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This isn't beta'd.

Any mistakes are mine


Surprise visits aren't something they do often.

But it's been three months since Pete saw his son face to face and he misses him. Sure, they talk on the phone every day and face time once or twice a week, but nothing is better than getting to hug his son and kiss his entire face until he's whining and pushing Pete away so he can finally have the chance to hug Vegas.

Although, over the past few weeks, Venice seems to always be in a rush to end their calls, he talks on the phone in an almost hushed tone like he's hiding from something-or someone.

Anytime they video call, Venice always seems to be standing in the same place; in front of the bookshelf that's in his office, instead of moving around with the phone in his hand and talking and laughing loudly while they get lost in conversation that they don't even notice the time passing. Pete brings it up a few times, but Venice just tells him not to worry about it.

Vegas tells him that Venice is probably back to being so consumed in his work that he doesn't have time for anything else. It wouldn't be the first time their son has drowned himself in work, so much so that he forgets he needs to take a break sometimes.

It's a good day. They've just finished sealing a deal with one of the bigger families from North America, and Vegas seems to be in a good mood seeing as he didn't have the urge to shoot anyone this morning. It's a little over one-thirty when they pull up at Venice's house, as he normally finishes at his firm around quarter past three. But that's okay, Vegas and Pete can use the time to cook up a fresh meal for them to enjoy when Venice returns home.

"Do you think he'll be surprised?" Vegas asks as he punches in the passcode to open the gate.

"Definitely," Pete replies, right as they walk into the yard. "It's been so long since we've met face to face and we haven't made plans to meet up, so he definitely expecting us to be here," he finishes as the gate closes behind them.

As they get closer to the glass doors, Vegas holds out his hand in front of Pete and stops walking, his eyebrows furred and he tilts his head, sending Vegas a confused look.

"Do you smell that?"

Pete stills and sniffs the air a few times.

A faint, slightly sweet scent mixed with something else he can't decipher.

A scent that does not belong to his son.

"Is someone else here?"

But who? Venice doesn't like anyone who isn't family in his house.

And Pete knows the scent of all the family members like the back of his hand, and none of them smell like the scent coming from the house.

The only select few times the entire family has been in the house were for the housewarming party, and two Christmas parties. But apart from those, every other event has always been held at the Main family's compound or the Minor family's compound. And occasionally, Vegas and Pete sleep in the guest room when they come to visit and are too tired to drive back.

Other than that, Venice stays alone.

"Has someone broken in," Vegas asks, pulling out his gun from the back of his jeans.

"It's unlikely. You know how good Arm's security alerts are, if someone did break in, we would have all been alerted. And Kim's traps aren't so easy to get past."

But still.

They can never be too sure.

With so many enemies, some of them may decide to attack without any warning or reason.

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