spicy ambition after the bitter defeat

Prof Juniper:Giggles Good luck for you.There is a suprise for you Ash


A car arrives outside of the laboratory.A Fit,short-silver hair guy in his late 50s/early 60s with his presence showing wisdom and strenght

Pikachu and Axew stops playing after seeing the mysterious man

???:Prof Juniper you called me to meet a trainer right?Who is it?

Pokemon rewrite:After Best WishesWhere stories live. Discover now