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Sorry I am very busy coz of exams and on 27 Aug is my frst exam 😫 it's okay it's 10:46 of nyt 25 aug I am writing day after tomorrow is my exam and it's Maths 🤯😂 btw I am good in maths so ofc idc yrr ❤️😂

Anyways head to story !

Jin : Ohh nice you're a nice couple

Tae : Thankyou jin hyung we all will meet at Academy oke !

Jin ; Yea yea jungkook is also coming today

JK : I am tired hunny

Jin : You are always tired see tae is also coming we all will play with eachother

JK : Oh yayy then I will come yayyy I am excited by Taehyung

Tae : By jungkookie

Both Hugged tightly as it's their true frendship sign na ( heheh )

Then they all went to home respectively !

Tae didn't slept at bed from the day he married to jimin !

But now he is having a habit of sleeping on couch 🛋️ or sofa 🛋️ !

Tae was laying on the couch : Ahhh..... today I am really tired but I hugged hubby and he even pull me awwwwww I am shy shy

Tae was talking to his teddy bear 🧸

Then door opened revealing jimin

( ahh I remember I again have to study after writing story 😭 I want to sleep ah.....aishhhh......heeee.....😭😭 )

Jimin came as always very fast messing while room

He pushed a glass covered frame of his ( jimin ) and Taehyung's wedding 💍💒 pic and that frame broke but also the glass pieces pinched on tae's hands and blood came

Tae : Ah......ahh.....ahhh.....it's hurting Ahhhhhhhhhhhh Ahhhhhhh Ahhhhhhhhhhhh Ahhhhhhh Ahhhhhhhhhhhh Ahhhhhhh Ahhhhhhhhhhhh Ahhhhhhh Ahhhhhhhhhhhh........

Jimin : Omygod it'll be okay after sometime don't cry and hiss in front of me

Tae stood up and while sobbing QuietLY he went outside and he went to garden

There he cried and he went to home again and now it was the tym of evening 🌆✨

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There he cried and he went to home again and now it was the tym of evening 🌆✨

Taetae was doing his homework and preperation for upcoming exams and class test

Then jimin was getting ready for Academy

Tae noticed

Tae : Hubby I am also coming ( Silently yet cutely )

Jimin hummed : if you wanna come then shut up and get ready

Tae : Ah....oke....hubby

Jimin grabbed tae's Arm harshly : didn't I told you 1000 of tyms to not call me hubby and whatever

Tae hissed in pain coz his hand was paining Coz of those broken pieces of glasses injuries : Ah.....hult....ayiii....

Jimin rolled eyes : Again his regular Drama !

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