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Jisung woke up with a frown, his peaceful sleep interrupted by the incessant ringing of his phone. He grabbed it without looking at the screen and answered with a grumpy "What?"

"Good morning, Ji," he heard Felix's cheerful voice from the other end.

Jisung grumbled and rolled over in bed, turning to look at the body sleeping next to him. "Why are you calling me in the middle of my sleep?"

Hyunjin poped in with an excited tone, "We are coming for breakfast! We got your favorite french toast, so stop frowning and get up. We will be there in ten."

"Wait guys, I'm not-" Jisung tried to explain, but Felix had already hung up the phone. Jisung let out a sigh, feeling his heart start to race. He turned to Minho, who was still sleeping peacefully, and shook him awake.

"Hey, Minho, wake up," he said urgently.

"Huh?" Minho opened his eyes, looking disoriented. "What's going on?"

Jisung's heart rate suddenly spiked as he realized what this meant. He sat up in bed, anxiety now replacing the irritation he had felt moments ago.

"You have to go," Jisung said urgently, his voice full of anxiety. "Felix and Hyunjin are coming over in ten minutes."

Minho groggily groaned and rubbed his eyes, muttering under his breath, "Why are they coming over so early..."

Hearing the urgency in Jisung's voice, Minho quickly jumped out of bed and started searching for his discarded clothes. "Jesus, why are they coming over so early?" he repeated, feeling irritable at being pulled out of his sleep.

He pulled on his pants and shirt, still mumbling to himself. "I could have slept a little longer, but nooo, they have to come over right now..." He turned to Jisung with a scowl. "Remind me again why we're hiding our relationship from them?"

Jisung shook his head, still denying the reality of their situation. "We're not in a relationship, so there's nothing to explain," he said, repeating their usual cover.

Minho's expression darkened as he heard Jisung's familiar response. "You really don't want to admit it, huh?"

Jisung waved off Minho's comment, not wanting to engage in a debate. "Just go, okay? Let's talk about this later."

But before Minho could respond, Jisung impulsively cupped his face and pulled him in for a quick kiss. "For good luck," he mumbled, before pushing him toward the door.

"I know, I know," Jisung said, his voice a mix of apology and frustration. "Just go."

Minho shot him a final, annoyed look before finally leaving the apartment. Jisung watched as the door closed behind him, a feeling of guilt and anxiety settling in his stomach. He knew they had a lot to talk about, but for now, he had to focus on getting through the impending breakfast with Felix and Hyunjin.

However, his mind still lingered on the kiss he had given Minho. It was a small gesture, but it had spoken volumes about his true feelings. Despite his denial, he couldn't help but feel drawn to Minho, but he wasn't ready to confront the consequences of that attraction.

Jisung took a deep breath and tried to push his thoughts of Minho aside as he heard a knock on the door. It was time to put on a smile and pretend like everything was normal.

"Coming!" he called out, quickly heading towards the door and opening it to reveal Felix and Hyunjin standing outside, their smiles wide and excited.

"There you are, sleepyhead!" Felix teased, ruffling Jisung's hair.

Hyunjin gave Jisung a playful punch on the shoulder. "You look like you just rolled out of bed."

Jisung laughed awkwardly, trying to ignore the lingering feeling of guilt. "Yeah, I was taking my sweet time waking up," he said casually. "You guys are here awfully early, though."

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